Political conversations with teens in Leftist homes vs. Political conversations with teens in Conservative homes. What do they sound like?

I raised two fine sons. I instilled basic values in them instead of political ones.

The job of a parent is not to turn your children into a mindless cookie cutter social justice warrior, but a thinking individual who know right from wrong and can make good decisions on their own.
Why? He said it, not me.
So I can better understand what you think bigotry is. You're the one who questioned the accuracy of the claim.
I never said he wasn't a bigot, you ass. I asked IM2 how he came to that conclusion based on what the guy said.
I never said that you said he wasn't a bigot, you projecting ass. :lol:

I was explaining to you how someone would come to that conclusion.
Then what the fuck are you asking me for?
Because you commented. Don't be a bitch about it now. :itsok:
As should be taught. The same way my brothers and I were taught 40 years ago. Right and Wrong aren’t ploy; they’re certified truth, as they always have been and always will be.
Bigotry should not be taught. Bigotry is wrong.
The problem here is that you right wingers assume things that are not so. The OP made assumptions about the left based on his bigoted opinion of the left. Teaching children that other people exist who may not think or live the same way they do but they deserve respect is not teaching what the OP has claimed. And unfortunately for the right, it is reality. It has always been reality. The right seems to think they are the arbiters on how everybody is supposed to live and they aren't.

The only people preoccupied with gays or men wearing dresses are people on the right. If you are liberal and not gay or trans, you don't obssess about their existence. Teaching that we live in a diverse soicety is teaching reality. Teaching that whites are entitled to everything and that any attempt to provide equal opportunity mens that whites are being discriminated agaist is bs. This is what the right teaches their chldren. Dakota kai is a prime example of what the right teaches young people.

Everybody talks about policy related to public safety, border security / immigration, economics, energy, foreign affairs…etc But on the right it appears that the dicussions come wth white grievance and blaming non whites for any problem associated with these areas. And that's the problem.
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What you call bigotry I call quality assurance.,

Labeling someone a Bigot actually makes you a Bigot, by definition.


  1. a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group:

Labeling someone a Bigot actually makes you a Bigot, by definition.


  1. a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group:

Pointing out that you dumb Bingos are unreasonably attached to the idea that homosexuality is unnatural is not itself bigoted. It's in fact, rational. Rational being things you can prove to be objectively true.
Pointing out that you dumb Bingos are unreasonably attached to the idea that homosexuality is unnatural is not itself bigoted. It's in fact, rational. Rational being things you can prove to be objectively true.

Pointing out that you are a Bigot by definition if you label someone a Bigot.....is just a fact, deal with it.

  1. a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group:
Pointing out that you are a Bigot by definition if you label someone a Bigot.....is just a fact, deal with it.

  1. a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group:
That's not a fact. Your own defintion says this has to be an unreasonable belief about people. That you don't understand the natural nature of homosexuality is just an objective rational observation of your own comments.
That's not a fact. Your own defintion says this has to be an unreasonable belief about people. That you don't understand the natural nature of homosexuality is just an objective rational observation of your own comments.

Calling it natural is unreasonable.

Ok. Let's here the rational argument for why you think that.

Cannibalism happens in nature and many animals, including humans, engage in the practice.

You think we should teach children to be cannibals?

After all, it's natural.
When my daughters were approaching voting age we talked about policy related to public safety, border security / immigration, economics, energy, foreign affairs…etc..We never once talked about social construct, abortion / tolerance / inclusion / lgbtq’s….etc etc
I can’t imagine trying to convince my soon to be 18 year old daughter of how cool it is to be able to have an abortion with ease. I can’t imagine discussing the importance of accepting men in dresses as just another normal citizen among us, gay rights, DEi.…etc etc. I can’t imagine teaching my kids to believe that such matters are paramount to a nations success.
Abortion wasn't even an issue when my kids became voting age. Abortion was pretty much socially unacceptable except for necessary procedures that women could get if they had to have them.

Illegal border crossings were also not an issue when my kids became voting age. Carter did his best to discourage illegals from coming here by making it illegal to hire them, but the process was so time consuming and impractical it was pretty much ignored by the second year.

Reagan gave amnesty to roughly three million illegals and everybody pretty much shrugged that off because the border was then supposed to be sealed shut to illegals. And it pretty much was through the Bush 41 and Clinton and Obama administrations though everyone knew illegals were still sneaking into the country. Bush 43 strongly supported amnesty for illegals as did Obama and despite deportations, the climate was increasingly friendly for those coming here illegally.

Trump reversed that amid strong criticism from Democrats who WANTED the illegals to keep coming. Biden has pretty much removed the border entirely with policies that only pretend to be dealing with the problem.
Cannibalism happens in nature and many animals, including humans, engage in the practice.

You think we should teach children to be cannibals?

After all, it's natural.
The arguments against cannibalism have nothing to do with nature. It's true that humans naturally eat meat and are naturally made of meat. The argument against cannibalism is that people typically don't want to be eaten and we should respect people's agency as far their own bodies are concerned. Homosexuality isn't being forced on you or anyone.

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