Political corruption killed seventeen.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Democrats in the Broward County School District from Florida decided that too many kids were getting police records for committing crimes. So they came up with a novel solution-order the police to leave them alone and stop arresting them for crimes at school.

At first this appeared to be working like a charm as arrests went way down. They were essentially cooking the books on an issue of cultural and moral decay to get a result that made it a numbers game. But it backfired. Nikolas Cruz went to a gun store with a clean police record in spite of a long history of what would be criminal threatening and physical assaults anywhere in the country but Florida. Cruz’s spotless, counterfeit background check was a death warrant for his victims.

Seventeen people, mostly students, died a horrific death because a cabal of local politicians and school officials in Florida imposed an ill-advised program of social engineering onto a public that trusted the school district with the safety of their children. Broward County Sherriff, Scot Israel, was shouting from the rooftops that he had reduced crime rates citing the results of the no-arrests scheme that was amassing huge amounts of money in federal grants.

Israel and his political cronies had succeeded in tilting the table to get a result that made it appear the maneuver was working. Israel and Broward county school superintendent, Robert Runcie, silenced opponents by trotting out the altered data of bad policing and it worked right up until Nikolas Cruz exposed the fraud with the corpses of dead kids.

Incredibly Israel was handed control of the surveillance video on the day of the shooting and has publicly stated that he may never release it. The cowardly actions of Scot Peterson, the school resource officer, are documented by students on the scene but the video would likely frame the Broward police inaction as standard policy leading to deaths of the kids.

Now politics and partisan public policy are reverting to the default position of blaming guns for the tragedy as if removing an inert artifact (guns) from the public domain would have saved those kids. It was the public corruption of local politics in Broward County that killed the students.

Punishing the law abiding public for the malfeasance of incompetent officials by taking way their guns will solve nothing. But that’s what some want.
Gee, you two stupid old dinosaurs are ignoring the person that did the killing in the blame game..Since there have been shootings and bombing of schools in the US since the 1920's you couldn't be more wrong at yer shot in the dark psychoanalysis which neither of you could possibly do because you are way too biased and myopic to make a scientific observation on human behavior...

It's Oblama's fault-what a dorkass retort!
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I THINK what you meant to say was. "Political Correctness." This is not corruption, just stupidity on steroids. This little essay says it better than the OP. No offense.

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

Obama era political correctness definitely played a roll but once Israel and Runcie began tampering with the numbers they were playing with the loaded dice of a rigged system and they knew it. That's where the corruption takes place. It's the old end-justifies-the-means strategy. Israel and Runcie were running a scam and it went bad-dead kids.
lol! You won’t blame the nra or Fla lack of gun laws . But you blame that program !?

Explain how things would have been different they didn’t have promis program? Let’s hear it.

But you are right about political corruption. But it’s the nra and gunnfreak lawmakers to blame .
Who’s going to know thag Cruz is a dangerous nut?? The fbi or the locals ?

The obvious answer is the locals . And they all did know . But Florida gun laws have them no ability to stop Cruz from buying an AR .

What do you cons think ? His high school expulsion comes up on. Fed background check?
Who’s going to know thag Cruz is a dangerous nut?? The fbi or the locals ?

The obvious answer is the locals . And they all did know . But Florida gun laws have them no ability to stop Cruz from buying an AR .

What do you cons think ? His high school expulsion comes up on. Fed background check?
Gun laws? They almost never apply to school shooters. This is one of the only times a legal gun was used in a school shooting. You think you can nerf the world and everything will be fine, but thats because youre childish and naive. You need to learn that bad things are going to happen sometimes and that more gun laws aren't going to change that.
Guns will always be manufactured because governments need them to keep order. Guns are a tool with no ideology or personal agenda. If guns are confiscated from the law abiding population the non law abiding population will still want them and will have no trouble finding them because black markets will always exist. The Founders of the US recognized that tipping the balance of power in favor of government over people by disarming the public was a recipe for the same disasters that plagued Europe for centuries. So it is in the Constitution that personal gun ownership is a right.

The new thinking is that the founders were not smart enough to understand the progression of history and the evolution of modern societies. But this is wrong. They knew that any government could expand itself by taking away the liberties of the people because they had seen it in action. Clever representatives of government always want to grow the power of the government because a free population can always dismantle that power if they see fit to do so.

The first move to dispossess the people of their basic rights will always be to disarm them.
I THINK what you meant to say was. "Political Correctness." This is not corruption, just stupidity on steroids. This little essay says it better than the OP. No offense.

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

Obama era political correctness definitely played a roll but once Israel and Runcie began tampering with the numbers they were playing with the loaded dice of a rigged system and they knew it. That's where the corruption takes place. It's the old end-justifies-the-means strategy. Israel and Runcie were running a scam and it went bad-dead kids.
Wow no wonder one side hates the other side.you all run around blaming every one but the fuck that did it! What the fuck is the matter with all of you. The dude that pulled the trigger is responsible. I am not responsible for the actions of every one in my party and neither are you. In reality the only people we can control is our selves, and a good percentage of us can not even do that.
Democrats in the Broward County School District from Florida decided that too many kids were getting police records for committing crimes. So they came up with a novel solution-order the police to leave them alone and stop arresting them for crimes at school.

At first this appeared to be working like a charm as arrests went way down. They were essentially cooking the books on an issue of cultural and moral decay to get a result that made it a numbers game. But it backfired. Nikolas Cruz went to a gun store with a clean police record in spite of a long history of what would be criminal threatening and physical assaults anywhere in the country but Florida. Cruz’s spotless, counterfeit background check was a death warrant for his victims.

Seventeen people, mostly students, died a horrific death because a cabal of local politicians and school officials in Florida imposed an ill-advised program of social engineering onto a public that trusted the school district with the safety of their children. Broward County Sherriff, Scot Israel, was shouting from the rooftops that he had reduced crime rates citing the results of the no-arrests scheme that was amassing huge amounts of money in federal grants.

Israel and his political cronies had succeeded in tilting the table to get a result that made it appear the maneuver was working. Israel and Broward county school superintendent, Robert Runcie, silenced opponents by trotting out the altered data of bad policing and it worked right up until Nikolas Cruz exposed the fraud with the corpses of dead kids.

Incredibly Israel was handed control of the surveillance video on the day of the shooting and has publicly stated that he may never release it. The cowardly actions of Scot Peterson, the school resource officer, are documented by students on the scene but the video would likely frame the Broward police inaction as standard policy leading to deaths of the kids.

Now politics and partisan public policy are reverting to the default position of blaming guns for the tragedy as if removing an inert artifact (guns) from the public domain would have saved those kids. It was the public corruption of local politics in Broward County that killed the students.

Punishing the law abiding public for the malfeasance of incompetent officials by taking way their guns will solve nothing. But that’s what some want.

I think the solution is to take away your guns, so that the criminals can rob you.

Then they won't be committing murders...
Yes he was. ALL students in MSDHS are part of the PROMISE program, and Cruz benefitted from it, by not being arrested for violent crimes that he had committed. The school benefitted by receiving federal funds for it, and not having to worry about Obama's threats regarding non-compliance.

As for Runcie, he's lying, to try to save his own guilty ass. Once this gets exposed, he'll be tarred and feathered, as should everyone who was in cahoots with this abomination.


How Obama and Holder Changed Broward County Law Enforcement for Racial Reasons

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students
Another Democrat-controlled county in ruins. The land of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. How could anyone be surprised Broward County is an awful mess?

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