Political points to be scored? Biden in Buffalo because today ‘Black Lives Matter’?

Meanwhile the price of gas has gone nuclear, moms can't find baby formula, inflation is ravaging the poor and working class, and millions of illegals are flooding across the southern border. But fly to Buffalo instead of Chicago and try to deflect you idiot Dems.

People being murdered and you don’t care.

You don’t care about the babies who died from the contaminated formula either. Just ship the stuff and let parents take their chances.
Hate to break the news to you but killing is killing be it gang or race related. Dead is dead. Punish the crime.
the solutions to reduce the crimes are different. Racism is more devastating to more people before it leads to killings than gang problems. They all need to be dealt with.
Trump emboldened white nationalism. Many weak, loser whites bought into it. The only thing they have going for them is white privilege. It is going away and it scares them.
...a white shooter so they can use their propaganda machine to try to paint all Trump supporters as "white supremacists"...
Just because you don't see security wherever you buy your Depends doesn't mean they're not there, Clown.
Are you saying security guards are needed at grocery stores in predominantly caucasian communities?
Unkotare is he being truthful?
When you kill people because the color of their skin is different than gang bangers killing each other.
Both need to be addressed but killing people, solely, because of their color of their skin is a much more concerning problem.

What does it matter what the "reason" is?

Bullets are bullets, you're gonna end up dead no matter what the reason is.
The First Lady went in his place.

There's another shit sandwich for you Trump mouth breathers.
Figures. Send the second tier for the darkies.

Biden is a racist. Always has been. He's on record. Multiple times. Even recently.
People being murdered and you don’t care.

You don’t care about the babies who died from the contaminated formula either. Just ship the stuff and let parents take their chances.
Another IDIOTIC brain dead post from the leftards. ^^^

Not surprised
Trump emboldened white nationalism.

Okay, let's say for a moment that I believe that.

Many weak, loser whites bought into it.

This part, I doubt very much.

Do you have any evidence for this claim?

That anyone is a white nationalist "because of" Donald Trump?

The only thing they have going for them is white privilege. It is going away and it scares them.
There hasn't been any white privilege in this country since before I was born

If you say it exists today, you are a liar
Yeah, I have a problem with using tragedy for political gain. Democrats are masters at it.
Absolutely right.

Asshole Biden is every bit as big a publicity whore as al Sharpton, Jackson, or any of those other fucking clowns.

Any time there's an excuse to set up a camera and gather a bunch of reporters and whiners together, you're sure to find these whores, as well. All teary-eyed and lying through their teeth about how much they care about these poor, poor, people. It's always the same old shit.
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Are you an excuse maker for white supremacists? No other nation comes close to having as many mass shootings as the US. Why is that?
My own theory?


Every single one of those fuckers was on antidepressants

Check it out
Absolutely right.

Asshole Biden is every bit as big a publicity whore as al Sharpton, Jackson, or any of those other fucking clowns.

Any time there's an excuse to set up a camera and gather a bunch of reporters and whiners together, you're sure to find these whores, as well. All teary-eyed and lying through their teeth about how much they care about these poor, poor, people. It's always the same old shit.
You forgot Obama and his using Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown.
The table is set perfectly for the narrative…a white perpetrator an assault rifle and black victims….So today Black Lives Matter.
Will someone ask Almost Dead Joe if he knows how many blacks were killed by blacks in and around Buffalo in the last 30 days?
So what would you do about gun violence in American cities.

Because you ham string the government from taking any action with the supreme court.

You are just virtue signaling once again .
So what would you do about gun violence in American cities.

Because you ham string the government from taking any action with the supreme court.

You are just virtue signaling once again .
The court judges have bypassed legislation and voters with Prog extremists over the years. Perhaps you forgot that. They made laws themselves. It is clear that Repubs need to in their areas put in totally extreme judges. And they still have not done that.
When you kill people because the color of their skin is different than gang bangers killing each other.
Both need to be addressed but killing people, solely, because of their color of their skin is a much more concerning problem.
Based on this logic, weeks on end can go by and Blacks getting killed daily does not measure up to the level of concern when a lone gunman shoots people based on race.

Did everyone get that?
Kudos to our great President for visiting that grieving city.

He is truly a compassionate gentleman.

No doubt he will also soon visit Chinatown in New York City where so many residents have been brutalized on the street and on the subway by dear sweet misunderstood and unloved young gentlemen.
the solutions to reduce the crimes are different. Racism is more devastating to more people before it leads to killings than gang problems. They all need to be dealt with.
Trump emboldened white nationalism. Many weak, loser whites bought into it. The only thing they have going for them is white privilege. It is going away and it scares them.
This happened on your racist Vegetable Messiah’s watch.
Trump emboldened white nationalism. Many weak, loser whites bought into it. The only thing they have going for them is white privilege. It is going away and it scares them.

Wow, what a load of crap.

The MSM emboldened white nationalism by frequently quoting Trump out of context. They needed to frame a false narrative because God knows his policies were far too successful to overcome with substance. Ignorant folks fell for it and continue to fall for it even in the midst of the clear incompetence of this administration.

I supported Trump because he was anti-establishment and, most importantly, NOT a Democrat. I am white, but am not racist. I don't have privilege because I am white. I am successful because I have a skill set that I worked to obtain and companies are willing to pay me for that skill set. Imagine that.

What "scares" hard working people is that Democratic takers want to vote themselves a paycheck and to promote people based on race and gender. That is a recipe to destroy the country.

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