Political points to be scored? Biden in Buffalo because today ‘Black Lives Matter’?

The shooter described himself as an “authoritarian Leftist” like yourself. Trump wouldn’t dare be in the presence of such fucked in the head filth.
All I find is his "manifesto" posted Thursday opposing the "great replacement" theory of democrats replacing whites with blacks and browns...

Link to your "authoritarian Leftist" claim please...
Of course, we know trump wouldn't have gone to Buffalo unless it was to visit the shooter and bring him a Burger King Whopper.

off topic again, bodie?

Do you really need to add Trump to every thread?

Do you need to DEFLECT to Trump in every thread?
All I find is his "manifesto" posted Thursday opposing the "great replacement" theory of democrats replacing whites with blacks and browns...

Link to your "authoritarian Leftist" claim please...
“Did you always hold these views?

When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.”

Sadly the grocery stores security guard was shot and killed… But I can’t help but wonder why does a grocery store need a security guard? Are there security guards at grocery stores in predominantly Caucasian communities?
Unkotare what’s your thoughts?
Lib please, more blacks are killed weekly in Chicago yet Biden has never rushed to Chicago for a photo op now has he. Dems are 100% phony and the lowest form of scum on earth. :eusa_hand:
Thanks for trying to equate gang violence with some maniac walking into a store & mowing people down with an AR, right winger.
No, not ignore it, but try to understand why it happened.
1. It wasn't because of lax gun control, and the AR ban would not have prevented it.
2. Just like Dylan Roof killing blacks in church...
3. Or the guy killing Jews in their Pittsburgh Synagogue...
4. Or the guy in Norway killing 77 people...

5. If we had "red flag" Laws where the government could track all of your posts, and interview your contacts, and have A.I. update police you are violent and then they can take your guns away, especially in big cities where gangs would be prime targets of government tracking and interdiction, would you support that?

5. Similarly, the government could track violent "white supremacists" and disarm them, okay?

I'd bet that the gang bangers would lose a lot more guns than the white-supremacists.
Are you an excuse maker for white supremacists? No other nation comes close to having as many mass shootings as the US. Why is that?
Thanks for trying to equate gang violence with some maniac walking into a store & mowing people down with an AR, right winger.
Yeah those killed weekly in Chicago is much worse but Biden and Dems never rush to Chicago for a photo op. I think we all know why, Dem = PHONY.
Meanwhile the price of gas has gone nuclear, moms can't find baby formula, inflation is ravaging the poor and working class, and millions of illegals are flooding across the southern border. But fly to Buffalo instead of Chicago and try to deflect you idiot Dems.

People being murdered and you don’t care.

You don’t care about the babies who died from the contaminated formula either. Just ship the stuff and let parents take their chances.

Anything to slag Biden and ignore reality.
People being murdered and you don’t care.

You don’t care about the babies who died from the contaminated formula either. Just ship the stuff and let parents take their chances.

Anything to slag Biden and ignore reality.
Blacks are murdered by the dozen in Chicago weekly, why hasn't Biden gone to Chicago? Just admit it, Dems are phony and full of shit. They only rush to the camera's when a shooter is white, pathetic.
Are you an excuse maker for white supremacists? No other nation comes close to having as many mass shootings as the US. Why is that?
I'm not an excuse maker for white-supremacists. These is no excuse for mass murderers.
That said, why are there so many mass murderers?
Do other countries have the race relations we have?
Do they have as much crime as we have?
Look which race has the most crimes per capita. Why is that?

Leftists are hypocrites. There are hundreds killed monthly in big cities, and its not news, why is that?
Blacks are murdered by the dozen in Chicago weekly, why hasn't Biden gone to Chicago? Just admit it, Dems are phony and full of shit. They only rush to the camera's when a shooter is white, pathetic.
...a white shooter so they can use their propaganda machine to try to paint all Trump supporters as "white supremacists"...
Sadly the grocery stores security guard was shot and killed… But I can’t help but wonder why does a grocery store need a security guard? Are there security guards at grocery stores in predominantly Caucasian communities?
Unkotare what’s your thoughts?
Just because you don't see security wherever you buy your Depends doesn't mean they're not there, Clown.
When you kill people because the color of their skin is different than gang bangers killing each other.
Both need to be addressed but killing people, solely, because of their color of their skin is a much more concerning problem.
Hate to break the news to you but killing is killing be it gang or race related. Dead is dead. Punish the crime.

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