Political Suicide...Ted Cruz Denied Entry Into Sheldon Adelson’s Suite Following RNC Speech

When a BILLIONAIRE backer refuses to let you into an after hours party, you are OFFICIALLY FUCKED as any sort of National candidate,,,,

Independent Journal Review ^ | July 20, 2016 | JOE PERTICONE
Cruz was stopped at the door because several attendees inside the suite were furious with his decision to not endorse Trump. An aide to Adelson then confirmed that Cruz was turned away.
Awwww, (crocodile tears forming...)
Notice too that Cruz and others who condemned Cory right from the get go for throwing a woman to the floor at a campaign event and demanded Trump fire Cory not one of these bloody bastard candidates ever apoliogized to Trump for jumping the gun and giving a guilty verdict on Cory when it was all a freaking lie?

That was one of the longest sentences I've ever read.
Of course you do. You would leap at ANY justification because you are just like Cruz...You have zero honor and integrity.
Not to mention that Trump himself reneged on the pledge back in September.
SARAH MCCAMMON, BYLINE: Even though he signed a loyalty pledge, Donald Trump has said for months that he might walk away from it if he feels the party is treating him unfairly. Last night he did just that. During a town hall in Milwaukee, CNN's Anderson Cooper asked Trump if he stood by his pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee. Here is Trump's answer, courtesy of CNN.


DONALD TRUMP: No, I don't anyway. Look...


TRUMP: No, we'll see who it is.

Trump Goes Back On Pledge To Support Eventual GOP Nominee
You conveniently left out the fact that Trump made those comments AFTER Cruz and Kasich both said they would NOT support him. At the time of that interview, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Ted Cruz had all refused to say if they would honor their pledge. I'll post those comments later if you'd like me to. Right now I have to go do some work. Millions of Democrats depend on it.
trump had been saying that for months. Enjoy supporting the most thin skinned man of all time.
Post the link, liar.

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