Political Tolerance in America


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Hey, I know you liberals claim to be champions of tolerance and all, but lets see you prove it.

1. If a black man/woman votes for a Republican, what are they to you?

2. If a woman in general is a Republican, what is she to you? What does she exemplify?

3. If a woman chooses birth over an abortion, what does that say about her?

4. If someone denounces Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) why is it necessary to label them as Obama did? As "members of the Flat Earth Society"?

5. Why is it when Christians show their faith outwardly to the nation, they are labeled as bigots?

6. Why is any opposing view seen as racist?

7. Why is being rich such a bad thing?

8. Why is wanting to secure the border seen as bigoted?

At any rate, I want to see the Liberal side of USMB prove that they are what they say they are. Go!
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