PoliticalChic was right (as always): liberalism MUST be expunged


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
As she astutely point out in her thread of a similar title, the left doesn’t value prosperity. Not even a little. It values idealism. Specifically - “equality”. The left would rather see a nation of complete and total poverty (like Venezuela) in which everyone is equally in poverty than a nation of complete and total prosperity (like the U.S.) in which some have considerably more than others.

Moreover, this view has caused them to have a deep disdain for their own country - which in turn has them creating a false narrative and volumes of propaganda to disparage everything about it (including the people who sacrificed to make it what it is). Consider:
  • From coast-to-coast they have engaged in violence the moment someone stood up (President Trump) and dared to speak the truth - political correctness be damned. When they couldn’t control speech, they immediately resorted to violence.
  • They have engaged in destruction of both private and public property. They have destroyed public symbols of America and private symbols of prosperity.
  • They show a deep contempt for the founders of this nation, the flag, the U.S. constitution, and our history.
  • Wherever possible, they implement policy which is detrimental to prosperity (high taxes, devastating regulations, labor laws, greedy unions, etc.).
In the infamous words of Barack Insane Obama, liberalism’s sole focus is to “fundamentally transform” America. You don’t transform things you love. Nobody comes home to their spouse and days “honey, I need to fundamentally transform you”. You only desire to fundamentally transform that which you hate.
As she astutely point out in her thread of a similar title, the left doesn’t value prosperity. Not even a little. It values idealism. Specifically - “equality”. The left would rather see a nation of complete and total poverty (like Venezuela) in which everyone is equally in poverty than a nation of complete and total prosperity (like the U.S.) in which some have considerably more than others.

Moreover, this view has caused them to have a deep disdain for their own country - which in turn has them creating a false narrative and volumes of propaganda to disparage everything about it (including the people who sacrificed to make it what it is). Consider:
  • From coast-to-coast they have engaged in violence the moment someone stood up (President Trump) and dared to speak the truth - political correctness be damned. When they couldn’t control speech, they immediately resorted to violence.
  • They have engaged in destruction of both private and public property. They have destroyed public symbols of America and private symbols of prosperity.
  • They show a deep contempt for the founders of this nation, the flag, the U.S. constitution, and our history.
  • Wherever possible, they implement policy which is detrimental to prosperity (high taxes, devastating regulations, labor laws, greedy unions, etc.).
In the infamous words of Barack Insane Obama, liberalism’s sole focus is to “fundamentally transform” America. You don’t transform things you love. Nobody comes home to their spouse and days “honey, I need to fundamentally transform you”. You only desire to fundamentally transform that which you hate.

Jesus, her debilitating effect on the already feeble minds on the Right is apparently worse than anyone might have imagined.
I maintain that Liberalism needs to be restored. It is my view that both the modern left and right have already expunged the ideology.

Liberalism, in it's true sense may need to be restored. Unfortunately there are many out there more than willing to hijack the name and change ideals to conform to their own agenda. Just as "liberals" have hijacked the Democrat party.
replace partisan hack with bi-partisan, and you have something.
The voters will decide, and a significant determining factor will be what the alternative offers.

Right now its leader is an embarrassing man-child, it's sporting some nefarious relationships and a Congress that lied to the American people about health care and can't seem to legislate its way out of a wet paper bag.

Show the country a positive alternative, stop pointing the finger at the other guys, rise above the simplistic bumper sticker sloganeering and we'll see how it goes.
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As she astutely point out in her thread of a similar title, the left doesn’t value prosperity. Not even a little. It values idealism. Specifically - “equality”. The left would rather see a nation of complete and total poverty (like Venezuela) in which everyone is equally in poverty than a nation of complete and total prosperity (like the U.S.) in which some have considerably more than others.

Moreover, this view has caused them to have a deep disdain for their own country - which in turn has them creating a false narrative and volumes of propaganda to disparage everything about it (including the people who sacrificed to make it what it is). Consider:
  • From coast-to-coast they have engaged in violence the moment someone stood up (President Trump) and dared to speak the truth - political correctness be damned. When they couldn’t control speech, they immediately resorted to violence.
  • They have engaged in destruction of both private and public property. They have destroyed public symbols of America and private symbols of prosperity.
  • They show a deep contempt for the founders of this nation, the flag, the U.S. constitution, and our history.
  • Wherever possible, they implement policy which is detrimental to prosperity (high taxes, devastating regulations, labor laws, greedy unions, etc.).
In the infamous words of Barack Insane Obama, liberalism’s sole focus is to “fundamentally transform” America. You don’t transform things you love. Nobody comes home to their spouse and days “honey, I need to fundamentally transform you”. You only desire to fundamentally transform that which you hate.
When someone tells you jekoff not to be bigoted fucks, you people get so upset. You demand the right to spew hate.

You know what? Fuck you. This is America. We accept all races, color, creeds & sexual orirentration as equals.

So pack up your shit & your orange buddy & get the fuck out.
I maintain that Liberalism needs to be restored. It is my view that both the modern left and right have already expunged the ideology.

The political philosophy of liberalism is not begun with a capital "L" except when it's the first word of a sentence or part of a title/heading. Capital "L" Liberal (and its forms) refers to a party/partisan affiliation not a philosophy.
People in all the major parties in the U.S. are liberals and ascribe to liberalism. Democrats are Liberals. Republicans are Conservatives.

FWIW, capital "D" Democratic, Democracy, and other forms of the word) refer to various things having to do with the Democratic party. So too does "Republican" refer to the Republican party, whereas "republican" refers to a representative form of government, namely that of a republic.
PC is always right? PC once said that science had proven that Genesis got the story of Creation right. lol
I maintain that Liberalism needs to be restored. It is my view that both the modern left and right have already expunged the ideology.

The political philosophy of liberalism is not begun with a capital "L" except when it's the first word of a sentence or part of a title/heading. Capital "L" Liberal (and its forms) refers to a party/partisan affiliation not a philosophy.
People in all the major parties in the U.S. are liberals and ascribe to liberalism. Democrats are Liberals. Republicans are Conservatives.

FWIW, capital "D" Democratic, Democracy, and other forms of the word) refer to various things having to do with the Democratic party. So too does "Republican" refer to the Republican party, whereas "republican" refers to a representative form of government, namely that of a republic.

Well, I added commas to your post when I quoted it in the other thread so we're even.

Now. Do you want to prove my point wrong?
I maintain that Liberalism needs to be restored. It is my view that both the modern left and right have already expunged the ideology.

The political philosophy of liberalism is not begun with a capital "L" except when it's the first word of a sentence or part of a title/heading. Capital "L" Liberal (and its forms) refers to a party/partisan affiliation not a philosophy.
People in all the major parties in the U.S. are liberals and ascribe to liberalism. Democrats are Liberals. Republicans are Conservatives.

FWIW, capital "D" Democratic, Democracy, and other forms of the word) refer to various things having to do with the Democratic party. So too does "Republican" refer to the Republican party, whereas "republican" refers to a representative form of government, namely that of a republic.

Well, I added commas to your post when I quoted it in the other thread so we're even.

Now. Do you want to prove my point wrong?
I put "OT" at the start of my post because I know it has nothing to do with your point(s). I don't want to discuss your point, so, no, I have nothing to say that proves you right, wrong, or partly one or the other.

I just noticed that you've misused the terms and I offered input so you might correct the capitalization of them so as not to mislead readers. I've engaged with you enough that I know what you mean. I can't say that be so for any other readers. Whether you make the changes or don't, and whether you care about the mistake or don't, is up to you. I don't have any stake in whether someone be confused by your mis-capitalization in your thread. I was just trying to be helpful.

FWIW, I know I make plenty of typo and spelling mistakes. I correct the ones I can and sometimes I enter a correction post if too late I find a material mistake that I think may or may have confused some readers.
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As she astutely point out in her thread of a similar title, the left doesn’t value prosperity. Not even a little. It values idealism. Specifically - “equality”. The left would rather see a nation of complete and total poverty (like Venezuela) in which everyone is equally in poverty than a nation of complete and total prosperity (like the U.S.) in which some have considerably more than others.

Moreover, this view has caused them to have a deep disdain for their own country - which in turn has them creating a false narrative and volumes of propaganda to disparage everything about it (including the people who sacrificed to make it what it is). Consider:
  • From coast-to-coast they have engaged in violence the moment someone stood up (President Trump) and dared to speak the truth - political correctness be damned. When they couldn’t control speech, they immediately resorted to violence.
  • They have engaged in destruction of both private and public property. They have destroyed public symbols of America and private symbols of prosperity.
  • They show a deep contempt for the founders of this nation, the flag, the U.S. constitution, and our history.
  • Wherever possible, they implement policy which is detrimental to prosperity (high taxes, devastating regulations, labor laws, greedy unions, etc.).
In the infamous words of Barack Insane Obama, liberalism’s sole focus is to “fundamentally transform” America. You don’t transform things you love. Nobody comes home to their spouse and days “honey, I need to fundamentally transform you”. You only desire to fundamentally transform that which you hate.

No Liberalism does not need to be expunged, Leftism needs to be expunged.

We must differentiate between the Liberals and Leftists, most Liberals do not support the Leftist Agenda which is essentially Neo-Marxist Authoritarian and there is nothing Liberal about Leftists, they are the most intolerant of the intolerant eg. they will not tolerate any other opinion than the Leftist opinion. If someone has a different opinion it's met with name calling and an assault on Free Speech ie. attempting to shut people up and shut down all debate.

Liberals welcome different opinions even if they disagree with them and they welcome debate.

When commenting about that crowd I never refer to them as Liberals or refer to Liberalism, I always refer to Leftists and Leftism for the reasons I've just stated.

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