Politically correct Americas better wake up to terrorist threat Denton Country sheriff warns


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

An outspoken North Texas lawman took to Facebook after Monday's deadly bombing in England to warn residents a similar attack could happen here.

Politically correct Americans 'better wake up' to terrorist threat, Denton County sheriff warns | Denton County | Dallas News

Oh Mr. Sheriff there isn't to much you can tell these liberal idiots who can't think for themselves.
They have to watch their own loved ones get sacrificed before reality hits them and even t hen they will okay it.
It's already happened, in OKC, babies were killed..By a non-Muslim white guy...
Yeah everyone take advice from some yokel in a cowboy hat, who lives in a place that will never be targeted by terrorists. He knows it's safe for him to stir the hornets nest as much as he wants, and that's what he'll do to get some TV time.
It's already happened, in OKC, babies were killed..By a non-Muslim white guy...

Little do you know that was another inside job. YOu guys just have no idea how easy these are to pull off.

New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the day before the Oklahoma City bombing warning that the attack was imminent, and that the feds tried to reach a deal with bomber Terry Nichols to take the death penalty off the table if he admitted making the call.

The documents were released to Salt Lake City lawyer Jesse Trentadue, who in the course of of a 15 year battle in trying to ascertain why his brother was tortured to death during an FBI interrogation related to the case, has all but proven the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Building was an inside job run by FBI agents who were handling Timothy McVeigh.

“What that indicates to me, there is a record somewhere of that phone call and the FBI needs to explain it,” said Trentadue in an interview with KTOK News. “If the call was from one of their informants with McVeigh, clearly, they had knowledge of the bombing and didn’t stop it.”

The feds’ attempt to make Nichols accept responsibility for the phone call occurred in 2005 after Nichols was visited by an attorney named Michael Selby who claimed he was working for the government and would guarantee Nichols was spared the death penalty if he played ball in covering up FBI foreknowledge and involvement in the bombing plot.

“This was the first I had ever heard of such a telephone call having made made,” said Nichols in an affidavit filed recently in Utah U.S. District court. “And I told Mr. Selby that as well as the fact that I had not made that telephone call.”

Selby also tried to get Nichols to reveal the location of a box of explosives that the FBI failed to find during an initial search of Nichols’ home in 1995.

“He was fearful the FBI would come into possession of it and then no one would ever know who else was involved,” said Trentadue. “And his fears proved true because the FBI apparently found out about the box of explosives hidden in the basement (of the Nichols home) and got the box.”

McVeigh and Nichols’ fingerprints were found on the box, along with the fingerprints of at least two other individuals whose names were redacted by the FBI.

“Trentadue believes the government was desperate to reach the box before Nichols could make its location known to Homeland Security rather than the FBI. The attorney says it would have shown others were involved as government informants in the bombing conspiracy,” reports KTOK.

“When you look at these documents, that this was being monitored, this search for the box of explosives at the highest levels within the Department of Justice, right up to and include the White House I think, I mean, this wasn’t your local FBI office handling this. This was being run right out of the main justice in Washington D.C,” said Trentadue.


James Lane and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof about their new film, A Noble Lie, which details their years of investigative research on the false flag that was the Oklahoma City Bombing. From witnesses to victims' family members, incongruities ignored by the mainstream media and much more, this film bares the intention deception that allowed a massive federal power grab and a demonization of the patriot movement inside the homeland. This ground breaking DVD, available at Infowars.com, is the first comprehensive account of the real story of the 1995 OKC bombing.
Yeah everyone take advice from some yokel in a cowboy hat, who lives in a place that will never be targeted by terrorists. He knows it's safe for him to stir the hornets nest as much as he wants, and that's what he'll do to get some TV time.
Oh they have terrorist in Denton, it comes in the form of a tornado...
Yeah everyone take advice from some yokel in a cowboy hat, who lives in a place that will never be targeted by terrorists. He knows it's safe for him to stir the hornets nest as much as he wants, and that's what he'll do to get some TV time.
What about the attack in 2015 just down the road from Denton at the Pamela Geller venue with the Mohammed Cartoon Show in Garland? The cops wasted those 2 towel heads in nothing flat. What with all the citizens packing heat only terrorists looking to collect their 72 nanny goats are stupid enough to start trouble. Texas sheriffs aren't talking just to hear their gums flap.
Yeah everyone take advice from some yokel in a cowboy hat, who lives in a place that will never be targeted by terrorists. He knows it's safe for him to stir the hornets nest as much as he wants, and that's what he'll do to get some TV time.
What about the attack in 2015 just down the road from Denton at the Pamela Geller venue with the Mohammed Cartoon Show in Garland? The cops wasted those 2 towel heads in nothing flat. What with all the citizens packing heat only terrorists looking to collect their 72 nanny goats are stupid enough to start trouble. Texas sheriffs aren't talking just to hear their gums flap.
Pamela Geller is the type who gets people killed and loves it
Yeah everyone take advice from some yokel in a cowboy hat, who lives in a place that will never be targeted by terrorists. He knows it's safe for him to stir the hornets nest as much as he wants, and that's what he'll do to get some TV time.
What about the attack in 2015 just down the road from Denton at the Pamela Geller venue with the Mohammed Cartoon Show in Garland? The cops wasted those 2 towel heads in nothing flat. What with all the citizens packing heat only terrorists looking to collect their 72 nanny goats are stupid enough to start trouble. Texas sheriffs aren't talking just to hear their gums flap.
Pamela Geller is the type who gets people killed and loves it

Nah, we used her for bait.

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