Politically Correctness, Offensive use of the term XMas

Everything is abbreviated these days mostly thanks to the internet. There are enough things to get angry about besides the word Xmas.

Not getting angry about it.....just pointing out a flaw and lack of consistency when it comes to a group crying about being offended and how the Left reacts.
See sharia law in Western cultures and get back to us on what a true imposition is in modern times.

You mean someone says, "Let's have courts in our own communities to resolve cultural issues", and you pretty much piss yourself? I don't think it takes much to get you to piss yourself.
See sharia law in Western cultures and get back to us on what a true imposition is in modern times.

You mean someone says, "Let's have courts in our own communities to resolve cultural issues", and you pretty much piss yourself? I don't think it takes much to get you to piss yourself.

If those cultural issue resolution results in a woman or homosexual getting beaten or stoned, you people turn a blind eye and save your shitting yourselves for the fast foot exec who disagrees with gay marriage or the small business baker that refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
Personally, I am not offended by it. In a world where the Left seems to care about illegal migrants being offended by people showing the U.S. flag, pork being too close to Muslims, A public school football coach praying before a game, the Left needs to be more consistent. Many Christians are offended by use of the term Xmas. If the Lefty PC crowd truly wants a PC world, then they need to support Christians not being offended as well.

the problem with that is fucking Christians are offended by everything which doesn't involve them being able to impose their backward-ass superstitions on the rest of us.
Tell that to the 14 dead in California, because of the PC people like yourself.
Political correctness had nothing to do with their deaths.

Bullshit political correctness had a part in their deaths. We are taught, "If you see something, say something". Neighbors of the jihadi terrorists saw something
No they didn't. They wish they had, either out of some sort of survivor's guilt or a desire to make themselves important, but they saw nothing suspicious.

Muslims in the neighborhood is not suspicious

The rest of your post was just a flat out lie. You should feel ashamed
Liberals started the PC movement, and 14 people are dead because of it. Thanks to liberalism.
In an increasingly politically correct world, why do people feel they can use the term XMas when referring to Christmas? This term is offensive to many Christians.
This is as ignorant and as it is wrong:

'Chiis written as an 'X' and Rhois written as a 'P', but they are the first two letters of the Greek word Christ'savior'. 'XP' is sometimes used to stand for Christ. Sometimes X is used alone. This is the case in the Chi(X) abbreviation for Christ in Xmas. Thus, Xmas is not directly a way of secularizing the holiday, but since 'X' is not Chiin English, we read the word as X-masand see no connection with Christ.'

What's the Deal with the "X" in Xmas?

It's becoming more and more difficult to not come to the conclusion that this sort of ignorance – and ignorance in general – is a prerequisite for being conservative.
In an increasingly politically correct world, why do people feel they can use the term XMas when referring to Christmas? This term is offensive to many Christians.
To directly answer your question, the PC Police doesn't give a shit about what offends anyone but them.


PC is a one-way street only.
This is as ignorant and as wrong as believing 'xmas' is 'anti-Christian.'

There are no 'PC' police,' it's a myth contrived by the right in an effort conceal the racism and bigotry that manifests among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

It illustrates how most on the right are hostile to unfettered debate in a free and democratic society, and in the context of private society, where private citizens are at liberty to oppose that which they find offensive, as such opposition neither 'violates' free speech nor manifests as the myth of 'political correctness.'
In an increasingly politically correct world, why do people feel they can use the term XMas when referring to Christmas? This term is offensive to many Christians.
Why do you find it offensive?

I don't but some Christians do. Got me thinking how the PC Police always react when a minority says something offends them (American Flag, Prayer, cartoon of Muhammad) and the PC police jumps to their defense and cause.

I stated above I don't find it offensive but am calling out yet more Hypocrisy from the Left created PC Police. Like a block of Swiss cheese, it has many holes.
And this is as ignorant and as wrong as your ignorance as to what 'xmas' stands for.

Consequently it has nothing to do with the myth of 'PC police.'
In an increasingly politically correct world, why do people feel they can use the term XMas when referring to Christmas? This term is offensive to many Christians.
To directly answer your question, the PC Police doesn't give a shit about what offends anyone but them.


PC is a one-way street only.
This is as ignorant and as wrong as believing 'xmas' is 'anti-Christian.'

There are no 'PC' police,' it's a myth contrived by the right in an effort conceal the racism and bigotry that manifests among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

It illustrates how most on the right are hostile to unfettered debate in a free and democratic society, and in the context of private society, where private citizens are at liberty to oppose that which they find offensive, as such opposition neither 'violates' free speech nor manifests as the myth of 'political correctness.'
Thank you once again!

It really is cool that you can't help yourself.

And, yet again, a list of honest liberals who so effectively expose CCJ for what he is, a blatant liar:

President Obama praised student activists, but also said he disagrees with what Stephanopoulos described as “militant political correctness” on campus, whereby some activists seek to shut down opposing viewpoints. “Being a good citizen, being an activist, involves hearing the other side and making sure that you are engaging in a dialogue because that’s also how change happens,” said President Obama.
The term 'Xmas' isn't taking Christ out of Christmas. These people are taking Christ out of Christmas:

the problem with that is fucking Christians are offended by everything which doesn't involve them being able to impose their backward-ass superstitions on the rest of us.
Tell that to the 14 dead in California, because of the PC people like yourself.
Political correctness had nothing to do with their deaths.

Bullshit political correctness had a part in their deaths. We are taught, "If you see something, say something". Neighbors of the jihadi terrorists saw something
No they didn't. They wish they had, either out of some sort of survivor's guilt or a desire to make themselves important, but they saw nothing suspicious.

Muslims in the neighborhood is not suspicious

The rest of your post was just a flat out lie. You should feel ashamed
Liberals started the PC movement, and 14 people are dead because of it. Thanks to liberalism.
Are you even passing acquaintances with reality
Tell that to the 14 dead in California, because of the PC people like yourself.
Political correctness had nothing to do with their deaths.

Bullshit political correctness had a part in their deaths. We are taught, "If you see something, say something". Neighbors of the jihadi terrorists saw something
No they didn't. They wish they had, either out of some sort of survivor's guilt or a desire to make themselves important, but they saw nothing suspicious.

Muslims in the neighborhood is not suspicious

The rest of your post was just a flat out lie. You should feel ashamed
Liberals started the PC movement, and 14 people are dead because of it. Thanks to liberalism.
Are you even passing acquaintances with reality
I'll remember that the next time I see you call someone a racist.
In an increasingly politically correct world, why do people feel they can use the term XMas when referring to Christmas? This term is offensive to many Christians.
Never heard of that one. Thanks for letting me know. Doesnt hurt me one bit to amend my speech or writing to keep from offending someone. Never could figure out why ignorant others choose to offend people just because they can.
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Political Correctness is nothing more than suppression of free speech. I've never been accused of being Christian, that's for sure. I don't go to church, period, but would defend someone else's right to practice the religion of their choice ... with the exception of sharia law which flies in the face of human decency.
Political Correctness is nothing more than suppression of free speech. I've never been accused of being Christian, that's for sure. I don't go to church, period, but would defend someone else's right to practice the religion of their choice ... with the exception of sharia law which flies in the face of human decency.
What has political correctness ever stopped anyone from saying?
Political Correctness basically is some kind of concept of never saying anything except what is "acceptable" to a particular class of people. "Misspoke" is one such word ... call it what it is: no one "misspoke," they flat out LIED. PERIOD.
Political Correctness basically is some kind of concept of never saying anything except what is "acceptable" to a particular class of people. "Misspoke" is one such word ... call it what it is: no one "misspoke," they flat out LIED. PERIOD.
Personally, I am not offended by it. In a world where the Left seems to care about illegal migrants being offended by people showing the U.S. flag, pork being too close to Muslims, A public school football coach praying before a game, the Left needs to be more consistent. Many Christians are offended by use of the term Xmas. If the Lefty PC crowd truly wants a PC world, then they need to support Christians not being offended as well.

the problem with that is fucking Christians are offended by everything which doesn't involve them being able to impose their backward-ass superstitions on the rest of us.[/QUOTE? You obviously
Personally, I am not offended by it. In a world where the Left seems to care about illegal migrants being offended by people showing the U.S. flag, pork being too close to Muslims, A public school football coach praying before a game, the Left needs to be more consistent. Many Christians are offended by use of the term Xmas. If the Lefty PC crowd truly wants a PC world, then they need to support Christians not being offended as well.

the problem with that is fucking Christians are offended by everything which doesn't involve them being able to impose their backward-ass superstitions on the rest of us.

See sharia law in Western cultures and get back to us on what a true imposition is in modern times.
Most people who whine about sharia law are too fucking ignorant to even know what it is.
I don't really feel I'm particularly "f***ing ingorant," but I don't care to know the minute details of sharia law. For example, seeing young girls beheaded because they brought shame on their family when they were raped is totally irrational. The shame belongs on the man who did the raping. If there has to be any beheading done, let it be done to the perpetrator ... makes no difference to me which head gets lopped.

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