Politically incorrect is a politically correct way of saying things that...shouldn't be there.

Political Correctness originally referred to going too far in one direction.

Going too far back in the other direction is hardly the answer.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

Not the American way? That's made up.

As an adult you'll learn context and when to use words and when it's not considered the right thing to say. You have every right to act like an asshole and everybody else has an equal right to react to you the way they want to. Nothing more American than that.
PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.

Mark Twain was a product of his time, of course he was racist by today's standards. I would think even many very dedicated abolitionists of the time were also racist by our standards.

But, what does any of this have to do with being 'pc' in 2016?
I was not the one who brought up Mr. Twain.

Didn't say you did.
Politically Correct is calling a spade a shovel, because the word spade is offensive to a small group of people

Very good analogy. The "politically-incorrect-is-the-new-politically-correct" equivalent is when someone like Donald Trump insists on calling a shovel a spade, because he wants to be nasty and uses the excuse of "I won't be held back by the PC police."
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

The discussion centered on a recent image of Michelle Obama hugging George W. Bush. Murphy argued that the picture wasn't a staged photo op, it was a sincere expression between two people who are known to be warm friends. But even if it had been staged, he explained that forging unity is what political leaders are supposed to do, and contrasted that with Trump's consistent divisiveness. He explained that Trump does it because "I'm not politically correct." But, in reality, it's not that Trump repudiates political correctness. He simply uses that line as an excuse to cloak a divisive nature.
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Of course, that's all it ever was, another form of censorship, indoctrinating self censorship always being the most effective and preferred method. But this was always true, way before Trump.
Political Correctness originally referred to going too far in one direction.

Going too far back in the other direction is hardly the answer.

It's exactly the answer. Political correctness is a rejection of common sense pragmatism the vast majority of the time. It prevents a dialogue on the actual issues in favor of a standardized "acceptable" viewpoint, like something out of Orwell's 1984.

Case in point, this whole "Black Lives Matter" nonsense. We cannot have an honest dialogue on the actual ISSUE of culture, which is the root of the whole problem, because people are uncomfortable challenging other cultures. We can't discuss the 75% illegitimacy rate among the black community. We can't talk about children with no father figure and no parental guidance being raised in a culture of violence and gang activity. We can't mention how these kids are suffering from sub-standard education and teachers who are sorry and pathetic. We can't bring up the peer pressure faced by inner-city minority youth to become involved in criminal activity at an early age. All of these things fall under "Culture" and it's "politically incorrect" for us to challenge someone else's culture.

It leads us to these silly arcane notions that we can solve the problem by implementing another social program, throwing some more money out there to be squandered and wasted by bureaucrats and opportunists. It causes us to find other scapegoats to blame... like racist cops... or racist Republicans... greedy rich white privilege... etc. The Problem is The Culture.... and until we address that problem, we will never find solutions.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

Not the American way? That's made up.

As an adult you'll learn context and when to use words and when it's not considered the right thing to say. You have every right to act like an asshole and everybody else has an equal right to react to you the way they want to. Nothing more American than that.

Indeed, and that is the process. Frankly, I've never had a problem, save for one Socialist lawyer who decided to task me on a Constitutional issue. She became most agitated by my coarse badinage. :laugh2:
Political Correctness originally referred to going too far in one direction.

Going too far back in the other direction is hardly the answer.

It's exactly the answer. Political correctness is a rejection of common sense pragmatism the vast majority of the time. It prevents a dialogue on the actual issues in favor of a standardized "acceptable" viewpoint, like something out of Orwell's 1984.

Case in point, this whole "Black Lives Matter" nonsense. We cannot have an honest dialogue on the actual ISSUE of culture, which is the root of the whole problem, because people are uncomfortable challenging other cultures. We can't discuss the 75% illegitimacy rate among the black community. We can't talk about children with no father figure and no parental guidance being raised in a culture of violence and gang activity. We can't mention how these kids are suffering from sub-standard education and teachers who are sorry and pathetic. We can't bring up the peer pressure faced by inner-city minority youth to become involved in criminal activity at an early age. All of these things fall under "Culture" and it's "politically incorrect" for us to challenge someone else's culture.

It leads us to these silly arcane notions that we can solve the problem by implementing another social program, throwing some more money out there to be squandered and wasted by bureaucrats and opportunists. It causes us to find other scapegoats to blame... like racist cops... or racist Republicans... greedy rich white privilege... etc. The Problem is The Culture.... and until we address that problem, we will never find solutions.

Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.
PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?
So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.
The right acts like a bunch pathetic victims because our society has certain standards of decency..


That is the left's entire game plan! Your veins bleed 'victim."

Consider yourself nonredeemable.
I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.

Oh, you have nick names with your friends, how brave.

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