Politically incorrect is a politically correct way of saying things that...shouldn't be there.

Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

I'll give you one . Colin Kapernick .
Kaepernick is a douche bag, but it's politically incorrect to say so. BLM members are thugs, but it's politically incorrect to say so.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.

Twain was anything but a racist. You think because the book Huckleberry Finn has the word ni**er in it, that makes him a racist?
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.

Mark Twain was a product of his time, of course he was racist by today's standards. I would think even many very dedicated abolitionists of the time were also racist by our standards.

But, what does any of this have to do with being 'pc' in 2016?

He was not racist by any standard. You only display your ignorance of the man and his work.
The right acts like a bunch pathetic victims because our society has certain standards of decency. Every community of humans that has ever existed has made for itself standards of what is socially acceptable and what is not.

They aren't society's standards of decency. They are absurd taboos created by the left.
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.

Twain was anything but a racist. You think because the book Huckleberry Finn has the word ni**er in it, that makes him a racist?

No, Twain was a racist when compared to today's standards. Read Roughing It. That being said, it's 2016 and I think this thread is about political correctness.
PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.

Mark Twain was a product of his time, of course he was racist by today's standards. I would think even many very dedicated abolitionists of the time were also racist by our standards.

But, what does any of this have to do with being 'pc' in 2016?

He was not racist by any standard. You only display your ignorance of the man and his work.

He was, but I don't hold it against him and this isn't about a 19th century author.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
What bullshit. I honestly don't know what some of you will do without PC. I know some people who live and breathe that rotten sad old game.
The right acts like a bunch pathetic victims because our society has certain standards of decency..


That is the left's entire game plan! Your veins bleed 'victim."

Consider yourself nonredeemable.
Some on the right seem to have a great deal of difficulty saying what they mean without being an asshole and whine incessantly about it. Is it that hard to keep your tone civil and your words respectful? What is it you want so badly to say that you feel cannot be said?
You could say the low information left is being politically correct for criticizing Trump of being politically correct. And the beat goes on. Meanwhile political correctness has turned colleges and universities from open forums of ideas and opinions to closed societies where there is actually a list of words that can't be uttered under threat of expulsion from big brother P.C. who is always watching and listening and any opinion other than liberal is met with anger and sometimes violence.
Politically Correct is calling a spade a shovel, because the word spade is offensive to a small group of people

Who calls black people shovels? Never heard of it.


I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.

Sorry. No. You are lying.

Many nutbags lie as casually as they breathe.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

I'll give you one . Colin Kapernick .
Kaepernick is a douche bag, but it's politically incorrect to say so. BLM members are thugs, but it's politically incorrect to say so.

No. he's just being politically incorrect. But when the right is offended its not PC?? Please . Right have their PC issues too.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

I'll give you one . Colin Kapernick .
Kaepernick is a douche bag, but it's politically incorrect to say so. BLM members are thugs, but it's politically incorrect to say so.

No. he's just being politically incorrect. But when the right is offended its not PC?? Please . Right have their PC issues too.
No, he's a douche bag. He's bring his polltics to his profession, and those two things should be keep strictly separate. Football fans don't pay big money to see assholes expressing their disdain for the American flag. If the NFL doesn't knock that shit off pronto, it's going to permanently destroy its fan base.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

I'll give you one . Colin Kapernick .
Kaepernick is a douche bag, but it's politically incorrect to say so. BLM members are thugs, but it's politically incorrect to say so.

No. he's just being politically incorrect. But when the right is offended its not PC?? Please . Right have their PC issues too.
No, he's a douche bag. He's bring his polltics to his profession, and those two things should be keep strictly separate. Football fans don't pay big money to see assholes expressing their disdain for the American flag. If the NFL doesn't knock that shit off pronto, it's going to permanently destroy its fan base.

The NFL has more to worry about with concussions than anything else.

And, I have no problem with athletes bringing their politics to their jobs, they just have to be ready to face the consequences. If Kaepernick were sporting a red 'Make America Great Again' hat on the sidelines you wouldn't mind that political message.
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

I'll give you one . Colin Kapernick .
Kaepernick is a douche bag, but it's politically incorrect to say so. BLM members are thugs, but it's politically incorrect to say so.

No. he's just being politically incorrect. But when the right is offended its not PC?? Please . Right have their PC issues too.
No, he's a douche bag. He's bring his polltics to his profession, and those two things should be keep strictly separate. Football fans don't pay big money to see assholes expressing their disdain for the American flag. If the NFL doesn't knock that shit off pronto, it's going to permanently destroy its fan base.

The NFL has more to worry about with concussions than anything else.

And, I have no problem with athletes bringing their politics to their jobs, they just have to be ready to face the consequences. If Kaepernick were sporting a red 'Make America Great Again' hat on the sidelines you wouldn't mind that political message.

I wouldn't, but you would, and it would be just as stupid for the NFL to allow that. Would you have problems with a CEO or a manager who harangued you to vote for Trump? I'm sure you would.
I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.

Oh, you have nick names with your friends, how brave.

I also freely use non-PC terms in my writings, which are public. I get an occasional puppy barking at them, but do I care?

"Never complain, never explain."
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

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