Politically incorrect is a politically correct way of saying things that...shouldn't be there.

I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
I fail to understand, nor will I comply with an arbitrary, discriminatory rule that permits one group of people from using a perfectly serviceable word of dictionary definition, but forbids its use by others.

Such nonsense is definitely not the American Way.

You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.

Sorry. No. You are lying.

Many nutbags lie as casually as they breathe.

Your evidence please.
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

A DC councilman was forced to resign for the same word.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.
Did he provide a CONCRETE example?

I'll give you one . Colin Kapernick .
Kaepernick is a douche bag, but it's politically incorrect to say so. BLM members are thugs, but it's politically incorrect to say so.

No. he's just being politically incorrect. But when the right is offended its not PC?? Please . Right have their PC issues too.
No, he's a douche bag. He's bring his polltics to his profession, and those two things should be keep strictly separate. Football fans don't pay big money to see assholes expressing their disdain for the American flag. If the NFL doesn't knock that shit off pronto, it's going to permanently destroy its fan base.

Lol! You righties kill me . You'll fly the confederate flag , a flag of traitors who killed more us troops than any army . That's ok .

But not a QB a silent protest !? That's distain for the flag ?
You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.
You comply all the time.

Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.

Sorry. No. You are lying.

Many nutbags lie as casually as they breathe.

Your evidence please.

Call it an educated guess.
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

A DC councilman was forced to resign for the same word.

Nope. He chose to resign. Being forced to resign is called "being fired".
He was offered his job back....and actually took a different job with the mayor.
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.
He hated Jews and usually the 2 go together.
But he WAS a genius,
Political Correctness originally referred to going too far in one direction.

Going too far back in the other direction is hardly the answer.

It's exactly the answer. Political correctness is a rejection of common sense pragmatism the vast majority of the time. It prevents a dialogue on the actual issues in favor of a standardized "acceptable" viewpoint, like something out of Orwell's 1984.

Case in point, this whole "Black Lives Matter" nonsense. We cannot have an honest dialogue on the actual ISSUE of culture, which is the root of the whole problem, because people are uncomfortable challenging other cultures. We can't discuss the 75% illegitimacy rate among the black community. We can't talk about children with no father figure and no parental guidance being raised in a culture of violence and gang activity. We can't mention how these kids are suffering from sub-standard education and teachers who are sorry and pathetic. We can't bring up the peer pressure faced by inner-city minority youth to become involved in criminal activity at an early age. All of these things fall under "Culture" and it's "politically incorrect" for us to challenge someone else's culture.

It leads us to these silly arcane notions that we can solve the problem by implementing another social program, throwing some more money out there to be squandered and wasted by bureaucrats and opportunists. It causes us to find other scapegoats to blame... like racist cops... or racist Republicans... greedy rich white privilege... etc. The Problem is The Culture.... and until we address that problem, we will never find solutions.


What is that supposed to mean? I drove you to drinking because you couldn't put together a rational counter-argument? I don't blame you, man... if someone torches your fairy tale the way I just did, you may as well clock out and hit the bottle! It's game fuckin' over. My work here is done!
What is that supposed to mean? I drove you to drinking because you couldn't put together a rational counter-argument?

Now that you mention it, that sounds rather accurate. Trying to argue rationally with lunatic fucksticks like you is a pointless. Trying to deal with your fucking stupidity is enough to make a drunk out of the Pope.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.
PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.
He hated Jews and usually the 2 go together.
But he WAS a genius,

He didn't hate Jews either. In fact, he admired them. He called them the "intellectual aristocracy."
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.

So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Fuck cultural marxism. and fuck the fabian socialists that lamely attempt to set the narrative and declare what is acceptable and what isn't. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...don't like it? Tough shit...it's not like I care.
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

A DC councilman was forced to resign for the same word.

Nope. He chose to resign. Being forced to resign is called "being fired".
He was offered his job back....and actually took a different job with the mayor.

Your post indicates a significant contracting of your IQ.

He would not have resigned without the pressure from the other council members over his use of the word.

The Mayor responded as he did because public opinion painted the council as a singular idiot.
Last edited:
Actually, I don't.
Actually, I don't.

Of course you do. You never call a black person a ****** or even a negro to their face. You don't call gay people "faggot" in person.

Why try to lie?

I sure do. They laugh and call me their pet cracker.

You see, I hang out with normal people.

Sorry. No. You are lying.

Many nutbags lie as casually as they breathe.

Your evidence please.

Call it an educated guess.

One must first be educated to make such a guess.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)

I have several, spanning the 20th Century. Hard for you people to remove the words from them.
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

Because there has been no amendment to change the intent of the 2A, nor will there be in any foreseeable future.

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