Politically incorrect is a politically correct way of saying things that...shouldn't be there.

Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

The press has evolved as much or more than firearms. Is Freedom of the Press limited to newspapers and Town Criers?
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
So, Mark Twain was a PC racist?

Don King? Eddie Murphy?

Best check yo'sef, nizza.

I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Fuck cultural marxism. and fuck the fabian socialists that lamely attempt to set the narrative and declare what is acceptable and what isn't. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...don't like it? Tough shit...it's not like I care.

Does your use of the word fuck give you the sense that you are sane and in touch with reality? You're not.
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.

It wasn't any "misunderstanding" by the school administration. Do you honestly believe they don't know what "niggardly" means?
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

Spare me about "intellectual curiosity" because you don't have a fucking clue as to what kind of shit we have all been standing in since the Act of 1871. You seem to believe that this corporate entity that you bow down to aka "the federal "gubermint" should be the only ones to have weapons so that they can better control the unwashed masses and keep them in line. The things you don't know or understand could fill a library. I do know because I have made it my business to know. Scrape the shit out of your ears and pay attention to those like me that did the heavy lifting to help those like you.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy just made this statement on Meet The Press a few moments ago, and I think it's a brilliant insight. Donald Trump and the drumpfodder have latched on to this idea of being "politically incorrect" and have turned it on its head into their own version of PC. But at the end of the day, all they're doing is being equally PC, just under an alternate color. This is yet another example of the patent absurdity of the Trump mentality.

Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is the excuse cowardly racists use for not saying n*gger in public. David Duke is a PC racist. I wish those types of racists would just say what they mean and take the consequences for it like an adult.
How do you know what "they" "mean"?
True story, at a Dallas city council meeting, black democrats wanted a fellow member censored for saying that it appears that some missing tax money disappeared down a black hole....seriously, you can't make this shit up.

A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.

It wasn't any "misunderstanding" by the school administration. Do you honestly believe they don't know what "niggardly" means?

Dumb shit. The person who was offended didn't know. She misunderstood.
Nice try.

Silly, but a nice try. PC is a Progressive construct designed to forward the willful destruction of commonly held viewpoints offensive to the Progressives' ideology.

Combating that destruction hardly constitutes an alternative form of PC.

PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
I suppose it would depend on how you use the word, no? I think Mark Twain used the word a lot, how does that make him a PC racist?

Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Fuck cultural marxism. and fuck the fabian socialists that lamely attempt to set the narrative and declare what is acceptable and what isn't. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...don't like it? Tough shit...it's not like I care.

Does your use of the word fuck give you the sense that you are sane and in touch with reality? You're not.

It's my way of disrespecting this corporate entity that laughingly attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body. It's my way of thumbing my nose at the fabian socialists and neocons that have hijacked the political system. I do not bend to their will nor will I ever.....get it now? Because I can educate you further if need be. I am here to help.....
A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.

It wasn't any "misunderstanding" by the school administration. Do you honestly believe they don't know what "niggardly" means?

Dumb shit. The person who was offended didn't know. She misunderstood.
Yes, but the school administration knew. Instead of educating her they tried to can the teacher.
A few years ago in Florida a teacher was fired for using the word "niggardly."

You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.

It wasn't any "misunderstanding" by the school administration. Do you honestly believe they don't know what "niggardly" means?

Dumb shit. The person who was offended didn't know. She misunderstood.
The person who was offended didn't have the power to actually threaten his job, dumb shit.
You did it again. The teacher was not fired.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.

It wasn't any "misunderstanding" by the school administration. Do you honestly believe they don't know what "niggardly" means?

Dumb shit. The person who was offended didn't know. She misunderstood.
The person who was offended didn't have the power to actually threaten his job, dumb shit.

Yes. But that is where the "problem" originated. After a misunderstanding, humans made human errors. All is well. Nobody jailed. Nobody needlessly harmed. The worst part is how stupid bripat9643 had to bring it up and show everyone how sensitive he is.

Dumb shit.
You'r nitpicking at details the don't matter. The point is he got in trouble.

It was a misunderstanding. Once it was understood by all, all was well.

Now....a prick like you probably thinks that it's cute to mess with people who are ignorant regarding the meaning of that word. Right? I get it. I mess with you for being ignorant all the time.

It wasn't any "misunderstanding" by the school administration. Do you honestly believe they don't know what "niggardly" means?

Dumb shit. The person who was offended didn't know. She misunderstood.
The person who was offended didn't have the power to actually threaten his job, dumb shit.

Yes. But that is where the "problem" originated. After a misunderstanding, humans made human errors. All is well. Nobody jailed. Nobody needlessly harmed. The worst part is how stupid bripat9643 had to bring it up and show everyone how sensitive he is.

Dumb shit.

They made the "error" of being politically correct. They didn't care about the truth. They only cared about what leftwing pressure groups would say.
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

The press has evolved as much or more than firearms. Is Freedom of the Press limited to newspapers and Town Criers?

Freedom of speech and of the press is pretty much absolute, the ownership and possession of arms is open to discussion (see Scalia's comments in Heller).
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

The press has evolved as much or more than firearms. Is Freedom of the Press limited to newspapers and Town Criers?

Freedom of speech and of the press is pretty much absolute, the ownership and possession of arms is open to discussion (see Scalia's comments in Heller).

"Freedom of speech and of the press is pretty much absolute"


"the ownership and possession of arms is open to discussion"

My right to exist on this planet and protect me and mine doesn't come from a benevelent corporate" gubermint" that bestows privileges upon the masses via their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances. I have no intention of complying with unconstitutional legislation passed down by this de-facto "gubermint" and MILLIONS of people have this same mindset....are we clear????
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

The press has evolved as much or more than firearms. Is Freedom of the Press limited to newspapers and Town Criers?

Freedom of speech and of the press is pretty much absolute, the ownership and possession of arms is open to discussion (see Scalia's comments in Heller).

Not the point.

If you want to take firearms back to 1776 models, why not take Freedom of the Press back to what they had at that time
PC is used as a pejorative, it's not nice to lay a turd in the punch bowl at a party is in correct, and something Trump and his supporters do regularly, believing in their hearts of hearts that such conduct is brave and makes them an an iconoclast, to which they aspire and fail to achieve - they are simply whiners.

Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
Mark Twain WAS a racist AND a Jew hater, but we Jews recognize his genius.
He never called for violence.
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Fuck cultural marxism. and fuck the fabian socialists that lamely attempt to set the narrative and declare what is acceptable and what isn't. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...don't like it? Tough shit...it's not like I care.

Does your use of the word fuck give you the sense that you are sane and in touch with reality? You're not.

It's my way of disrespecting this corporate entity that laughingly attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body. It's my way of thumbing my nose at the fabian socialists and neocons that have hijacked the political system. I do not bend to their will nor will I ever.....get it now? Because I can educate you further if need be. I am here to help.....

Do you cross dress as PoliticalChic? You're really as narcissistic as is she, and as out of touch with reality.
Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Fuck cultural marxism. and fuck the fabian socialists that lamely attempt to set the narrative and declare what is acceptable and what isn't. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...don't like it? Tough shit...it's not like I care.

Does your use of the word fuck give you the sense that you are sane and in touch with reality? You're not.

It's my way of disrespecting this corporate entity that laughingly attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body. It's my way of thumbing my nose at the fabian socialists and neocons that have hijacked the political system. I do not bend to their will nor will I ever.....get it now? Because I can educate you further if need be. I am here to help.....

Do you cross dress as PoliticalChic? You're really as narcissistic as is she, and as out of touch with reality.
Dale is a piker compared to PC.
Karl Rove is a piker compared to PC.
Poor fella.

Here's a refill for your duct tape.

Thanks, maybe you need a dictionary (btw, that's a big book with lots of words)
Mark Twain WAS a racist
You sure about that?
Off topic, but think about it.

Mark Twain was a complicated but very talented man. Read, On the Damned Human Race. Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Fuck cultural marxism. and fuck the fabian socialists that lamely attempt to set the narrative and declare what is acceptable and what isn't. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...don't like it? Tough shit...it's not like I care.

Does your use of the word fuck give you the sense that you are sane and in touch with reality? You're not.

It's my way of disrespecting this corporate entity that laughingly attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body. It's my way of thumbing my nose at the fabian socialists and neocons that have hijacked the political system. I do not bend to their will nor will I ever.....get it now? Because I can educate you further if need be. I am here to help.....

Do you cross dress as PoliticalChic? You're really as narcissistic as is she, and as out of touch with reality.

I don't subscribe to "group-think" and no leftard/liberal is going to "hip" me as to what I may or may not say...get it, dumb ass?
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

The press has evolved as much or more than firearms. Is Freedom of the Press limited to newspapers and Town Criers?

Freedom of speech and of the press is pretty much absolute, the ownership and possession of arms is open to discussion (see Scalia's comments in Heller).

Not the point.

If you want to take firearms back to 1776 models, why not take Freedom of the Press back to what they had at that time

Is it your opinion that every citizen has the right to own contemporary military arms (i.e. weapons)?

Yes or No.
Judging others who lived at different times is also complicated - as a species we evolve, at least some of us.

Indeed, applying 21st Century viewpoints to earlier centuries is pretty crazy.

I've often wondered why you crazy Progressives apply modern views of slavery to smear the Founding Fathers.

But not really. I don't wonder why at all.

Of course you don't wonder, being willfully ignorant (and I'm being kind) you lack curiosity.

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

I wonder why 2nd A. supporters apply modern arms as equally protected with the guns available in the 18th Century?

The press has evolved as much or more than firearms. Is Freedom of the Press limited to newspapers and Town Criers?

Freedom of speech and of the press is pretty much absolute, the ownership and possession of arms is open to discussion (see Scalia's comments in Heller).
Fuck no!!!
Firearm ownership is an absolute right. Dip shit LOL

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