Politician slammed for tasteless Christmas Card

Plus Baldwin has told them now that guns up and shoot by themselves and of course his dimwit followers will believe that.
And, quite frankly, if he has guns firing themselves, it's even MORE important that he knows exactly what's in every single gun he picks up and aims at someone.
<sigh> I always forget that I am talking to retards.

Ok, let me break it up so that even you will understand. Cars are used primarily for transportation. We don't buy cars for their ability to kill. At least not those of us who are not trumptards.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a few times more. You will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Guns aren’t used for murderous rampages either. What is your point, Gagnus? You dumb mother fucker.
The extremely vast majority of guns are never used to kill any human being. A smaller number are never used to kill anything at all. A very large number are bought for other reasons, as I've outlined in another post. A gun is manufactured for one purpose, to fling a projectile at a high velocity, that's it. If you can't imagine any reason to do that other than to kill something or someone, you need to open your horizons, a lot.
LOL. So, guns "flinging a projectile at a high velocity" is not used to kill? Gad, I love debating trumptards. They never see the irony of their own words.
Next thing you know, they will create a holiday card with the holy trinity and three wise men holding semi automatic weapons.

The three wise men didn't bring weapons as gifts for the baby Jesus.

For all you "christians", the three wise men brought the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Not one weapon or semi automatic weapon was in that stable the night the baby Jesus was born.

And to further remind the "christians" on this board,

That is what you are supposed to be celebrating.


You know that guy? The one you believe is the son of your god and your messiah?

NOT weapons.
I think we need to consider a revisionist right wing angle on this.

If Joseph had been packing then there is no way his pregnant wife woulld have been shunted into a stable. He would have kicked arse.

Guns were needed in biblical times and had they been invented the Bibke might have read a bit differently.

View attachment 572381

Yes, I imagine this will elicit cheers from an element of the membership on here. It does seem tone deaf when we have a similar gun loving family cause a tragedy in Detroit. Me Massie passes legislation in the US.
Which one is he married to ?

How is that tasteless......?

How did he get the M60....that's the question.......
LOL. So, guns "flinging a projectile at a high velocity" is not used to kill? Gad, I love debating trumptards. They never see the irony of their own words.
Did you miss my list of non-killing purposes guns are used for?

And, I could not help but notice your lack of reading comprehension.
I think we need to consider a revisionist right wing angle on this.

If Joseph had been packing then there is no way his pregnant wife woulld have been shunted into a stable. He would have kicked arse.

Guns were needed in biblical times and had they been invented the Bibke might have read a bit differently.

And this is why your country lost it's empire...too many idiots like you in the country.......
Surely its not a good thing to have an empire. Something to be ashamed of really.

You lost everything else too....if not for the U.S. you'd be speaking German, or Russian.......and you couldn't afford your failing healthcare system...
Did you miss my list of non-killing purposes guns are used for?

And, I could not help but notice your lack of reading comprehension.
You want me to search a thread of 9 pages for your moronic reason of how guns are used? Sorry, trumptard. I don't have the time or need to do so. Post it in response or fuck off.
No....the pro-baby killing group swallowed baby killer pills outside the Supreme Court in support of the fake right to kill babies...now that was tasteless.......

True, that was purely tasteless
LOL. Yeah, I am stupid to believe that guns can only be used to kill. But, hey, I'm willing to learn. What else is it good for?
Well I have a few that depict various points in time and events in US/world history.....I've never even shot them other than for checking for proper function.....It's called collecting.

I also have plenty of others I enjoy both shooting and hunting with.

Then I have others still for the sole reason of home/self-defense that I'm highly trained/skilled in their use.

So far nary a one of them has grew little hands and feet, broke-out of the gun room, and went on a killing rampage. ;)
You want me to search a thread of 9 pages for your moronic reason of how guns are used? Sorry, trumptard. I don't have the time or need to do so. Post it in response or fuck off.
Given that I replied to you, which means the alerts (you know, that little bell up in the right hand corner?) will show it directly to you without any need to search anything, you're deliberately playing dumb. But, since you are I will have to help you. I won't even give you the post number, given that you may have a difficult time finding it, so I'll simply copy it from the previous page:

Ooh, that's a hard one. Let me see...

1. Fun shooting targets at the range.
2. Increasing hand/eye coordination.
3. Stress reduction.
4. Comradery.
5. International competition.
6. Teaching discipline.
7. Collecting.

Gee, I guess there's just no other purpose whatsoever. Oh well, it's like trying to convince a martial arts expert there's no good reason for studying his craft other than being able to kill someone with your hands and feet.

Now, if you have a hard time with the big words, I can help you with that as well.
Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama authorized the shipment of thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens and at least one U.S. Border patrol Officer and nobody seems to care. A popular left wing actor kills a woman with a firearm and is portrayed as the victim by the liberal media. Lefties need a dose of reality instead of propaganda.
Given that I replied to you, which means the alerts (you know, that little bell up in the right hand corner?) will show it directly to you without any need to search anything, you're deliberately playing dumb. But, since you are I will have to help you. I won't even give you the post number, given that you may have a difficult time finding it, so I'll simply copy it from the previous page:

Ooh, that's a hard one. Let me see...

1. Fun shooting targets at the range.
2. Increasing hand/eye coordination.
3. Stress reduction.
4. Comradery.
5. International competition.
6. Teaching discipline.
7. Collecting.

Gee, I guess there's just no other purpose whatsoever. Oh well, it's like trying to convince a martial arts expert there's no good reason for studying his craft other than being able to kill someone with your hands and feet.

Now, if you have a hard time with the big words, I can help you with that as well.
You left out "masturbation" from your list. I know you perverts love to fondle it at night.

But, seriously, none of the above activities need a gun. The primary purpose of a gun is to kill. The exact opposite of what this holiday season is all about. So, go ahead keep trying to justify but the family picture was in poor taste.
LOL. So, guns "flinging a projectile at a high velocity" is not used to kill? Gad, I love debating trumptards. They never see the irony of their own words.

I know.

Every soldier never, ever goes into combat with a weapon.


The stupidity of the trump people knows no limits.
I think we need to consider a revisionist right wing angle on this.

If Joseph had been packing then there is no way his pregnant wife woulld have been shunted into a stable. He would have kicked arse.

Guns were needed in biblical times and had they been invented the Bibke might have read a bit differently.

I know that the three wise men didn't take any sort of weapon as gifts to the baby Jesus.

They also didn't use his birth to go around promoting themselves for some civil and political position.

Some christians don't know what the holiday season is about in their religion. Even though they use their so called religion as a weapon against those who don't agree with their views and want to make their religious laws the laws of the United States. Which is a violation of the constitution.

Their actions scream that everything they claim they are, is a lie.

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