Politician slammed for tasteless Christmas Card

How about a family around a tree holding bibles and maybe a cross. You know, show that religion is just as important as guns.

Next thing you know, they will create a holiday card with the holy trinity and three wise men holding semi automatic weapons.

The three wise men didn't bring weapons as gifts for the baby Jesus.

For all you "christians", the three wise men brought the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Not one weapon or semi automatic weapon was in that stable the night the baby Jesus was born.

And to further remind the "christians" on this board,

That is what you are supposed to be celebrating.


You know that guy? The one you believe is the son of your god and your messiah?

NOT weapons.
Me neither. My guns are locked up in my house. They aren't on display in my house, and I don't post them or me on a Christmas card. Like I said, doing that means so much more to them than celebrating Christmas. These folks are obsessed with power and control. That's what really all this is about.

Once again, the second was written up to control slaves. What does that mean exactly? It means power, and it means control over minorities. In their own sick way, it still does today. If they could go back to those days of really controlling them in that way, they'd do it without reservation. Their big fear is that minorities are allowed on our streets across this country, "legally."

The second means way more than personal defense. Believe me.
Nope, don't believe you. I keep telling you, those foil helmets don't really give you mind reading powers, so those thoughts you get are really yours.
Nope, my superpower is knowing that those that walk the walk do not need to shout it out to everyone, it is plain to see
You wanna stick with that reasoning? I guess that means anyone wearing a crucifix is just "pretending"? Your 'proof' being that they are wearing a crucifix? Try again.

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Yes, I imagine this will elicit cheers from an element of the membership on here. It does seem tone deaf when we have a similar gun loving family cause a tragedy in Detroit. Me Massie passes legislation in the US.
Which one is he married to ?
A couple of deranged parents enable their mentally unstable son and you pass judgment on all decent good people as being like minded. Then when Muslim terrorists act out, you're the first one to defend them by preaching to us civilized folks....."That's just a tiny minority of them, the vast majority are peaceful"... Hypocrite.
Doesn't make any sense. I hope you see the wizard and find a brain, Gagnus.
<sigh> I always forget that I am talking to retards.

Ok, let me break it up so that even you will understand. Cars are used primarily for transportation. We don't buy cars for their ability to kill. At least not those of us who are not trumptards.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a few times more. You will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:
You wanna stick with that reasoning? I guess that means anyone wearing a crucifix is just "pretending"? Your 'proof' being that they are wearing a crucifix? Try again.

Never understood the whole crucifix wearing thing.

View attachment 572381

Yes, I imagine this will elicit cheers from an element of the membership on here. It does seem tone deaf when we have a similar gun loving family cause a tragedy in Detroit. Me Massie passes legislation in the US.
Which one is he married to ?
I'm willing to guess that not one of those guns have broken any laws, Tommy?
Change my mind
LOL. Yeah, I am stupid to believe that guns can only be used to kill. But, hey, I'm willing to learn. What else is it good for?
Ooh, that's a hard one. Let me see...

1. Fun shooting targets at the range.
2. Increasing hand/eye coordination.
3. Stress reduction.
4. Comradery.
5. International competition.
6. Teaching discipline.
7. Collecting.

Gee, I guess there's just no other purpose whatsoever. Oh well, it's like trying to convince a martial arts expert there's no good reason for studying his craft other than being able to kill someone with your hands and feet.
But not surprising. This is the bunch, after all, that needed safe spaces after seeing the name "TRUMP!" written in chalk on a sidewalk. They are very easily upset and run for the fainting couches.
Plus Baldwin has told them now that guns up and shoot by themselves and of course his dimwit followers will believe that.
Let me guess. Celebrating Christmas instead of another holiday only added frosting to a cake that wasn't asked for in the first place in the opinion of certain people in this country.

God bless you always!!!

Next thing you know, they will create a holiday card with the holy trinity and three wise men holding semi automatic weapons.

The three wise men didn't bring weapons as gifts for the baby Jesus.

For all you "christians", the three wise men brought the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Not one weapon or semi automatic weapon was in that stable the night the baby Jesus was born.

And to further remind the "christians" on this board,

That is what you are supposed to be celebrating.


You know that guy? The one you believe is the son of your god and your messiah?

NOT weapons.
Other than the fact that He wasn't born in December, and the Magi didn't show up until a few years after His birth, you know, details like that. Heck, we celebrate His birth year round.
<sigh> I always forget that I am talking to retards.

Ok, let me break it up so that even you will understand. Cars are used primarily for transportation. We don't buy cars for their ability to kill. At least not those of us who are not trumptards.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a few times more. You will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:
The extremely vast majority of guns are never used to kill any human being. A smaller number are never used to kill anything at all. A very large number are bought for other reasons, as I've outlined in another post. A gun is manufactured for one purpose, to fling a projectile at a high velocity, that's it. If you can't imagine any reason to do that other than to kill something or someone, you need to open your horizons, a lot.

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