Politician slammed for tasteless Christmas Card

Most on here do not oppose gun ownership. I am all for gun ownership and own many guns. But I will always laugh at these morons virtue signaling and the the same time letting the whole world know what guns they have
Then why are so many so appalled at the picture? I dont get the Christmas photo with your guns either, but I also dont care if that's what you want to do. Clearly there are people on here and all over the country that opposed gun ownership, for one reason or another.
Then why are so many so appalled at the picture? I dont get the Christmas photo with your guns either, but I also dont care if that's what you want to do. Clearly there are people on here and all over the country that opposed gun ownership, for one reason or another.

People live to be offended or appalled, it gives them purpose in life.

I find the photo tacky as hell, but I feel the same way about most family photo cards
Then why are so many so appalled at the picture? I dont get the Christmas photo with your guns either, but I also dont care if that's what you want to do. Clearly there are people on here and all over the country that opposed gun ownership, for one reason or another.

Another thing I find odd is how often those that think the Govt is coming for their guns any moment now are willing to show/tell the whole world what guns they have.
People live to be offended or appalled, it gives them purpose in life.

I find the photo tacky as hell, but I feel the same way about most family photo cards
yeah they are but again they are taken to get a reaction and typically get what they are looking for. I mean there are 10 pages of discussion and arguing about a photo of people none of us know and likely never heard of before.
yeah they are but again they are taken to get a reaction and typically get what they are looking for. I mean there are 10 pages of discussion and arguing about a photo of people none of us know and likely never heard of before.

It is a slow news day!
No....the pro-baby killing group swallowed baby killer pills outside the Supreme Court in support of the fake right to kill babies...now that was tasteless.......
The "pro-baby killing group"....you mean Alex Jones followers and all about Sandy Hook.
You left out "masturbation" from your list. I know you perverts love to fondle it at night.
And therein lies your downfall. You were presented a list of purposes you either did not think of or consciously refused because reasons and bias. Realizing how bereft of logic you were, you decided to appeal to your fan base, the 14 year old boys out there.
But, seriously, none of the above activities need a gun. The primary purpose of a gun is to kill. The exact opposite of what this holiday season is all about. So, go ahead keep trying to justify but the family picture was in poor taste.
"Need a gun"? And we're back to that. I gave you 7 valid reasons why people own guns and your response was to reach into your pants. Very telling.

Car collectors don't need supercharged V-8 engines capable of pumping out 500 hp, and most of them are not spending weekends drag racing in the streets either. No one is telling them that the only purpose behind a big powerful engine is to win drag races. Face reality, people enjoy things you don't like, but instead of ignoring them, you want to castigate them and tell them you think you can read their minds. Is that a liberal thing or just a stupid thing? Or is it both? Sometimes the distinction gets quite blurry.
I think we need to consider a revisionist right wing angle on this.

If Joseph had been packing then there is no way his pregnant wife woulld have been shunted into a stable. He would have kicked arse.

Guns were needed in biblical times and had they been invented the Bibke might have read a bit differently.

So what does Santa Clause with a sleigh and reindeer have to do with Jesus?
LOL. So, guns "flinging a projectile at a high velocity" is not used to kill? Gad, I love debating trumptards. They never see the irony of their own words.

Ammo has not been plentiful in years and guns are now flying off the shelves. Do you think all those guns and ammo were used to kill people?
<sigh> I always forget that I am talking to retards.

Ok, let me break it up so that even you will understand. Cars are used primarily for transportation. We don't buy cars for their ability to kill. At least not those of us who are not trumptards.

So that black guy in Wisconsin that went to a white suburb to try and kill as many white people as possible with his car was a Trumptard? If so, why did the commie media bury the story in less than a week?
And therein lies your downfall. You were presented a list of purposes you either did not think of or consciously refused because reasons and bias. Realizing how bereft of logic you were, you decided to appeal to your fan base, the 14 year old boys out there.

"Need a gun"? And we're back to that. I gave you 7 valid reasons why people own guns and your response was to reach into your pants. Very telling.

Car collectors don't need supercharged V-8 engines capable of pumping out 500 hp, and most of them are not spending weekends drag racing in the streets either. No one is telling them that the only purpose behind a big powerful engine is to win drag races. Face reality, people enjoy things you don't like, but instead of ignoring them, you want to castigate them and tell them you think you can read their minds. Is that a liberal thing or just a stupid thing? Or is it both? Sometimes the distinction gets quite blurry.
<yawn> I did not bring up cars to this discussion. Another retard did. He/it tried to show that cars and guns are the same.

Hence, my post. Get it now? I have already answered you. None of the reasons you gave has anything specific to do with guns. "Building character" My ass.

It is not the fact that the family posed with guns is the problem. It is to do with celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ who preached love and turning the other cheek. What has guns to do with his life?

During Thanksgiving, is it common to pose with a turkey or with a butcher knife?
Next thing you know, they will create a holiday card with the holy trinity and three wise men holding semi automatic weapons.

The three wise men didn't bring weapons as gifts for the baby Jesus.

For all you "christians", the three wise men brought the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Not one weapon or semi automatic weapon was in that stable the night the baby Jesus was born.

And to further remind the "christians" on this board,

That is what you are supposed to be celebrating.


You know that guy? The one you believe is the son of your god and your messiah?

NOT weapons.

Years ago a family member of mine went to Hawaii and used their picture for a Christmas card. What does Hawaii have to do with Christmas?
So that black guy in Wisconsin that went to a white suburb to try and kill as many white people as possible with his car was a Trumptard? If so, why did the commie media bury the story in less than a week?
So, some black guy somewhere killed people with a car and so it is a must that white people pose with guns to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Yup. That makes sense. :sleeping-smiley-015:
Excellent question......you put your finger on how Christmas isn't really a religious holiday anymore.

Some people are not strongly religious and still celebrate it. I mean do you get Christmas cards this time of year? I do. I bet out of the dozen or so cards I get, maybe one or two of them actually have something to do with Jesus.

Even if you have no religion, particularly a Christian religion, Christmas is generally a holiday we use to be with our family and friends.
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