Politician slammed for tasteless Christmas Card

Odd how this is the only constitutionally protected right that people ever celebrate in this manner.
Really? Seems to me an awful lot of Christmas card photos feature religious imagery. Maybe you need to review the Bill of Rights again.
Me neither. My guns are locked up in my house. They aren't on display in my house, and I don't post them or me on a Christmas card. Like I said, doing that means so much more to them than celebrating Christmas. These folks are obsessed with power and control. That's what really all this is about.

Once again, the second was written up to control slaves. What does that mean exactly? It means power, and it means control over minorities. In their own sick way, it still does today. If they could go back to those days of really controlling them in that way, they'd do it without reservation. Their big fear is that minorities are allowed on our streets across this country, "legally."

The second means way more than personal defense. Believe me.

You own guns? Wow, that's not keeping with your leftist agenda! Your brethren will not be happy with you.
Really? Seems to me an awful lot of Christmas card photos feature religious imagery. Maybe you need to review the Bill of Rights again.

How many have you received where the family was holding the religious imagery and grinning like this family and their guns?
...and these Moon Bats fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Families take pictures at Christmas for a variety of reasons.

I've seen them with dogs and cats.

I've seen them with their cars.

I've seen them with silly clothes and in silly places.

This family chose to show their appreciation for an American Liberty.

There is nothing wrong with that.

God bless them. The right to keep and bear arms is a god endowed Liberty according to the Founding Fathers of this country.
They are on a gun totting power trip, and they know what the second was written for. They are after control, which has nothing to do with Christmas.

And the founding fathers gave the right to keep and bear arms as a way to control slaves; "One of the things that I argue throughout this book is that it is just being Black that is the threat. And so when you mix that being Black as the threat with bearing arms, it's an exponential fear," she says. "This isn't an anti-gun or a pro-gun book. This is a book about African Americans' rights."

Your concern for the sanctity of Christmas is touching. How do you work religious themes into your Christmas photos?

We do not do Christmas photo cards, find them tacky as hell. But religious themes are all over the house in our decorations

And oddly enough they had not religious theme in their photo at all. Even the tree is devoid of any religious themed ornaments.

Maybe they are not a Christian family
We do not do Christmas photo cards, find them tacky as hell. But religious themes are all over the house in our decorations

And oddly enough they had not religious theme in their photo at all. Even the tree is devoid of any religious themed ornaments.

Maybe they are not a Christian family

Or maybe they feel differently than you.

Wow. what a concept.
It is hilarious how a simple picture of guns has so many Dimtards wetting their pants.
But not surprising. This is the bunch, after all, that needed safe spaces after seeing the name "TRUMP!" written in chalk on a sidewalk. They are very easily upset and run for the fainting couches.
They are actually celebrating the second amendments original intention, that they hope will return one day; controlling blacks. The second means so much more than owning guns. I own lot's of guns, and have never felt the need to display them and myself to the public. It's a power thing for them. Kyle Rittenhouse was a prime example of this power he intended to display, and he did. Except he shot the wrong one's.
And just messed up that narrative something awful.

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