Politicians and 401K Organizations wanting our paychecks again

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021

Retirement reform is on track for Biden's signature 'hopefully this year': Rep. Kevin Brady

This bill is EXPRESSLY created and designed for those banking institutions that have 401k "programs" and the politicians that back this Communist program. They want you to think they are doing the employee a favor, but in fact, there is nothing but HARM and THEFT to the employees and their money!!!

The politicians want an "easier in" to siphon even MORE money from our paychecks via these corrupt and underhanded 401K organizations that give these politicians kickbacks for every employee they can sucker punch into this "program"!!!

WE the people have to now watch out for OURSELVES, because these heinously greed mongering politicians only want MORE control over OUR paychecks!! And if we don't start stopping these criminals and forcing them out of their offices en-mass...............at some point we won't be getting paychecks anymore, we will just be working as slaves for politicians, living in slum housing, and eating out of dumpsters.

I know, I was a victim of this Communist agenda plot when Obozo was in office! Now they want to make it national and a law! I'm already in contact and a conversation with my local State Rep to find ways to put a stop to this. I've told him that the millions and millions of employees such as myself, that work from paycheck to paycheck CANNOT afford the government deciding what THEY can and can't do with MY money!! It's MY money, not THEIR money!! It's not THEIR decision to ENFORCE ME to do something I don't want to do, with MY money!!

Stop this Communist bill now!!

Retirement reform is on track for Biden's signature 'hopefully this year': Rep. Kevin Brady

This bill is EXPRESSLY created and designed for those banking institutions that have 401k "programs" and the politicians that back this Communist program. They want you to think they are doing the employee a favor, but in fact, there is nothing but HARM and THEFT to the employees and their money!!!

The politicians want an "easier in" to siphon even MORE money from our paychecks via these corrupt and underhanded 401K organizations that give these politicians kickbacks for every employee they can sucker punch into this "program"!!!

WE the people have to now watch out for OURSELVES, because these heinously greed mongering politicians only want MORE control over OUR paychecks!! And if we don't start stopping these criminals and forcing them out of their offices en-mass...............at some point we won't be getting paychecks anymore, we will just be working as slaves for politicians, living in slum housing, and eating out of dumpsters.

I know, I was a victim of this Communist agenda plot when Obozo was in office! Now they want to make it national and a law! I'm already in contact and a conversation with my local State Rep to find ways to put a stop to this. I've told him that the millions and millions of employees such as myself, that work from paycheck to paycheck CANNOT afford the government deciding what THEY can and can't do with MY money!! It's MY money, not THEIR money!! It's not THEIR decision to ENFORCE ME to do something I don't want to do, with MY money!!

Stop this Communist bill now!!
There is NO program that will EVER get me to contribute to a 401K or other retirement account. Hell, I wish I could trade my pension for additional current wages.

I will not survive a retirement. I have no plan to. When I can no longer work it’s time to check out, permanently.

Retirement reform is on track for Biden's signature 'hopefully this year': Rep. Kevin Brady

This bill is EXPRESSLY created and designed for those banking institutions that have 401k "programs" and the politicians that back this Communist program. They want you to think they are doing the employee a favor, but in fact, there is nothing but HARM and THEFT to the employees and their money!!!

The politicians want an "easier in" to siphon even MORE money from our paychecks via these corrupt and underhanded 401K organizations that give these politicians kickbacks for every employee they can sucker punch into this "program"!!!

WE the people have to now watch out for OURSELVES, because these heinously greed mongering politicians only want MORE control over OUR paychecks!! And if we don't start stopping these criminals and forcing them out of their offices en-mass...............at some point we won't be getting paychecks anymore, we will just be working as slaves for politicians, living in slum housing, and eating out of dumpsters.

I know, I was a victim of this Communist agenda plot when Obozo was in office! Now they want to make it national and a law! I'm already in contact and a conversation with my local State Rep to find ways to put a stop to this. I've told him that the millions and millions of employees such as myself, that work from paycheck to paycheck CANNOT afford the government deciding what THEY can and can't do with MY money!! It's MY money, not THEIR money!! It's not THEIR decision to ENFORCE ME to do something I don't want to do, with MY money!!

Stop this Communist bill now!!

It's not the BIG changes in laws we all have to watch out for, it's all of these "small" changes in laws that are made to look like passive or positive changes for the people, when they are, in fact, some of the most detrimental changes there can be.
I read the comment from the OP and I understand why this country is in the mess it is. You voted didn't you?
There is NO program that will EVER get me to contribute to a 401K or other retirement account. Hell, I wish I could trade my pension for additional current wages.

I will not survive a retirement. I have no plan to. When I can no longer work it’s time to check out, permanently.

I contributed 6% and my employer contributed 9%. I had no desire to work my entire life.
I am fine with what they are hoping to achieve in theory. Nobody is forcing people to join. It just makes it easier for people who work for mom and pop shops to plan for their retirement. When I set mine up for my S-corp, it cost like $1800 up front and still costs me on average $30 a month in addition to what the fund fees are. Spreading those costs over a lot of people or doing away with them could benefit small employers.
There is NO program that will EVER get me to contribute to a 401K or other retirement account. Hell, I wish I could trade my pension for additional current wages.

I will not survive a retirement. I have no plan to. When I can no longer work it’s time to check out, permanently.

I contributed 6% and my employer contributed 9%. I had no desire to work my entire life.

But you should understand that other people don't have the same goals. They may figure they won't live long enough to retire, or that they will be just as happy living off of Social Security or SSI in their old age and residing in a senior citizen high rise.
There is NO program that will EVER get me to contribute to a 401K or other retirement account. Hell, I wish I could trade my pension for additional current wages.

I will not survive a retirement. I have no plan to. When I can no longer work it’s time to check out, permanently.

I contributed 6% and my employer contributed 9%. I had no desire to work my entire life.

But you should understand that other people don't have the same goals. They may figure they won't live long enough to retire, or that they will be just as happy living off of Social Security or SSI in their old age and residing in a senior citizen high rise.

That's all well and fine. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
I contributed 6% and my employer contributed 9%. I had no desire to work my entire life
I’d rather have that 6% in my pocket. The day after I retire is the day I become a corpse. I have no interest in being a useless sack of flesh just going through the motions of life.

I came into this life with nothing. I intend to go out the same way.
I contributed 6% and my employer contributed 9%. I had no desire to work my entire life
I’d rather have that 6% in my pocket. The day after I retire is the day I become a corpse. I have no interest in being a useless sack of flesh just going through the motions of life.

I came into this life with nothing. I intend to go out the same way.

Again, that's fine. No one is forcing you to. I don't plan on going out still having the money, the only difference is I won't be going to work.
But you should understand that other people don't have the same goals. They may figure they won't live long enough to retire, or that they will be just as happy living off of Social Security or SSI in their old age and residing in a senior citizen high rise
Social Security shouldn’t exist. If you want a retirement, save for it yourself. I don’t want it. I won’t prepare for it. No Government or Employer program will get me to. I do not want a single penny of my taxes supporting those programs.

Retirement reform is on track for Biden's signature 'hopefully this year': Rep. Kevin Brady

This bill is EXPRESSLY created and designed for those banking institutions that have 401k "programs" and the politicians that back this Communist program. They want you to think they are doing the employee a favor, but in fact, there is nothing but HARM and THEFT to the employees and their money!!!

The politicians want an "easier in" to siphon even MORE money from our paychecks via these corrupt and underhanded 401K organizations that give these politicians kickbacks for every employee they can sucker punch into this "program"!!!

WE the people have to now watch out for OURSELVES, because these heinously greed mongering politicians only want MORE control over OUR paychecks!! And if we don't start stopping these criminals and forcing them out of their offices en-mass...............at some point we won't be getting paychecks anymore, we will just be working as slaves for politicians, living in slum housing, and eating out of dumpsters.

I know, I was a victim of this Communist agenda plot when Obozo was in office! Now they want to make it national and a law! I'm already in contact and a conversation with my local State Rep to find ways to put a stop to this. I've told him that the millions and millions of employees such as myself, that work from paycheck to paycheck CANNOT afford the government deciding what THEY can and can't do with MY money!! It's MY money, not THEIR money!! It's not THEIR decision to ENFORCE ME to do something I don't want to do, with MY money!!

Stop this Communist bill now!!

It's not the BIG changes in laws we all have to watch out for, it's all of these "small" changes in laws that are made to look like passive or positive changes for the people, when they are, in fact, some of the most detrimental changes there can be.
Look up. See the pretty contrails........
Again, that's fine. No one is forcing you to. I don't plan on going out still having the money, the only difference is I won't be going to work
I don’t plan on working until I’m 90 either. I’m just not gonna waste my time sitting around being useless for 25 years.
Again, that's fine. No one is forcing you to. I don't plan on going out still having the money, the only difference is I won't be going to work
I don’t plan on working until I’m 90 either. I’m just not gonna waste my time sitting around being useless for 25 years.

Someone has to watch to make sure the river isn't overflowing it's banks and make sure that the same river doesn't get too full of fish.
Someone has to watch to make sure the river isn't overflowing it's banks and make sure that the same river doesn't get too full of fish
We are so far out of the banks of the river it’s going to take a massive dredging project to fix it. The problem isn’t the fish who are swimming. The problem is the lazyfish just floating down the river and eventually sinking to the bottom.

if we could remove the lazy fish just being dragged along on the tide and filling up the river bottom. I will not be the lazy fish. I will not be the sediment that causes the banks to overflow.
Someone has to watch to make sure the river isn't overflowing it's banks and make sure that the same river doesn't get too full of fish
We are so far out of the banks of the river it’s going to take a massive dredging project to fix it. The problem isn’t the fish who are swimming. The problem is the lazyfish just floating down the river and eventually sinking to the bottom.

if we could remove the lazy fish just being dragged along on the tide and filling up the river bottom. I will not be the lazy fish. I will not be the sediment that causes the banks to overflow.

Don't. Work your entire life. I don't care.
Don't. Work your entire life. I don't care
You should care, because if I were to change my mind at the last moment it’s the taxpayers who are going to be paying to keep me alive after I retire. Taxpayers like YOU.

But maybe you’re different than me. Maybe you enjoy shelling out your money to pay for lazy or incompetent fucks, for those who don’t prepare to support themselves in their elder years, and others who don’t deserve it. I have ZERO interest in seeing my taxes support such worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen.

Retirement reform is on track for Biden's signature 'hopefully this year': Rep. Kevin Brady

This bill is EXPRESSLY created and designed for those banking institutions that have 401k "programs" and the politicians that back this Communist program. They want you to think they are doing the employee a favor, but in fact, there is nothing but HARM and THEFT to the employees and their money!!!

The politicians want an "easier in" to siphon even MORE money from our paychecks via these corrupt and underhanded 401K organizations that give these politicians kickbacks for every employee they can sucker punch into this "program"!!!

WE the people have to now watch out for OURSELVES, because these heinously greed mongering politicians only want MORE control over OUR paychecks!! And if we don't start stopping these criminals and forcing them out of their offices en-mass...............at some point we won't be getting paychecks anymore, we will just be working as slaves for politicians, living in slum housing, and eating out of dumpsters.

I know, I was a victim of this Communist agenda plot when Obozo was in office! Now they want to make it national and a law! I'm already in contact and a conversation with my local State Rep to find ways to put a stop to this. I've told him that the millions and millions of employees such as myself, that work from paycheck to paycheck CANNOT afford the government deciding what THEY can and can't do with MY money!! It's MY money, not THEIR money!! It's not THEIR decision to ENFORCE ME to do something I don't want to do, with MY money!!

Stop this Communist bill now!!
We would not be retired now if we had not been in 401Ks most of our lives as well as working for companies with solid pension plans. I would really like not having to take mandatory disbursements starting at 70 as I do not need the cash and would rather it just kept growing, as I might need chunks later. The theory was pay less tax when putting in and probably lower taxes on it at time of withdrawal. We didn't get the last part, but putting off being told what to do with my money is a good thing.
Don't. Work your entire life. I don't care
You should care, because if I were to change my mind at the last moment it’s the taxpayers who are going to be paying to keep me alive after I retire. Taxpayers like YOU.

But maybe you’re different than me. Maybe you enjoy shelling out your money to pay for lazy or incompetent fucks, for those who don’t prepare to support themselves in their elder years, and others who don’t deserve it. I have ZERO interest in seeing my taxes support such worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen.

This is a thread on 401K's. You just want to rant as your rant has nothing to do with the topic.

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