Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

We have long been a country where we start off diverse and work towards commonality. This is a very good thing and good for our country.

In current usage among the intelectually benighted multiculturalists, people start of diverse and REMAIN diverse. They are then pitted against others for the good of nobody.

Diversity is now just a code word used by globalists wanting to destablize Western nations by flooding them with people from incomparable cultures and who have absolutely no desire to assimilate.

Weird that our founders were completely aware of this 200 years ago huh?
They framed the Naturalization Act Of 1790 the way they did for a reason didn’t they?
So you think all white men rule as long as they wear different ties?? Looks like a bunch of egomaniacs to me.
Yes, but not all white men...many.

Looks like you picked the scum of the whole bunch in your picture.


Penelope speaks...
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?

Chinese food is one example...

I don't believe food has anything to do with diversity. Eating food that's popular in another country is much different than living with people from another country.

We don't need 100 million Mexicans, to make good Mexican food, we actually don't need any, some of the best Mexican food IMO is Tex-Mex, by Americans.
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?

They don’t. Your fear is the barrier.

.....His gripe is legitimate. ....

Bullshit. He’s just weak and scared and ignorant about American History.

How about Ancient Rome? How about modern day Europe. Multiculturalism destroyed one .......

No, it didn’t.
That’s your straw man. I never posited that statement, you did. Again you prove your absence of any understanding of logic, dumbass.

You’re not making sense bud...don’t start trying to walk shit back now.

Learn to read and try again, dumbass.

Haha..I think you’re working real hard here and trying to misunderstand me.
Let’s slow it down and take it from the top.
Ready...here goes.
How do Americans benefit from diversity?
(This is where you will now explain how Americans benefit from diversity)

Do you know what a straw man is?

I have no clue.

Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?
Albert Einstein...think about it.....These low lifes you claim should not be here have helped the US in many ways but I will not waste anytime reminding a closed mind what they are...Next time you see a black man thank him for helping to build the US for free...
the black guy who lives next to me works for the state of Nevada....
Assimilation is what makes us great.

All diversity does is muddy the waters.
Are you still eating curds and whey all day every day like they used to or some barley gruel, yummy...?

See #13
---------------------------------- assimilation , what for , there is probably more freedom in the zhitholes for those on the fringe of society and the imported third worlder bring that FREEDOM here to the USA .

I am white and born in this nation yet I don't want your culture, it sucks...
you tell em Moony....

Assimilation is what makes us great.

All diversity does is muddy the waters.
Are you still eating curds and whey all day every day like they used to or some barley gruel, yummy...?

See #13
---------------------------------- assimilation , what for , there is probably more freedom in the zhitholes for those on the fringe of society and the imported third worlder bring that FREEDOM here to the USA .

I am white and born in this nation yet I don't want your culture, it sucks...
you tell em Moony....

------------------------------------ i think that my point was , hey , why would they assimilate . And that the problem with importing these third worlders HarryD .
Assimilation is what makes us great.

All diversity does is muddy the waters.
Are you still eating curds and whey all day every day like they used to or some barley gruel, yummy...?

See #13
---------------------------------- assimilation , what for , there is probably more freedom in the zhitholes for those on the fringe of society and the imported third worlder bring that FREEDOM here to the USA .
------------------------------ Yeah , read my post in full . why would third world imports assimilate no matter if legal or illegal imported third worlders . Heck , they get the run of the place , have more freedom being non Western and NOT assimilated HarryD
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I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?

Chinese food is one example...

I don't believe food has anything to do with diversity. Eating food that's popular in another country is much different than living with people from another country.

We don't need 100 million Mexicans, to make good Mexican food, we actually don't need any, some of the best Mexican food IMO is Tex-Mex, by Americans.
---------------------------- My American MOM made great 'mex' food with a cook book , same for 'eyetalian' and Russian and that was in the 50s .
all the un assimilated or pretenders need to do is say --- no comprhendo or similar and they win even when lying .
I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?

Chinese food is one example...

I don't believe food has anything to do with diversity. Eating food that's popular in another country is much different than living with people from another country.

We don't need 100 million Mexicans, to make good Mexican food, we actually don't need any, some of the best Mexican food IMO is Tex-Mex, by Americans.

Taco Bell baby
I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?

Chinese food is one example...

I don't believe food has anything to do with diversity. Eating food that's popular in another country is much different than living with people from another country.

We don't need 100 million Mexicans, to make good Mexican food, we actually don't need any, some of the best Mexican food IMO is Tex-Mex, by Americans.

It's really just another lame excuse. Personally, I hate Mexican food. And I'm sure the libs here will call me racist, sexist, xenophobe because of that.

At one time we did depend on immigrants while building this country. But for the most part, this country is already built. We created heaven on earth. Now others who didn't do the same want to come here and reap the fruits of our labor.

The United States allows one million immigrants to become citizens of this country every single year. This is on top of our work permits and education Visa's. No other country in the world are as generous as us. In fact if it was up to me, that would stop as well.
all the un assimilated or pretenders need to do is say --- no comprhendo or similar and they win even when lying .

I may do just that for the next $100k surgery I go in for...."No entiendo inglés. Estoy aquí ilegalmente. por favor envíe la factura a los jodidos americanos tontos"
I bet I could walk out with a free surgery....and Golfing Gator thinks that would be acceptable
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?

Chinese food is one example...

I don't believe food has anything to do with diversity. Eating food that's popular in another country is much different than living with people from another country.

We don't need 100 million Mexicans, to make good Mexican food, we actually don't need any, some of the best Mexican food IMO is Tex-Mex, by Americans.

It's really just another lame excuse. Personally, I hate Mexican food. And I'm sure the libs here will call me racist, sexist, xenophobe because of that.

At one time we did depend on immigrants while building this country. But for the most part, this country is already built. We created heaven on earth. Now others who didn't do the same want to come here and reap the fruits of our labor.

The United States allows one million immigrants to become citizens of this country every single year. This is on top of our work permits and education Visa's. No other country in the world are as generous as us. In fact if it was up to me, that would stop as well.
-------------------------------- well , its not Americans like me letting those millions in , it a fecked up government that undermining the USA as it adds to the already existing 5th column .
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

In guessing that in-breeding in the hills of kentucky and west virginia is a positive in your mind.
If diversity programs had not been rooted in unhinged leftist PC. ideology, they would have been tolerable.
But the problem lies in the fact that diversity never differentiated between illegal and legal immigrants. Instead they lumped both groups under a general 'immigrant' label in order to perpetuate open borders along with a continuing failure to reform our immigration policies.
Unhinged Democrats and the far left they now worship, truly hate America.

I agree...
This shit should have never been made so trivial. We are a nation funded and run by the citizenry....We The People should benefit from anybody migrating here...PERIOD

A new record of 1,000 plus illegals jumped the border in El Paso the other day.
Where's the outrage?

It's like when 30 people get shot in Chicago on a holiday weekend. It happens so often it's not even news any more. The root word in News is "new."
If diversity programs had not been rooted in unhinged leftist PC. ideology, they would have been tolerable.
But the problem lies in the fact that diversity never differentiated between illegal and legal immigrants. Instead they lumped both groups under a general 'immigrant' label in order to perpetuate open borders along with a continuing failure to reform our immigration policies.
Unhinged Democrats and the far left they now worship, truly hate America.

I agree...
This shit should have never been made so trivial. We are a nation funded and run by the citizenry....We The People should benefit from anybody migrating here...PERIOD

A new record of 1,000 plus illegals jumped the border in El Paso the other day.
Where's the outrage?

It's like when 30 people get shot in Chicago on a holiday weekend. It happens so often it's not even news any more. The root word in News is "new."

Dude, your not worried about people getting shot/killed, you just worry that the gun got out safely.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

In guessing that in-breeding in the hills of kentucky and west virginia is a positive in your mind.

That's awfully racist of you isn't it...we all know that Hispanics and Blacks love their incestual rape.
Whoopsie...and you thought you were being clever...hahaha
"Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children."

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