Politicizing of the SB Half-Time Show


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Can't we just have an entertaining halftime show without 'stars' or groups hijacking it to push their own agendas? In this past weekend's SB Halftime show we were subjected to Beyoncé's salute to the militant Black Panthers 50th anniversary, her tribute to Malcolm X, and - according to the LGBT Community - a display honoring same-sex marriage...

The SB is not a platform from which to launch your own personal protest, political statement, or agenda. Keep your clothes on (no 'wardrobe malfunctions'), keep you political beliefs / comments to yourself, and ENTERTAIN, which is what you're being paid to do. If you want to promote someone or something during the SB, pay $5 million for a 30 second commercial like everyone else!
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the NFL has become nothing more than joke. you let these Liberal PC people in on the decisions and what you get is crap like that halftime show I wouldn't let my young children watch. it's disgusting and how Beyoncé didn't give a crap what she does is even more sickening if she is a mother
Identity Politics has polluted our culture from one corner to the other. Everywhere.

Division, hate, anger.

Can't escape it now, even watching a football game.
From what I saw, it looks like the people there were entertained. I suspect they will continue choosing half time entertainment to please the thousands of paying spectators and not really care what you and a few other complaining goobers on the internet say.
The NFL is not the same game that drew me in when I was 8 years old and started following the Dallas Cowboys in 1966.

It is a bunch of overpaid narcissists trying to beat the hell out of each other while the tV media sells as many commercials as they can.

The NFL is not the same game that drew me in when I was 8 years old and started following the Dallas Cowboys in 1966.

It is a bunch of overpaid narcissists trying to beat the hell out of each other while the tV media sells as many commercials as they can.


You're just realizing that now?
Did not watch half time show. I have learned, after the last 50 years, they suck! I did watch some of the game, and have to say, it was a "defense" like night. Denver's stationary target, Manning, and Carolina's supposedly mobile target, Newton, were toast from the "git go". The better defense won this game hands down. Bum Phillip's boy, Wade, done real good last night. If you do not understand that last statement, tough!
The NFL is not the same game that drew me in when I was 8 years old and started following the Dallas Cowboys in 1966.

It is a bunch of overpaid narcissists trying to beat the hell out of each other while the tV media sells as many commercials as they can.

I urinate in the motors of "America's" team, past, present and future!
Omg so much whining and crying in this thread. Please someone change these people's diapers!
In reality, JayZ and his bottom bitch are monetizing the BLM movement. JayZ is like one of those free black dudes who traded in black slaves.
God forbid you give a baby obviously old enough to survive outside the womb a personality, giving the impression that this is a 'little person' / human being instead of a lump of cells that you can sell for cash or a Lamborghini! Humanizing that 'thing' inside of the mother is detrimental to their agenda - can't have that now, can we?


Personally I thought it was funny and the best commercial during the entire SB!
Identity Politics has polluted our culture from one corner to the other. Everywhere.

Division, hate, anger.

Can't escape it now, even watching a football game.

Not surprised at all, and I wonder if anyone besides the politically in tune even noticed.
Get a load of this. that ugly dressed amazon of a woman millionaire singing the praises of the domestic terrorist the "BLM" and then looking LIKE the thugs they are and dressing up as Black Panthers and rising their fist at us while raking in the dough. how much more of this are WE the people going to take from these people? NFL can go to hell along with Beyoncé she pushes this garbage on us and then goes home to her Ivory Tower Mansion.


Beyonce Sings Anti-Cop Song At Super Bowl… After Getting Highway-Clearing Police Escort

Beyonce just released a Black Lives Matter homage which she performed at the Super Bowl. But that didn’t stop her from taking advantage of a highway-clearing police escort to the Super Bowl. Hypocrisy they name is Bey…




all of it here:

Beyonce Sings Anti-Cop Song At Super Bowl… After Getting Highway-Clearing Police Escort | Weasel Zippers

If this thread gets any whinier some ya'll are likely to get a DUI on the drive home from work. lol
The OP searched for those pics just so he can post them and then complain about being confronted with images that weren't on the TV at all.

Unless the OP is the NFL commissioner I would say yes...that is what the half time show is about since the green lit the show in the first place.

It's just the same guys crying about the same things. Waa Gays, blacks, scantily clad ladies exist! Like get the stick out your asses. No one is going to ban gays, blacks or half dressed because Grandma and Grand dad doesn't understand the new generation.
I don't understand why everyone is upset with the halftime show or the Doritios commercial.

Then we have people pissed at Newton for his behavior and criticizing Lady Gaga's dress.

People need to grow up, it is a game.
I don't see a bunch of women dressed like whores as a threat to public safety.
Yep. It was the Black Power and faggotry halftime show. Whatever. I watch for the game not the town jesters wiggling around at halftime.

The fact that so many millions idolize these clowns in entertainment is pathetic though. They aren't even a 10th as talented as the players in the game.

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