Politico, Liberal Reporters CHEER ASSAULT of Gateway Pundit Reporter in White House Press Room

The reporters who attacked the innocent man should be banned from the white house, permanently.
Some stories of gateway are for the most part factually based but sensationally written, but some are just trash, gossip and out right lies.
Everything from there should be checked and rechecked for other sources.
If they show up on my news, I check for other more reliable sources, several more.
Last line is another don't trust site. I had to block it out from my news.
I've taken to checking on MSM as well where local politics are concerned. Internationally they tend to be more factual, usually.
NBC is rabid, totally frothing at the mouth.
There can be some truth mix in on fake news sites, but it's better to stay away from them altogether.
Better to begin with skepticism when reading news and then see how many real news sites back up the facts, even if conclusions and opinions might be tilted.

news today is a bid like the whisper game, by the end of the round, there is little of similarity to what was started.

So sick of news being used a entertainments and talking heads full of hot air.
Sick of the extreme partisanship from all sides. Time to find middle ground for the sake of the nation, and a lot more honesty.
If they don't like being called a Nazi site, they should quit publishing articles based on the Nazi viewpoint.
I have not seen this anywhere else on the net so I wonder whether it's true or not.

If it's true, he should be immediately fired by Fox.

Hell, he's acting like a leftist.

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