
et al,

Which people of which Arab community has benefited from the Arab Spring?

What was the benefit?

All Arab Communities will benefit in the end...the price for freedom has always been paid with blood.

So far they've paid with blood but in return what they got was civil wars and Islamist govt.'s coming to power, meaning, the people are worse off than they were before, exponentially.

Turning the clock back to the medieval ages and all the savagery that comes with it, isn't a step forward.
Did I make the claim that I did. No. You did. You do it a lot. Just like your other post claiming that ISrael and the U.S;s future isn;t good. That's such baloney.
I think Israel's near future will be fine as long as the US military umbrella is there...The question of a distant future is not assured because Israel was re-created by the Western Powers in a sea of Islam.

However, I do believe that if Israel signed an Arab League peace and actually traded and inspired an economic revitalization in the ME, she would be accepted by the masses...

Look at America Germany and Japan, all bitter enemies dis-armed by prosperity.

Name me a potential scenario in which Israel would fall without U.S support
This is just a very popular wet dream.
Isn’t it ironic that the most conservative Islamic State has become a bedfellow with Israel? It is because the ME has crossed the Rubicon and populism via Islamism or anti- Western Imperialism is propping up... Israel and all the Western backed dictatorships, kings and Sheiks who are falling as the Arab spring grinds on.

The American Century is setting on ME influence and the two bedfellows are in the danger zone.

Insight: As Obama blinks on Syria, Israel, Saudis make common cause
Israel and Saudi Arabia have little love for each other but both are pressing their mutual friend in the White House to hit President Bashar al-Assad hard. And both do so with one eye fixed firmly not on Syria but on their common adversary - Iran.
Israel's response to Obama's surprise move to delay or even possibly cancel air strikes made clear that connection: looking soft on Assad after accusing him of killing hundreds of people with chemical weapons may embolden his backers in Tehran to develop nuclear arms, Israeli officials said. And if they do, Israel may strike Iran alone, unsure Washington can be trusted.
Point? Most of the Sunni world feels threatened by Shiite Iran's expansionist ambitions. The Saudis first because Iran will try to topple the Saudi Royals once it gets a nuclear weapon, to gain control of Mecca and Medina, the big prize in Islam.

Iran is already sponsoring terrorists in countries neighboring Saudi Arabia, like Yemen, and Saudi jet fighters have struck at targets there.

In the event of a strike in Iran, it's possible the Saudis might give Israelis or Americans access to their air space and air bases as well. Keep up.


What expansionist position does Iran have? Sure Saudi Arabia would love to be the State that regains its sole power of orchestrating ME policies filling the power vacuum created by the US by destroying Saddam for Israel.

Ironically the policy papers by the Israeli influenced Neo-Cons of the PNAC called for revolutions in the ME to create democracies, in their view, to accept the Israeli State in the region...

The Arab Spring will grind on for years and then an avalanche.
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Did I make the claim that I did. No. You did. You do it a lot. Just like your other post claiming that ISrael and the U.S;s future isn;t good. That's such baloney.
I think Israel's near future will be fine as long as the US military umbrella is there...The question of a distant future is not assured because Israel was re-created by the Western Powers in a sea of Islam.

However, I do believe that if Israel signed an Arab League peace and actually traded and inspired an economic revitalization in the ME, she would be accepted by the masses...

Look at America Germany and Japan, all bitter enemies dis-armed by prosperity.

Name me a potential scenario in which Israel would fall without U.S support

Toast, this is a War of Attrition between the Western Imperial Powers on the Arabs...Israel is at the forefront of their power... This is what the Arab masses see...they also see that that the Kings, Sheiks and Dictators are lackeys for the Western Powers consuming the wealth of their nations with corruption while they suffer and starve.

Wars of Attrition is the tactic that physically booted out all previous invaders to the ME.

That is their Tactic. It has always worked: Keep up the pressure until they leave.

I believe that Israel can derail this process only by acceptance to their existence. A Palestinian Peace and a peace with the Arab League might save Israel, because Islam is not incompatible with Judaism...
I think Israel's near future will be fine as long as the US military umbrella is there...The question of a distant future is not assured because Israel was re-created by the Western Powers in a sea of Islam.

However, I do believe that if Israel signed an Arab League peace and actually traded and inspired an economic revitalization in the ME, she would be accepted by the masses...

Look at America Germany and Japan, all bitter enemies dis-armed by prosperity.

Name me a potential scenario in which Israel would fall without U.S support

Toast, this is a War of Attrition between the Western Imperial Powers on the Arabs...Israel is at the forefront of their power... This is what the Arab masses see...they also see that that the Kings, Sheiks and Dictators are lackeys for the Western Powers consuming the wealth of their nations with corruption while they suffer and starve.

Wars of Attrition is the tactic that physically booted out all previous invaders to the ME.

That is their Tactic. It has always worked: Keep up the pressure until they leave.

I believe that Israel can derail this process only by acceptance to their existence. A Palestinian Peace and a peace with the Arab League might save Israel, because Islam is not incompatible with Judaism...

Arab leaders are not 'lackeys' if they are corrupt. They should be held accountable for their own actions. The Western powers gave them their independence a long time ago.
I think Israel's near future will be fine as long as the US military umbrella is there...The question of a distant future is not assured because Israel was re-created by the Western Powers in a sea of Islam.

However, I do believe that if Israel signed an Arab League peace and actually traded and inspired an economic revitalization in the ME, she would be accepted by the masses...

Look at America Germany and Japan, all bitter enemies dis-armed by prosperity.

Name me a potential scenario in which Israel would fall without U.S support

Toast, this is a War of Attrition between the Western Imperial Powers on the Arabs...Israel is at the forefront of their power... This is what the Arab masses see...they also see that that the Kings, Sheiks and Dictators are lackeys for the Western Powers consuming the wealth of their nations with corruption while they suffer and starve.

Wars of Attrition is the tactic that physically booted out all previous invaders to the ME.

That is their Tactic. It has always worked: Keep up the pressure until they leave.

I believe that Israel can derail this process only by acceptance to their existence. A Palestinian Peace and a peace with the Arab League might save Israel, because Islam is not incompatible with Judaism...

Islam IS incompatible with Judaism, which has become modernized for the most part. Islam is still in the seventh century.
The nations of the Arab League colluded to commit 'war crimes' or 'crimes against humanity' in the form of their conspiracy to disenfranchise, beggar and eject their Jewish citizens.

No just peace can exist without the AL nations acknowledging their own crimes and making at least an apology to the people they harmed - there *ought* to be reparations as well.

The AL leaders are all too dishonest and corrupt to own up to their 'ethnic cleansing' wrongs against people who had lived I their nations for MILLENNIA.

Now, what does that suggest to you, Pbel, out the likelihood that their word is to be trusted even if they DID sign peace treaties?
Point? Most of the Sunni world feels threatened by Shiite Iran's expansionist ambitions. The Saudis first because Iran will try to topple the Saudi Royals once it gets a nuclear weapon, to gain control of Mecca and Medina, the big prize in Islam.

Iran is already sponsoring terrorists in countries neighboring Saudi Arabia, like Yemen, and Saudi jet fighters have struck at targets there.

In the event of a strike in Iran, it's possible the Saudis might give Israelis or Americans access to their air space and air bases as well. Keep up.


What expansionist position does Iran have? Sure Saudi Arabia would love to be the State that regains its sole power of orchestrating ME policies filling the power vacuum created by the US by destroying Saddam for Israel.

Ironically the policy papers by the Israeli influenced Neo-Cons of the PNAC called for revolutions in the ME to create democracies, in their view, to accept the Israeli State in the region...

The Arab Spring will grind on for years and then an avalanche.

What expansionist policies does Iran have? Well one would need to know a little more about Islam and the blood feud between Sunnis and Shiites to understand. Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, and the arrival of Ayatollah Khomieni's Islamist state the world has not been the same. In fact Iran's march towards an Islamist Middle East controlled by Shiites in Iran, brought about the Saudi reaction and the creation of Al Queda and spread of Wahhabi Sunni Islam to counter Iran's ambitions.

Lets not forget Iran's expansionist influence and presence in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. and the heinous crimes and acts of terror that Iran's govt has been behind.
et al,

Which people of which Arab community has benefited from the Arab Spring?

What was the benefit?


I think it is way to soon to determine benefits/failures. Revolutions take years to sort out.

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