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Politics has taken a dramatic turn


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
for the Worst in America.It is now a Tropics of Americanized Cancer.
Of the body politics and a whole lot more.
Nothing to sneeze at or take lightly.Surely those who propagate this
form of Marxism is living the American Dream c/o of how
those attending Columbia University have been taught for years.
Stuff like Cloward-Piven Stategy.First mentioned in the mid 60's
by Leftists via The Nation { publication }.
This explains the constant drumbeat for Ukraine as benficiary
of untold Billions.And using a former comedian { Zelensky } as
a puppet master.Then onto using Illegals as the new beneficiary of
untold billions INSTEAD of American citizens in distress.Like in portions
of North Carolina { Appalachia }. before that it was the Train wreck in
Ohio.Where Obama sycophant { Pete Buttigeg } did everything in
his power as Transportation Secretary to sluff-off.
Then of course a Mainstream Media in league with constant
{ hourly } attacks on a real American leader and patriot Donald Trump.
Using the new and improved LIE of Disinformation to con like
guinea pigs We the People.Biden and Harris incapable of for even a
nanosecond to Speak Truth to Power.Where it is manifestly clear
who Lies and spreads " disinformation ". However a Hurricane is not
bugged by such childs play as far as grown-up leaders acting like
spoiled brats on an hourly basis.Even a Hurricane can't match such
open disregard for what once our country strived for.
To be human and act responsible.The first duty of course was to protect
the sanctity of life.As mentioned by those like our Country's founders
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Even late night Talk show comedians are at a loss for how to cope
with such a changing Republic.Or maybe I missed a segment of
Saturday Night Live paroding with Biden or Harris as dopey
purveyors of how to run a country.
Or the Lamestream Legacy media and how they bend over backwards
to make sure and genuflect for whatever nonsense a President or
Vice-president say or do.
So ... we now are entrapped by a ruling class full of adoring
sycophants who are the ones purposedly spreading Disinformation.
Like the 3 years of bogus Russian Collusion and Mueller Special
Counsel.It has only gotten more scummy and unbeliveably banal.
in short " hackeneyed ".
" Blunt language cannot hide a banal conception. "
{ James Wolcott }.
Last edited:
Rewrite that dude. No one wants to read OPs with that weird ass format. :cuckoo:
Rewrite that dude. No one wants to read OPs with that weird ass format. :cuckoo:
Isn't it about time for your morning graham cracker and
little chocolate milk carton feast.Plus how did you manage
to read and critique me morning satire if not for reading
the entire thingy.
Did your baby sitter help you.

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