WATCH: KAMALA meltdown on 60 minutes

They did it in part by avoiding selling off their vast holdings of stock. The U.S. system taxes income.

Why should they pay income tax on something that isn't income?
Did nutless just fart again?
What else is new?

WTF retard?
Have you never known............... comprehension?

"NOT by the people".
"Only 538 corrupt electors".
You don't like the system? Let's have a Constitutional Convention. I'm all for it. You want to change 235 years of precedent? Let's go for it and see what happens. Ready for the outcome??

Otherwise, Shut.The.Fuck.Up. and put on your big girl panties.
You don't like the system? Let's have a Constitutional Convention. I'm all for it. You want to change 235 years of precedent?
Like I said corrupt electors.

While the Constitution does not require electors to vote for the candidate chosen by their state's popular vote, some states do. The rare elector who votes for someone else may be fined, disqualified, and replaced by a substitute elector. Or they may even be prosecuted by their state.

Or in Trump's case.

Felons or dupes? Treatment of Trump's fake electors has ...​

Politico › news › 2024/05/11 › trump...

May 11, 2024 — In Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, every fake elector is facing felony charges except one, whose charges were dropped in a cooperation deal.
Let's go for it and see what happens.
I'm all for it.
Ready for the outcome??
Otherwise, Shut.The.Fuck.Up. and put on your big girl panties.
Tell that to your dear leader.
They did it in part by avoiding selling off their vast holdings of stock. The U.S. system taxes income.

Why should they pay income tax on something that isn't income?
So you think it is just OK for the wealthy to exploit loopholes in U.S. tax law that aren't available to the middle class and working poor?
And, again, another thread that proves both sides are correct; the other side is incompetent.

I have been asking this since 2015.


Dems never put a number on anything. This mindless platitude has been thrown around for a decade now.

Kamala said she will pay for her economic plan, that will add $3 trillion to the debt by making “THE RICH PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.”

What a train dumpster fire wreck.

Harris showed up...

This is called a hard interview, something Trump was way too chicken to go thru...

We listen to ye when your guy decides to show up...

Ye have little policies and Trump doesn't even know them... He is doing less than a quarter of the rallies he was doing before to smaller crowds with less energy...

He spends his days talking about people eating Dogs and Cats and the backing people who think Democrats control the weather... His VP is doing gigs with people that said Harris is using Witchcraft... Ye fucks are dellusional.

Do you?

WHERE did I come up with ELECTORS?
WHERE did I come up with 538 of them?

Could it have been from Dominoes new pizza?

Here is the original "point"

NOT by the people.
Only 538 corrupt electors.

Clinton- 65,853, 514 votes.
Trump- 62,984,828 votes.

So - the only reason to have listed the vote count is because you think the total vote count has some relevance-
It does not, it never has.

You say corrupt electors - describe the corruption that you saw.

Your; NOT the people comment, must have some relevance in your mind - describe the relevance that you see.
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Here is the original "point"

NOT by the people.
Only 538 corrupt electors.

Clinton- 65,853, 514 votes.
Trump- 62,984,828 votes.

So - the only reason to have listed the vote count is because you think the total vote count has some relevance-
It does not, it never has.

Most States have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the Presidential candidate who wins the State's POPULAR vote. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of “proportional representation.”

You say corrupt electors - describe the corruption that you saw.

Your; NOT the people comment, must have some relevance in your mind - describe the relevance that you see.
People not chosen by their state legislators.

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