The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Today, Republicans defend the Confederacy
Slavery still exists. Look how you defend slavery then talk that we defend the confederacy. You slip into our shoes in fact. The South was invaded. If Biden invaded a number of our states, my bet is you support Biden. I don't support states being invaded.
Slavery might have existed before the Democrat Party came into being, but the Democrats embraced it. As a matter of fact, they rebelled against the US and fought a civil war in attempt to keep their slaves!
Slavery still exists. Look how you defend slavery then talk that we defend the confederacy. You slip into our shoes in fact. The South was invaded. If Biden invaded a number of our states, my bet is you support Biden. I don't support states being invaded.
The South was Evil
They deserved what they got

The South was Evil
They deserved what they got
The US Supreme Court ruled in the South's favor. You act as if the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young men in the North was correct by Lincoln to cause them to be killed off.
The US Supreme Court ruled in the South's favor. You act as if the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young men in the North was correct by Lincoln to cause them to be killed off.
4 million slaves were not consulted
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.

Why did Johnson and Grant go so easy on the Confederates after the war?
Why did Johnson and Grant go so easy on the Confederates after the war?

Its the same thing…

The same states that formed the Confederacy, forced slavery on the Union
This is your answer to the facts I pointed out?

The simple, obvious fact of the matter is that the Confederacy was not an "evil empire" any more than the pre-1850 U.S. was.

The Confederacy was a democratic nation that permitted slavery but that also allowed for the admission of free states, that banned the importation of foreign slaves, and that actually began a program of gradual emancipation toward the end of its life. The Confederacy held elections for its president and congress that were just as valid as the elections held in the U.S. The Confederacy had a vibrant free press that felt free to strongly criticize government actions.

The Confederacy never should have been founded in the first place. It was the result of the ill-conceived, unjustified secession of seven Deep South states, which were joined by four more states but for different reasons. But it is just woke nonsense to call the Confederacy an "evil empire."
This is your answer to the facts I pointed out?

The simple, obvious fact of the matter is that the Confederacy was not an "evil empire" any more than the pre-1850 U.S. was.

The Confederacy was a democratic nation that permitted slavery but that also allowed for the admission of free states, that banned the importation of foreign slaves, and that actually began a program of gradual emancipation toward the end of its life. The Confederacy held elections for its president and congress that were just as valid as the elections held in the U.S. The Confederacy had a vibrant free press that felt free to strongly criticize government actions.

The Confederacy never should have been founded in the first place. It was the result of the ill-conceived, unjustified secession of seven Deep South states, which were joined by four more states but for different reasons. But it is just woke nonsense to call the Confederacy an "evil empire."
If pre war US was an evil empire it was because of the same states that formed the Confederscy

The Confederacy was a democracy based on the US with one major exception
It enshrined slavery forever
The Confederacy never should have been founded in the first place. It was the result of the ill-conceived, unjustified secession of seven Deep South states,
The primary impetus of secession was the election of Abe Lincoln

Crybaby Losers upset that they lost a lawful election chose secession over using Constitutional means

All because they listened to hotheads who claimed Lincoln would take away their slaves

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