Politics is usually NOT the answer


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

As Conservative and Liberal lawmakers and their media outlets whip their followers into a frenzy this election season, we would do well to remember that politics is usually NOT the answer to issues with our daily lives. 95% of the time it comes down to ourselves. Cases in point:

* Do you make smart food choices for yourself, or do you eat over processed junk food with lots of empty calories?

* Do you exercise daily, or do you make excuses?

* Do you save at least 10% of your pay and build a nest egg, or do you spend your $ on things you don't really need?

* Do you have a written financial plan to follow, or do you just drift along?

* Do you set aside some time every week to read, and educate yourself, or do you feel you already know what you need to know?

As a small business owner, these are things I struggle with on a daily basis, most of the time I do them, but it takes discipline...the same kind of discipline it takes to accomplish anything worthwhile. So, stay informed and vote of course, but remember the person most responsible for your success or failure is that person looking at you in the mirror.
The politics-is-football dichotomy-obsessed wankers on this board would never guess it but not everyone automatically fits into a label of "Democrat" or "Republican". The largest political party contingent in these here United States is in fact "None".
Politics is never the answer. That’s a poison spread by statists.

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