Politics Over Party?

Not to mention that they were the cause of all wars in US and probably even world history yet Republicans are supposedly the violent ones.
Jesus, again the British. If another country started the war, then the democrats didn't do it.
I see democrats making these kinds of posts all the time yet they hate Trump SO much they willingly let women and children get raped, beat up, and murdered for it. They allow families to starve because they can't afford to pay for groceries.

There's a whole lot more to the list here but just those two things alone ought to alert you that they don't practice what they preach. If they did to save this country they would hold their nose and vote for Trump but they'll never do this.
:auiqs.jpg: You're an idiot.

Politics Over Party?​

Maybe that should read Politics Over Country?

I see democrats making these kinds of posts all the time yet they hate Trump SO much they willingly let women and children get raped, beat up, and murdered for it. They allow families to starve because they can't afford to pay for groceries.
Democrats were willing to go to war, pay $7.00/gallon for gas, have food shortages, pay 40% inflation on living, housing and energy, watch women and children get molested, abused, and minimized, see the rampant spread of sexual perversion, corruption of our schools, let an incompetent run the government allowing spy balloons over our military installations, et al, JUST TO KEEP TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE, despite knowing how much better off they'd be otherwise!

That is a dangerous form of insanity, leading to the proverbial "cutting one's own nose off to spite one's face."

Stupid people have no business voting, because their votes only amount to random noise. The only reason why they are allowed is because the dumber the person, the more easily they can be swayed by ads and things.
Where's the lie?
Oh, one, that you are saying women are willingly allowing themselves to be raped. Two, you are saying democrats, with no context whatsoever, are willingly allowing women to be beaten and murdered. That is fucking stupid. :rolleyes:

Magaturd extremists are fucking dumb. :dunno:

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