POLL: 67% disapprove of Biden's handling of inflation


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Who are the 37% who approve? Elitists living in a bubble?

A new CBS News-YouGov poll released on Sunday found that only one-third of those surveyed approve of President Biden's handling of inflation.

The results of the poll did not bode well for Biden, with less than half of respondents approving of his handling of major issues such as race relations, the economy, immigration and inflation. Only 33 percent of those surveyed approved of Biden's handling of inflation with the remaining 67 percent saying they disapproved.

The poll conducted this month found that 56 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden's job in office and 44 percent approved. Among the issues asked, COVID-19 vaccine distribution was the only area where a majority of survey participants approved of Biden's handling.

A majority of survey participants - 64 percent - rated the national economy as being either "fairly bad" or "very bad."

capitalism hits home.

its the invisible hand of the free markets.
Not worth trying to debate a Joe Biden Voter....Yes they are that fucking stupid.

Is there a reason that we should think that inflation is going to go away soon? People are walking away from their jobs, the supply shortage doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon, and the gov't wants to spend, spend, spend. All of which and more add up to a shit-ton more money chasing fewer goods and services in 2022, and that is the definition of inflation.
Who are the 37% who approve? Elitists living in a bubble?

If 67% of the people believe President Joe Biden is responsible for the inflation, all 67% of them are biddable fools.

I'd advise the readers who didn't watch last Sunday's 60 Minutes, watch it on demand, here is the cause of inflation and it is NOT President Biden:

If 67% of the people believe President Joe Biden is responsible for the inflation, all 67% of them are biddable fools.

I'd advise the readers who didn't watch last Sunday's 60 Minutes, watch it on demand, here is the cause of inflation and it is NOT President Biden:

Still sourcing that economically illiterate pablum from 60 Minutes?!?

More like the invisible printing press at the Fed, comrade.
if the treasury printed too much money, then the dollar would drop compared to euro. Instead the US dollar in increasing compared to euro, and holding steady with british pound.
The Fed isn't the treasury, dumbfuck.

Both England and the EU are inflating the shit out of their currencies too.
you said "printing money".

if the EU and GBP and EURO were inflated, then they would be dropping against kuwait dinar and swiss franc.
Who are the 37% who approve? Elitists living in a bubble?


67% are ignorant of what inflation actually is and its causes, and that there’s nothing for a president to ‘handle.’

‘Scott said, "Thanks to the insane tax-and-spending spree of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington, we are seeing six straight months of raging inflation."

Inflation is up, and there’s broad agreement that government spending has been a factor.

However, most of the big spending coursing through the economy took place before Biden and the Democrats were in charge in Washington. In the past, there’s been a lag of one to two years between higher government spending and higher inflation. The massive relief package in March has had little time to spur inflation.

As for taxes, they haven’t gone up. And if they had, that would tend to put the brakes on inflation.

We rate this claim Mostly False.’

If 67% of the people believe President Joe Biden is responsible for the inflation, all 67% of them are biddable fools.

I'd advise the readers who didn't watch last Sunday's 60 Minutes, watch it on demand, here is the cause of inflation and it is NOT President Biden:

Right or wrong, the sitting president gets the blame or the praise for the current state of the economy.
If 67% of the people believe President Joe Biden is responsible for the inflation, all 67% of them are biddable fools.

I'd advise the readers who didn't watch last Sunday's 60 Minutes, watch it on demand, here is the cause of inflation and it is NOT President Biden:

So, $8 TRILLION in new government spending in 10 months has nothing to do with inflation?

You are an idiot.

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