Poll: 76% believe the missing emails were deliberately destroyed (incl. 63% of Dems)


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
A new bipartisan poll conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) found that a huge majority of American voters believe Lois Lerner's missing emails to the White House, DoJ etc. did not vanish by accident.

Even 63% of Democrats agree that the deletions were deliberate.

Only 12% of voters believe the deletions were accidental.

74% say that Congress should continue investigating the IRS for targeting conservative political groups.

Recently-appointed IRS Commissioner John Koskinen appears to be one of a small and diminishing minority of people who still insist there was no wrongdoing in the disappearance of the emails. And even he couches it in weasel words such as "...there was no wrongdoing to my knowledge....".



Fox News Poll: Voters think IRS emails were deliberately destroyed

by Dana Blanton
Published June 24, 2014

The consensus is: it’s no accident. More than three-quarters of voters -- 76 percent -- think the emails missing from the account of Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups, were deliberately destroyed.

That’s according to a new Fox News poll.

That suspicion is shared across party lines, albeit to varying degrees. An overwhelming 90 percent of Republicans think the emails were intentionally destroyed, as do 74 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats.

CLICK HERE TO READ THE POLL RESULTS: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/int...-news-polls-iraq-obama-leadership-irs-emails/

Overall, just 12 percent of voters believe the emails were destroyed accidentally. Another 12 percent are unsure.

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held part two of its hearing entitled, “IRS Obstruction: Lois Lerner’s Missing Emails,” Tuesday morning.

This latest wrinkle in the IRS targeting of certain groups, including hundreds with “Tea Party” in their name, has increased voter interest in Congress investigating the matter.

Some 74 percent of voters now say lawmakers should investigate the IRS “until someone is held accountable,” up from 67 percent who felt that way in April. That includes 66 percent of Democrats.

I've seen quite a few Democrats on teevee admit that this whole thing stinks.

They're not saying crimes were committed, they just admit that the optics are lousy.

Haven't seen it here (as far as I know), the hardcore partisan ideologues here are really hardcore.

24 percent of the public works for the IRS? Dang, that organization needs to be downsized.
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Of course they were.....but its not going to matter. Like all the other scandals, nothing will come of this. But on this one, there is a lot at stake.

Heres the thing.......every person on this board should be in lockstep on this!! Should not be a partisan thing here.......if I have to get into the reasons because people don't understand, they should be posting over on People.com!!

Of course, people into fascism will cheer anybody doing this stuff.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:....if its their side doing it. Ghey.
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I've seen quite a few Democrats on teevee admit that this whole thing stinks.

They're not saying crimes were committed, they just admit that the optics are lousy.

Haven't seen it here (as far as I know), the hardcore partisan ideologues here are really hardcore.


Indeed.....fuckers are more dangerous than terrorists!!:2up:

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The country is FULL of conspiracists, and thus something else. Dumb and dumber...
Multiple hard drives fail around the same time.
No back up...

Yeah not a smidgen of corruption or cover up.
Flat tax!!!!!!!!! Do away with the weaponized IRS once and for all.
The O. P. gives me hope that this country can yet be saved. You could hardly tell it from this board.

I have asked 4 different time if there is a poster at all who will say:

"I am a Democrat, and this sad example of misgovernment and fraud must not be allowed to stand."

Not a single one yet..
The O. P. gives me hope that this country can yet be saved. You could hardly tell it from this board.

I have asked 4 different time if there is a poster at all who will say:

"I am a Democrat, and this sad example of misgovernment and fraud must not be allowed to stand."

Not a single one yet..

I'm a liberal Democrat and I think the whole administration should be brought up on charges. The level of corruption that these Chicago assholes have brought to DC is beyond belief.
The O. P. gives me hope that this country can yet be saved. You could hardly tell it from this board.

I have asked 4 different time if there is a poster at all who will say:

"I am a Democrat, and this sad example of misgovernment and fraud must not be allowed to stand."

Not a single one yet..

Don't hold your breath......the people in here are mental case far left......most are fringe social oddballs too. They matter in here.......but no place else.:badgrin:

Their time in the sun is coming to an end!!:D:D:eusa_dance:
Multiple hard drives fail around the same time.
No back up...

Yeah not a smidgen of corruption or cover up.

Yup and Lowest Learner's flower garden sprouted 4 leaf clovers everywhere as well.
Yeah,.... after the hard drives failed the Sledge hammer test, they didn't throw the pieces
in the hazardous waste bin !! regulations be damnned!
BTW, the IRS Comissioner has now stated that, when Lerner's disk crashed and they were "trying very hard" to restore it and get information from it, no one thought to go to the backup tape (that stores emails for 6 months) and get them from that.


But the Commissioner still insists he sees no wrongdoing. :cuckoo:


This is the smoking gun.

I feel foolish that I didn't already wonder about it. Everybody should feel foolish that they didn't wonder about it.

Do any Democrats have an explanation for it.?

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