Poll: 91% Approve of Obama's Proposals In SOTU Speech

The pay for members of Congress (not including the speaker or majority leaders) is $174,000. That income places Congress in the 28% (just $400 below the $174,400 amount that would place them in the 33% level, oddly enough). That, of course, doesn't take into account various deductions, business related expenses, and any dependent deductions. Keep in mind that they write the tax laws. My guess is that those tax laws favor them quite nicely when April 15th comes around.

US Congress Salaries and Benefits – Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members

Tax Brackets (Federal Income Tax Rates) 2000 through 2011 and 2012

So they pay 28% before any deductions. Thats still alot more than the average American has to pay in taxes. Average "median income" is around $30k and dropping. Average household income is something like $63k accoring to some sources. Either way, its far less than $174k.

Anyway, I found what Obama actually said in the State of the Union:

But in return, we need to change our tax code so that people like me, and an awful lot of Members of Congress, pay our fair share of taxes. Tax reform should follow the Buffett rule: If you make more than $1 million a year, you should not pay less than 30 percent in taxes. And my Republican friend Tom Coburn is right: Washington should stop subsidizing millionaires. In fact, if you're earning a million dollars a year, you shouldn't get special tax subsidies or deductions. On the other hand, if you make under $250,000 a year, like 98 percent of American families, your taxes shouldn't go up. You're the ones struggling with rising costs and stagnant wages. You're the ones who need relief.

Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.

This is full of false statements.

"Fair share" of taxes is a very subjective statement, it can refer to income tax, or any other tax. He is not specific in what type of tax he is referring to. Very typical of liberals to do to gain sympathy for their arguement.

If someone is "earning" 1 million dollars, then it would be subject to the same tax brackets as all other income earners. Likely paying 35% tax per dollar. The problem is most millionaires and billionaires don't earn millions of dollars in a paycheck cut from an employer. They are usually returns on investments or from real estate. Raising taxes on investment is simply going to curb investment in the private sector.

And of course the zinger of "a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes" is a complete lie as well. Unless you want to believe that 17.7 % of $46 million is less than 30% of $60k.
The pay for members of Congress (not including the speaker or majority leaders) is $174,000. That income places Congress in the 28% (just $400 below the $174,400 amount that would place them in the 33% level, oddly enough). That, of course, doesn't take into account various deductions, business related expenses, and any dependent deductions. Keep in mind that they write the tax laws. My guess is that those tax laws favor them quite nicely when April 15th comes around.

US Congress Salaries and Benefits – Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members

Tax Brackets (Federal Income Tax Rates) 2000 through 2011 and 2012

So they pay 28% before any deductions. Thats still alot more than the average American has to pay in taxes. Average "median income" is around $30k and dropping. Average household income is something like $63k accoring to some sources. Either way, its far less than $174k.

Anyway, I found what Obama actually said in the State of the Union:

But in return, we need to change our tax code so that people like me, and an awful lot of Members of Congress, pay our fair share of taxes. Tax reform should follow the Buffett rule: If you make more than $1 million a year, you should not pay less than 30 percent in taxes. And my Republican friend Tom Coburn is right: Washington should stop subsidizing millionaires. In fact, if you're earning a million dollars a year, you shouldn't get special tax subsidies or deductions. On the other hand, if you make under $250,000 a year, like 98 percent of American families, your taxes shouldn't go up. You're the ones struggling with rising costs and stagnant wages. You're the ones who need relief.

Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.
This is full of false statements.

"Fair share" of taxes is a very subjective statement, it can refer to income tax, or any other tax. He is not specific in what type of tax he is referring to. Very typical of liberals to do to gain sympathy for their arguement.

If someone is "earning" 1 million dollars, then it would be subject to the same tax brackets as all other income earners. Likely paying 35% tax per dollar. The problem is most millionaires and billionaires don't earn millions of dollars in a paycheck cut from an employer. They are usually returns on investments or from real estate. Raising taxes on investment is simply going to curb investment in the private sector.

And of course the zinger of "a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes" is a complete lie as well. Unless you want to believe that 17.7 % of $46 million is less than 30% of $60k.

Aren't deductions calculated (subtracted from reported income) before arriving at taxable income?

With enough deductions (including contributions to 401Ks and IRAs, medical expenses, mortgage interest deductions, etc) a person can lower their tax rates quite substantially. And again, let's not forget that Congress writes the tax laws. Don't you think they could (and probably would) write those laws in such a way as to minimize their own tax liability?
Poll: High Marks for Obama's State of the Union Speech - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

An overwhelming majority of Americans approved of the overall message in President Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, according to a CBS News poll of speech watchers.

According to the poll, which was conducted online by Knowledge Networks immediately after the president's address, 91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved.

Last year, 83 percent of viewers approved of Mr. Obama's State of the Union remarks.

This year, 82 percent of those who watched the speech said they approve of the president's plans for the economy, up from 53 percent who approved before the speech. Eighty percent said they approved of Mr. Obama's plans for the deficit -- in contrast to 45 percent before the speech. Eighty-three percent approved of Mr. Obama's proposals regarding Afghanistan, which received only a 57 percent approval rating beforehand.

It was excellent and very much in line with his previous messages.

BUT, we also watched the grim stony faces of the Do Nothings and we all know that just like the past three years, anything that gets done, he will have to do without the support or help of the GObP/repubs.

Turns out that's okay. They pretty much just get in the way anyway.

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

What have the Republicans done?

CBS couldn't quit fondling themselves over O last night. Not surprising that they come with a poll that says we all love O. Lol.
I think the tingles are turning into orgasms for the Obama cult members.

91% approve of his proposals. why the hell didn't they just make it............. 100%
If you guys have some evidence that CBS only polled Democrats, please share it. Otherwise, you just sound like a bunch of whiners. Well, you sound like whiners either way, but at least back up your whining with some proof.
Poll: High Marks for Obama's State of the Union Speech - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

An overwhelming majority of Americans approved of the overall message in President Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, according to a CBS News poll of speech watchers.

According to the poll, which was conducted online by Knowledge Networks immediately after the president's address, 91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved.

Last year, 83 percent of viewers approved of Mr. Obama's State of the Union remarks.

This year, 82 percent of those who watched the speech said they approve of the president's plans for the economy, up from 53 percent who approved before the speech. Eighty percent said they approved of Mr. Obama's plans for the deficit -- in contrast to 45 percent before the speech. Eighty-three percent approved of Mr. Obama's proposals regarding Afghanistan, which received only a 57 percent approval rating beforehand.

Poll: High Marks for Obama's State of the Union Speech - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

An overwhelming majority of Americans approved of the overall message in President Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, according to a CBS News poll of speech watchers.

According to the poll, which was conducted online by Knowledge Networks immediately after the president's address, 91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved.

Last year, 83 percent of viewers approved of Mr. Obama's State of the Union remarks.

This year, 82 percent of those who watched the speech said they approve of the president's plans for the economy, up from 53 percent who approved before the speech. Eighty percent said they approved of Mr. Obama's plans for the deficit -- in contrast to 45 percent before the speech. Eighty-three percent approved of Mr. Obama's proposals regarding Afghanistan, which received only a 57 percent approval rating beforehand.

Awesome poll, thanks.
Did the 91% have the requisite brain cells to decipher what was being said and sererate the fluff from reality' I doubt it. If they had they would have known that this speech contained a lot of old matter and proposals of fixes that could have been accomplished/ put to Congress last year. The complaint or continued harping on 'fairness' and the inequality of taxes paid by the rich is only a means of gathering votes/ approval/agreement for political purposes. The rich only take advantage of the tax rules and regulations passed into law by this and past administrations and Congress. If there is a problem and they have recognized it for at least three years why not fix it?????? But he doesn't want to because the socalled inequality can be used (by both sides) as a means of pitting one side against the other. If you fall for the rhetoric and apparently 91% did they deserve exactly what they get.
If you guys have some evidence that CBS only polled Democrats, please share it. Otherwise, you just sound like a bunch of whiners. Well, you sound like whiners either way, but at least back up your whining with some proof.

I don't doubt that he had a majority approval. People easily fall for empty platitudes because they make people feel good, despite the lack of substance.

The polling sample was quite lopsided with Democrats and not representative of the American electorate.

Q8. Generally speaking, do you usually consider yourself a

Republican 25%

Democrat 44%

Independent/Other 31%

CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News
More bad news for Republicans.

Slip slidding away, slip slidding away....
Yeah, Obama kicked some ass last night. I want to see this no-insider-trading bill. There were some unhappy faces in the crowd after that line. lls
Yeah, Obama kicked some ass last night. I want to see this no-insider-trading bill. There were some unhappy faces in the crowd after that line. lls

More than just that line.

I thought the old turtle was gonna pop a vein.

Well, actually, Canter and Boner looked like their faces would crack.

Anyone see Gifford's resignation this morning? Boehner couldn't even manage a smile for her, especially since that whore bursts into tears at the drop of a hat. Worst House Speaker in my memory. He even has to call lushbo Limbaugh to be told what to do. What a sorry bunch the pubs are.
Suite. So the polled support base is happy with the 8th grade level writing skill, half truths, full lies and repetitive talking points that have been the mantra for 3 years.

I find that rather telling.
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