Poll: Americans Reject Obama's Unlimited Government


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The people showed this to be true when they kicked out the Democrat control, first from the House and four years later from the Senate under the Obama regime of just SIX years. Maybe there is some hope.

Posted 01/05/2015 06:44 PM ET

"We have individual responsibility, but we also have collective responsibility to each other. That's what America is," said Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.... View Enlarged Image

Ideology:Confirming the 2014 election zeitgeist, a new Gallup poll finds that Americans are fed up with ever-encroaching, corrupt and incompetent government, as represented by ObamaCare and other federal policies.

For the first time since Gallup has conducted polling, people say that the "biggest problem" in America is "the government." It topped all other categories, including terrorism. "2014 was the first year ever in Gallup records that dissatisfaction with government topped the list," the 80-year-old firm said. "Government includes dissatisfaction with President Obama."

And angst over government has been climbing each year since 2009, when Obama took office, breaking a long period of relative satisfaction with government.

If this doesn't repudiate Obama's government-is-the-answer agenda and his collectivist creed that we must all be our "brother's keeper," we don't know what does.

Beyond Obama, Americans are rejecting what the Left is selling — the idea that government should determine our fate.

No, they're saying that individuals should determine their own fate, returning to the core values of individualism that made this country great.

This shift in public attitudes does not bode well for the likes of Obama heir-apparent Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who sermonizes about the virtues of the public sector and the evils of the "rigged" private sector.

Americans are not realigning left, as many in the media have rejoiced. They've just been hoodwinked by slick propagandists — Alinsky's coat-and-tie vanguard — who have to disguise and package their unpopular ideas as "helping the middle class." ObamaCare, which in fact is crippling the middle class, is Exhibit A.

The Obamas and Warrens of the world have to lie and deceive. It's the only way they can sell their socialist swill. It reveals just how bad their product really is.

all of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:Poll Americans Reject Obama s Unlimited Government And The Left - Investors.com
Follow us:@IBDinvestors on Twitter|InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
The people showed this to be true when they kicked out the Democrat control, first from the House and four years later from the Senate under the Obama regime of just SIX years. Maybe there is some hope.

Posted 01/05/2015 06:44 PM ET

"We have individual responsibility, but we also have collective responsibility to each other. That's what America is," said Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.... View Enlarged Image

Ideology:Confirming the 2014 election zeitgeist, a new Gallup poll finds that Americans are fed up with ever-encroaching, corrupt and incompetent government, as represented by ObamaCare and other federal policies.

For the first time since Gallup has conducted polling, people say that the "biggest problem" in America is "the government." It topped all other categories, including terrorism. "2014 was the first year ever in Gallup records that dissatisfaction with government topped the list," the 80-year-old firm said. "Government includes dissatisfaction with President Obama."

And angst over government has been climbing each year since 2009, when Obama took office, breaking a long period of relative satisfaction with government.

If this doesn't repudiate Obama's government-is-the-answer agenda and his collectivist creed that we must all be our "brother's keeper," we don't know what does.

Beyond Obama, Americans are rejecting what the Left is selling — the idea that government should determine our fate.

No, they're saying that individuals should determine their own fate, returning to the core values of individualism that made this country great.

This shift in public attitudes does not bode well for the likes of Obama heir-apparent Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who sermonizes about the virtues of the public sector and the evils of the "rigged" private sector.

Americans are not realigning left, as many in the media have rejoiced. They've just been hoodwinked by slick propagandists — Alinsky's coat-and-tie vanguard — who have to disguise and package their unpopular ideas as "helping the middle class." ObamaCare, which in fact is crippling the middle class, is Exhibit A.

The Obamas and Warrens of the world have to lie and deceive. It's the only way they can sell their socialist swill. It reveals just how bad their product really is.

all of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:Poll Americans Reject Obama s Unlimited Government And The Left - Investors.com
Follow us:@IBDinvestors on Twitter|InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
We have been sold out for many decades now, Mr. Obama just happens to be latest mistake. As I've said many times, "professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost". Why would anyone expect anything differently from Mr. Obama? Corruption, favoritism, and the thirst and hunger for power, is "Politics", regardless of who is playing the game.
The people showed this to be true when they kicked out the Democrat control, first from the House and four years later from the Senate under the Obama regime of just SIX years. Maybe there is some hope.

Posted 01/05/2015 06:44 PM ET

"We have individual responsibility, but we also have collective responsibility to each other. That's what America is," said Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.... View Enlarged Image

Ideology:Confirming the 2014 election zeitgeist, a new Gallup poll finds that Americans are fed up with ever-encroaching, corrupt and incompetent government, as represented by ObamaCare and other federal policies.

For the first time since Gallup has conducted polling, people say that the "biggest problem" in America is "the government." It topped all other categories, including terrorism. "2014 was the first year ever in Gallup records that dissatisfaction with government topped the list," the 80-year-old firm said. "Government includes dissatisfaction with President Obama."

And angst over government has been climbing each year since 2009, when Obama took office, breaking a long period of relative satisfaction with government.

If this doesn't repudiate Obama's government-is-the-answer agenda and his collectivist creed that we must all be our "brother's keeper," we don't know what does.

Beyond Obama, Americans are rejecting what the Left is selling — the idea that government should determine our fate.

No, they're saying that individuals should determine their own fate, returning to the core values of individualism that made this country great.

This shift in public attitudes does not bode well for the likes of Obama heir-apparent Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who sermonizes about the virtues of the public sector and the evils of the "rigged" private sector.

Americans are not realigning left, as many in the media have rejoiced. They've just been hoodwinked by slick propagandists — Alinsky's coat-and-tie vanguard — who have to disguise and package their unpopular ideas as "helping the middle class." ObamaCare, which in fact is crippling the middle class, is Exhibit A.

The Obamas and Warrens of the world have to lie and deceive. It's the only way they can sell their socialist swill. It reveals just how bad their product really is.

all of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:Poll Americans Reject Obama s Unlimited Government And The Left - Investors.com
Follow us:@IBDinvestors on Twitter|InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Exactly what part of that Gallop poll says that any of the claims made by the editorial writer in your link are true?
I think this is the poll that the OP link refers to:

Americans and the Big Picture Assessment of Government

From December 2, 2014.

Unfortunately for Stephanie, it actually shows a SMALLER margin for those against government in health care, say, than before:


In 2012, the margin was +8 against the Government ensuring all Americans have healthcare coverage.
In 2012, the margin was +6, a pretty lean margin.

The rest of the text from Frank Newport's write up is HIS OPINION, without empirical data.

See how that works?
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
Ya your right ,the rebubs lost so soundly this last election, that their reliance is very marginalized.
Look at it this way, the GOP will get to (have to) prove it in 2016. Till then, enjoy the economic rebound and recovery.
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
Ya your right ,the rebubs lost so soundly this last election, that their reliance is very marginalized.

The thing is that they didn't win anything near what they think they won. Now, instead of just being bomb throwers, they are required to act like adults and govern. You saw how miserably they failed at that when Gomer thought he had a chance to be speaker. Spoiled children trying to govern our country. What could go wrong?
The people showed this to be true when they kicked out the Democrat control, first from the House and four years later from the Senate under the Obama regime of just SIX years. Maybe there is some hope.

Posted 01/05/2015 06:44 PM ET

"We have individual responsibility, but we also have collective responsibility to each other. That's what America is," said Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.... View Enlarged Image

Ideology:Confirming the 2014 election zeitgeist, a new Gallup poll finds that Americans are fed up with ever-encroaching, corrupt and incompetent government, as represented by ObamaCare and other federal policies.

For the first time since Gallup has conducted polling, people say that the "biggest problem" in America is "the government." It topped all other categories, including terrorism. "2014 was the first year ever in Gallup records that dissatisfaction with government topped the list," the 80-year-old firm said. "Government includes dissatisfaction with President Obama."

And angst over government has been climbing each year since 2009, when Obama took office, breaking a long period of relative satisfaction with government.

If this doesn't repudiate Obama's government-is-the-answer agenda and his collectivist creed that we must all be our "brother's keeper," we don't know what does.

Beyond Obama, Americans are rejecting what the Left is selling — the idea that government should determine our fate.

No, they're saying that individuals should determine their own fate, returning to the core values of individualism that made this country great.

This shift in public attitudes does not bode well for the likes of Obama heir-apparent Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who sermonizes about the virtues of the public sector and the evils of the "rigged" private sector.

Americans are not realigning left, as many in the media have rejoiced. They've just been hoodwinked by slick propagandists — Alinsky's coat-and-tie vanguard — who have to disguise and package their unpopular ideas as "helping the middle class." ObamaCare, which in fact is crippling the middle class, is Exhibit A.

The Obamas and Warrens of the world have to lie and deceive. It's the only way they can sell their socialist swill. It reveals just how bad their product really is.

all of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:Poll Americans Reject Obama s Unlimited Government And The Left - Investors.com
Follow us:@IBDinvestors on Twitter|InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

We already had one retarded thread on this.

The reason government topped this poll is because most of the important problems have fallen in importance since Obama became president.
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
Ya your right ,the rebubs lost so soundly this last election, that their reliance is very marginalized.

The thing is that they didn't win anything near what they think they won. Now, instead of just being bomb throwers, they are required to act like adults and govern. You saw how miserably they failed at that when Gomer thought he had a chance to be speaker. Spoiled children trying to govern our country. What could go wrong?
Oh so it was a Dem win right?? so do tell what didn't they win and what did they win

Senate ? even stronger house?
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
Ya your right ,the rebubs lost so soundly this last election, that their reliance is very marginalized.

The thing is that they didn't win anything near what they think they won. Now, instead of just being bomb throwers, they are required to act like adults and govern. You saw how miserably they failed at that when Gomer thought he had a chance to be speaker. Spoiled children trying to govern our country. What could go wrong?
Oh so it was a Dem win right?? so do tell what didn't they win and what did they win

Senate ? even stronger house?

I never said it was a democratic win, only that it didn't amount to much of a republican win. With their new seats comes the responsibility to actually govern, something they haven't had to bother with for a long time. Bomb throwing won't do it for them now, and they have done nothing to make anyone believe they are up to their new obligations. They wanted the job, they got it, now, they have to figure out how to do it. Sure, it was a win, but I'm not sure they will like it.
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
Dont flatter yourself MC, we know you can barely read a cab meter.
News story- Americans rejected completely loaded question that doesn't reflect reality.
TRANSLATION: Yes, Democrats got kicked out across the country for good reason. But we can't admit it, so we'll pretend the question was bad instead of the answer.

I must have missed it. Which question, or questions asked if the disapproval of the government was all Obama's fault?
News story- Americans rejected completely loaded question that doesn't reflect reality.
TRANSLATION: Yes, Democrats got kicked out across the country for good reason. But we can't admit it, so we'll pretend the question was bad instead of the answer.

I must have missed it. Which question, or questions asked if the disapproval of the government was all Obama's fault?
WTF?? there wasn't one why are you asking?? aan attempt once again at deflection?

Repub posted an historic win,yet it wasn't according Bull frog
This is nothing, but the continued, extreme manifestation of the birther crowd trying to reassemble itself into a relivent entity.

I'm getting to regret ever having learned how to read....
Ya your right ,the rebubs lost so soundly this last election, that their reliance is very marginalized.

The thing is that they didn't win anything near what they think they won. Now, instead of just being bomb throwers, they are required to act like adults and govern. You saw how miserably they failed at that when Gomer thought he had a chance to be speaker. Spoiled children trying to govern our country. What could go wrong?
Oh so it was a Dem win right?? so do tell what didn't they win and what did they win

Senate ? even stronger house?

I never said it was a democratic win, only that it didn't amount to much of a republican win. With their new seats comes the responsibility to actually govern, something they haven't had to bother with for a long time. Bomb throwing won't do it for them now, and they have done nothing to make anyone believe they are up to their new obligations. They wanted the job, they got it, now, they have to figure out how to do it. Sure, it was a win, but I'm not sure they will like it.
Sour grapes.
News story- Americans rejected completely loaded question that doesn't reflect reality.
TRANSLATION: Yes, Democrats got kicked out across the country for good reason. But we can't admit it, so we'll pretend the question was bad instead of the answer.

I must have missed it. Which question, or questions asked if the disapproval of the government was all Obama's fault?
WTF?? there wasn't one why are you asking?? aan attempt once again at deflection?

Repub posted an historic win,yet it wasn't according Bull frog

This thread is about some claim that Americans reject Obama's government, and the implication that it's his fault isn't it?

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