Poll: Biden Gives Patriot Missiles To Ukraine, Zelensky Will Ask For More - Will This Start WWIII, Or Will This Be The End Of Putin?

Biden Gives Patriot Missiles To Ukraine, Zelensky Will Ask For More - Will This Start WWIII, Or Will

  • Dumb poll, as usual from the OP

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This war will end NATO. Too many small Eurotrash countries weren't paying their fair share before. Now they are depleted of their stockpiles, can't afford to replenish, facing economic disaster due inflation and energy costs, all of which could be eased simply by walking away. The US can't support Ukraine indefinitely, by the time this ends NATO will be a broken useless entity and the US will simply move on to eastern Asia.
This war will end NATO. Too many small Eurotrash countries weren't paying their fair share before. Now they are depleted of their stockpiles, can't afford to replenish, facing economic disaster due inflation and energy costs, all of which could be eased simply by walking away. The US can't support Ukraine indefinitely, by the time this ends NATO will be a broken useless entity and the US will simply move on to eastern Asia.
Now that Russia is removed as a threat to NATO, there is no rush to replenish
We've given Ukraine 69 billion.

It's time to turn off the spigot

Time to give them more.

Everywhere around the world.jpg
Tankies used to be solely on the far left. Now they're also on the alt-right. You know you are on the right side of history when you oppose both the far leftist Noam Chomsky and the alt-right Russian asset Tucker Carlson on an issue.

Russian disinformation.png
Great to see we have a President like Biden leading in Ukraines time of need

Trump called Putin a Genius

Who is a Genius now Donnie?
Why should we care so much about what happens in Ukraine? We can't be the police force of the world. We have our own problems that need addressing here, and so far, we have sent them $50B [Link 1] [Link 2].

That's $150 each for every person in the US. What do we get for that?
Why should we care so much about what happens in Ukraine? We can't be the police force of the world. We have our own problems that need addressing here, and so far, we have sent them $50B [Link 1] [Link 2].

That's $150 each for every person in the US. What do we get for that?

Good question
The US spends $850 billion on our military EVERY YEAR

To counter the threats of Russia and China

Ukraine is taking care of one of those threats for us
Let's see, use a 3 million dollar missile against a 75K (or less) Iranian drone paid for by the unfettered sale of Russian petro products....Makes perfect sense....To Raytheon.

Those neocon PACs are going to get really fat now.....You wait, there will be more of them climbing on that bandwagon when they see the donation potential....They care shit-all about peace....They thought they meant piece of the pie.

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