U.S. tells Moscow : " Putin to pull back from Ukraine or face painful sanctions". if Moscow invades Ukraine again, will Biden do what R. Reagan did ?

Our sanctions are helping putin. He is funding the war with the pipeline Biden signed off on for him. His currency is at an all time high. If Biden wanted to hurt him, he would flood the market with crude.
I don't know if you have been told by your propagandists, but Putin is getting his ass handed to him in the Ukraine, thanks to our aid.

And this: Actually, the Russian Economy Is Imploding
Putin assumed Trump would be re-elected and that he would have more time to build up his cash reserves and his forces.

You will notice that Putin has always invaded other countries during the SECOND term of US presidents. He invaded Georgia at the end of Bush's second term. He invaded Crimea and eastern Ukraine during Obama's second term.

Putin never had a better friend in the White House than Donald Trump.

It was Trump's dream to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. He even pledged the $50 million penthouse to Putin. Trump never hesitates to publicly fellate Putin. He called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine.

If Trump had his way NATO would be disbanded.

There is no way Trump would defend Ukraine. He has a YUGE grudge toward Zelensky. And he has never, to this day, said a harsh word about Putin. Not once. Ever.

But if some minor celebrity hurts Traitor Trump's feelings, he rage tweets for WEEKS about it.

Trump insults celebrities, his fellow Republicans, his own staff, businessmen, companies, and many, many others.

When Trump does mention Putin by name, it is to compliment him.

So don't kid yourself. If Traitor Trump won the election, Putin would be in Kiev right now.

So magically, Putin breaks his second term law, by invading under a total new president. My guess is, because he didn't even need to gauge Bidens weakness, he just knew he was weak. What Putin failed to realize was the fighting spirit of the Ukrainians was much better than his own fighting force.

As for Trump, you believe your edited audio cuts, hearsay book stories, and get offended by tweets. Logic dictates that Putin invaded Ukraine because he was not afraid of Biden.
Well that's all well, better hope putin doesn't make a deal with the Taliban to get some of those weapons Biden left behind.
Putin has already had his weaponry so depleted by his war that he has had to resort to getting missiles and rockets from North Korea of all places.
Putin has already had his weaponry so depleted by his war that he has had to resort to getting missiles and rockets from North Korea of all places.

Chinese Firms Are Selling Russia Goods Its Military Needs to Keep Fighting in Ukraine​

So magically, Putin breaks his second term law, by invading under a total new president. My guess is, because he didn't even need to gauge Bidens weakness, he just knew he was weak. What Putin failed to realize was the fighting spirit of the Ukrainians was much better than his own fighting force.

As for Trump, you believe your edited audio cuts, hearsay book stories, and get offended by tweets. Logic dictates that Putin invaded Ukraine because he was not afraid of Biden.
Awwwwww, so sad the the pootin is one of your heroes.

Seems that once the GOP opposed anti-democratic states, but thanks to the QOP cult that doesn’t happen anymore.
It's kinda like Nike winning the NBA championship, huh?
Does Nike train its users on how to use shoes and tactics during games?

You’re now summarily dismissed from class and everyone is pissed at you wasting class time.
Does Nike train its users on how to use shoes and tactics during games?

You’re now summarily dismissed from class and everyone is pissed at you wasting class time.
Nike supplies the product, Otto.

Are our troops fighting that war?
And go fuck yourself, son.
Whose weapons are the Ukrainian’s using and whose helping train them?
It's the hearts of those Ukrainians who are in this war and apparently gaining the upper hand.
It's not Biden and the taxpayers Billions.
Russia has more fire power than Ukraine, but his troops don't have the heart.

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