POLL: Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of President Trump's Job Performance?

Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of President Trump's Job Performance

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With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

What does he do besides tweet, watch tv several hours a day, rail against the investigations, ignore advice from his own lawyers, talk to Fox TV hosts (and get advice from them), lie incessantly, and play golf?
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
You do realize that rasmussen is a flyer by over 10 points?

Trump is inept, incompetent, mendacious, and a callous bully who flips and flops on issues more so than any past candidate or elected official in recent memory.

He cannot get along with anyone, unless they kiss his ass and never tell him no. He is an embarrassment to America and a threat to ever person on our planet.
You're good at regurgitating the party's standard talking points, but what does that prove? Only that you are a delusional snowflake.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
You do realize that rasmussen is a flyer by over 10 points?

Trump is inept, incompetent, mendacious, and a callous bully who flips and flops on issues more so than any past candidate or elected official in recent memory.

He cannot get along with anyone, unless they kiss his ass and never tell him no. He is an embarrassment to America and a threat to ever person on our planet.
You're good at regurgitating the party's standard talking points, but what does that prove? Only that you are a delusional snowflake.
Still waiting for you to post the Rasmussen poll you were talking about which you idiotically claim was the closest of all the polls. What are ya waiting for? Afraid everyone here will see what a fucking moron you really are?

It seems like those who are mocking this poll, are the same folks who believed everything the Democrat Fake News polls told em in the last Election. Just my observation anyway.
Why would I be referring to some entity who's not part of the topic? Hm?

On the other hand why are you so desperate to change the topic to somebody else?
You needn't answer --- we all already know why. Hence Pogo's Law.

I dunno, maybe you are mentally compromised by TDS or you don't know how to spell a name correctly....It's T-R-U-M-P.......There I spelled it for you. No excuse for you now...The next time you misspell his name you will be outed as a TDS-Tard.

Yuh huh. So you think you can use "TDS-Tard" yet I can't use "Rump"? :lmao:

Having it both ways --- Priceless.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
You do realize that rasmussen is a flyer by over 10 points?

Trump is inept, incompetent, mendacious, and a callous bully who flips and flops on issues more so than any past candidate or elected official in recent memory.

He cannot get along with anyone, unless they kiss his ass and never tell him no. He is an embarrassment to America and a threat to ever person on our planet.

You're good at regurgitating the party's standard talking points, but what does that prove? Only that you are a delusional snowflake.

You are one of the toxic members of the echo chamber! Accusing me of talking points when my post's on issues are generally three paragraphs +, long is an example of what an ignorant fool and damn liar you are.

You're incapable of writing a rebuttal to anything of substance I've written, likely because you are very poorly educated and lack the intelligence to comprehend issues in terms of unintentional consequences, cost-benefits and cost-deficits.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

What does he do besides tweet, watch tv several hours a day, rail against the investigations, ignore advice from his own lawyers, talk to Fox TV hosts (and get advice from them), lie incessantly, and play golf?

Not much, he rally's his base to feed his ego, and attacks the character of everyone who tells him "No" and doesn't kiss his ass.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

What does he do besides tweet, watch tv several hours a day, rail against the investigations, ignore advice from his own lawyers, talk to Fox TV hosts (and get advice from them), lie incessantly, and play golf?

He's done one hell of a lot more to fix things than Obozo did.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

What does he do besides tweet, watch tv several hours a day, rail against the investigations, ignore advice from his own lawyers, talk to Fox TV hosts (and get advice from them), lie incessantly, and play golf?

Not much, he rally's his base to feed his ego, and attacks the character of everyone who tells him "No" and doesn't kiss his ass.
Yeah, and Obama was totally different, and . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

What does he do besides tweet, watch tv several hours a day, rail against the investigations, ignore advice from his own lawyers, talk to Fox TV hosts (and get advice from them), lie incessantly, and play golf?

Not much, he rally's his base to feed his ego, and attacks the character of everyone who tells him "No" and doesn't kiss his ass.
Yeah, and Obama was totally different, and . . . . . er, no, that's not right.

All that kool-aid has destroyed too many of your synapses, in a brain too feeble to at birth to have lost even one.
I approve of most of what he's done. The only things I don't approve of is the budget he folded on, but we knew going in that he wasn't a fiscal conservative.
With today's Rasmussen Reports poll showing Trump approval at 51%, i'd like to see where USMB stands on his approval. Cast your vote and post a comment. Thanks to all for participating.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
100% approval. Especially on China trade and border security.

Yeah he's had some missteps, especially on foreign policy, but overall he's doing what i've asked of him. He's working very hard to fix our dismantled Immigration System, he got rid of Obama's Un-American Mandate debacle, and he's trying to negotiate better trade deals for American Workers.

You get a sense with Trump, that he really is putting Americans first. And we haven't had a US President do that in along time. Both parties have been hijacked by Globalist jerks who've put foreign interests ahead of American Citizen interests for many years. That was especially true of the previous President. He always put foreign interests first. So yeah, overall i'm ok with Trump so far. He is fighting for American Citizens. He still has my support.
I approve of most of what he's done. The only things I don't approve of is the budget he folded on, but we knew going in that he wasn't a fiscal conservative.
What’s blowing up the deficit is his tax cut — and that is fiscally conservative.
I approve of most of what he's done. The only things I don't approve of is the budget he folded on, but we knew going in that he wasn't a fiscal conservative.
What’s blowing up the deficit is his tax cut — and that is fiscally conservative.
It got rid of the Obamacare tax. I get more $$$ back Too. Good enough for me.
I approve of most of what he's done. The only things I don't approve of is the budget he folded on, but we knew going in that he wasn't a fiscal conservative.
What’s blowing up the deficit is his tax cut — and that is fiscally conservative.
It got rid of the Obamacare tax. I get more $$$ back Too. Good enough for me.
Typical conservative .... only cares about the debt when a Democrat is president.
I approve and disapprove of the President's performance.


I approve of most of his policies.

I disapprove of his public insults. (He should, IMHO, stop the rude tweets and stop replying to critics.)

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