poll: Do you believe the Walker recall will have national implications?

Will the Walker recall have national implications?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It will have a national impact psychologically.

How many obamabots will be eating a huge buffet of crow for breakfast the morning of the sixth?

There is no doubt that will be demoralizing.

Conversely, conservatives will be energized by a win...and at the most opportune moment...the opening salvo of the Presidential campaign.

In real terms, it means Wisconsin chances of going to Romney increase enormously.

That's 10 electoral votes that Obama will have to defend vigorously, diverting resources that were expected to be used elsewhere...like VA, OH, and FL.

Win-win-win for Republicans.

Again, the GOP hasnt' taken Wisconsin in a presidential election since 1984.

Walker is a lot more moderate than Romney is... and a lot more likable.

So what...a Democrat hadn't won North Carolina since 1976...and yet Obama won it in 2008.

I think you are fooling yourself if you think Romney's going to win by picking up Blue states... His best chance is to switch the Purple States back, and he's doing an awful job of that.
I voted "yes." It will highlight how out of touch with reality and with the mood of the people the present crew of DNC wingnuts are.

Am I to infer you believe the Boehner and McConnell are in touch with reality?

You forgot Cantor.

Mea Culpa. Cantor strikes me as a character in a novel or play; I simply cannot decided which one though Macbeth seems most obvious. We're I to advise Boehner or Obama I would insist they never turn their back on Eric 'The Weasel" Cantor.

Freshest poll I can find shows Walker up 50-45: http://www.snc.edu/sri/docs/2012/201205_recallelection.pdf

If this holds, the Dems really shot themselves in the foot, and hell yes it will have national implications. The GOP will squeeze every drop out of it, as they should.

Oh hubris, you are a killer.


While the certainty with which you post is enthralling.......would you care to discuss what the national implications are? The squeezing of every drop part, especially.

What part of being recalled with nearly a million signatures and needing 25,000,000 dollars in corporate contributions to save one's ass suggests that there is any bragging to be done by this dummy?

Hubris? You ought to know.

I'll go ahead and assume that you're being serious with your question.

See, when either silly party wins an important election, they claim a "mandate". When you claim a "mandate", you proceed as if you received 98% of the vote, even if the margin had been razor-thin, and do everything you can to shove 100% of your agenda down everyone's throat. That's also known as "predictable bullshit partisan politics", and both practice it with great verve. "Verve" is another word for "energy".

So, back to the issue.

If Walker wins, the Republicans are going to proceed as if they have a mandate from coast to coast, as if they won with $25 instead of $25,000,000. They will point to the victory as a clear indication that the entire country is with them, and will aggressively deploy that notion as if it were a simple fact, such as 2+2= 4. The reason I said that they should just go ahead and do that should be clear: That is the sad state of contemporary American politics, and we sure bet our collective ass that the Democrats would do precisely the same thing. That is why my post was provided with such certainty.

Not sure why you're so defensive on this, but I do hope I have provided some clarity.

No, winning parties DO NOT ALL claim a mandate. That is an unsubstantiated statement. It forms the basis of your argument. Thus, your argument is weak.

You seem to be saying that the GOP will make a claim that is false..........and use it. You are not, in fact, saying that the result will have a real impact.....only an imagined one.

I'm not defensive about this issue. I am just nauseated by people like you who claim to be witnesses ( and not participants ) to the "sad state of affairs" in this country with the unique ability to see things for what they are.............while everyone else is being duped.

Fucking arrogant is what it is.
College students arent all going to vote for Yobama. Especially if they are living with their parents in November angry cause they can't find a job!

does anyone actually think that a few thousand college students living at home owing $50,000 and jobless will be so anxious to vote for the baffoon that put them in their dilemma?
College students arent all going to vote for Yobama. Especially if they are living with their parents in November angry cause they can't find a job!

does anyone actually think that a few thousand college students living at home owing $50,000 and jobless will be so anxious to vote for the baffoon that put them in their dilemma?

I think thousands of college students who are living in the dorms will vote for Obama in november cuz they think it's cool and don't know any better. Not just in Wisconsin either. As you say, once they hit the real world and can't find a job then maybe their perspective will change.
You arrogant fuck. Those college students are, for the most part, superior to you in intelligence and political savvy.
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I don't think the difference in the college student votes will be enough to overcome the size of the win,,but we have to see how many votes walker wins by first, then do the cacluations, but i dont think that 75% of the very intelligent college students are gonna vote for Bambi this time around.
You arrogant fuck. Those college students are, for the most part, superior to you in intelligence and political savvy.

I doubt that, and God knows I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer either. But I have been around the block a lot more than they have, all of 'em, and there's no better teacher than experience. Most of those kids are only thinking about sex, beer, and pizza, pretty much in that order, with the occasional time spent in class. They don't know jack shit about the real world or about politics.
With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.

No, not really.

The only thing a Walker win will prove is that people still like him better than Barrett.

On the subject of unions, though, I find this amusing.

In teh private Sector, working folks went along with the Oky-Doke and gave up their union wages, their pensions, their seniority protections and their decent benefits. They are now stuck with "At-Will" employment in a "Right to work" state where they live in fear their job will probably be outsourced to China anyway or they'll be downsized because they are too old and a younger guy will work for less. They can only hope to make it far enough and their 401K won't bust before they retire.

So instead of being angry at the Plutocrats who imposed this shit on them before they went home to their car elevators, they are mad because these Public Sector workers had enough clout to maintain good wages, pensions, and benefits.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, and instead of wanting to put him in jail, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

Absolutely crazy.

Yes, but the Obamaphobes are strident; any chance to attack him, no matter how far fetched, is latched onto like a life preserver.* Walker is a plutocrat, and not a popular one. Still, the results of the recall are just that. A Wisconsin issue.

* I see some likewise bizarre slams at Romney that have little to no connection with his policies.
college students will have better things to do on election night anyway,,,,like studying for an exam, or having sex.
While the certainty with which you post is enthralling.......would you care to discuss what the national implications are? The squeezing of every drop part, especially.

What part of being recalled with nearly a million signatures and needing 25,000,000 dollars in corporate contributions to save one's ass suggests that there is any bragging to be done by this dummy?

Hubris? You ought to know.

I'll go ahead and assume that you're being serious with your question.

See, when either silly party wins an important election, they claim a "mandate". When you claim a "mandate", you proceed as if you received 98% of the vote, even if the margin had been razor-thin, and do everything you can to shove 100% of your agenda down everyone's throat. That's also known as "predictable bullshit partisan politics", and both practice it with great verve. "Verve" is another word for "energy".

So, back to the issue.

If Walker wins, the Republicans are going to proceed as if they have a mandate from coast to coast, as if they won with $25 instead of $25,000,000. They will point to the victory as a clear indication that the entire country is with them, and will aggressively deploy that notion as if it were a simple fact, such as 2+2= 4. The reason I said that they should just go ahead and do that should be clear: That is the sad state of contemporary American politics, and we sure bet our collective ass that the Democrats would do precisely the same thing. That is why my post was provided with such certainty.

Not sure why you're so defensive on this, but I do hope I have provided some clarity.

No, winning parties DO NOT ALL claim a mandate. That is an unsubstantiated statement. It forms the basis of your argument. Thus, your argument is weak.

You seem to be saying that the GOP will make a claim that is false..........and use it. You are not, in fact, saying that the result will have a real impact.....only an imagined one.

I'm not defensive about this issue. I am just nauseated by people like you who claim to be witnesses ( and not participants ) to the "sad state of affairs" in this country with the unique ability to see things for what they are.............while everyone else is being duped.

Fucking arrogant is what it is.

I notice that, when I say something negative about the GOP, you agree wholeheartedly. And when I say something negative about the Dems, or point out something negative about both parties, you get very defensive and pissy. Pretty clear, pretty obvious.

Whether you realize it or not, you make my point for me: Neither "side" has much credibility, because they refuse to admit they have weaknesses. "My" side is just so wonderful, "those guys" are just so terrible. It takes no "unique ability" to see that. Just a little clear observation, objective thinking and intellectual honesty.

And if clear observation, objective thinking and intellectual honesty are considered "unique abilities", then we're in even worse shape than I thought.

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With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.


WI is the birth place of progressiveness, if it puts all this effort to rid themselves of conservatives and fails, I will take that as a great sign that big 0 is beatable.
I'll go ahead and assume that you're being serious with your question.

See, when either silly party wins an important election, they claim a "mandate". When you claim a "mandate", you proceed as if you received 98% of the vote, even if the margin had been razor-thin, and do everything you can to shove 100% of your agenda down everyone's throat. That's also known as "predictable bullshit partisan politics", and both practice it with great verve. "Verve" is another word for "energy".

So, back to the issue.

If Walker wins, the Republicans are going to proceed as if they have a mandate from coast to coast, as if they won with $25 instead of $25,000,000. They will point to the victory as a clear indication that the entire country is with them, and will aggressively deploy that notion as if it were a simple fact, such as 2+2= 4. The reason I said that they should just go ahead and do that should be clear: That is the sad state of contemporary American politics, and we sure bet our collective ass that the Democrats would do precisely the same thing. That is why my post was provided with such certainty.

Not sure why you're so defensive on this, but I do hope I have provided some clarity.

No, winning parties DO NOT ALL claim a mandate. That is an unsubstantiated statement. It forms the basis of your argument. Thus, your argument is weak.

You seem to be saying that the GOP will make a claim that is false..........and use it. You are not, in fact, saying that the result will have a real impact.....only an imagined one.

I'm not defensive about this issue. I am just nauseated by people like you who claim to be witnesses ( and not participants ) to the "sad state of affairs" in this country with the unique ability to see things for what they are.............while everyone else is being duped.

Fucking arrogant is what it is.

I notice that, when I say something negative about the GOP, you agree wholeheartedly. And when I say something negative about the Dems, or point out something negative about both parties, you get very defensive and pissy. Pretty clear, pretty obvious.

Whether you realize it or not, you make my point for me: Neither "side" has much credibility, because they refuse to admit they have weaknesses. "My" side is just so wonderful, "those guys" are just so terrible. It takes no "unique ability" to see that. Just a little clear observation, objective thinking and intellectual honesty.

And if clear observation, objective thinking and intellectual honesty are considered "unique abilities", then we're in even worse shape than I thought.


Cite an example. please.

And...I am well aware of the weaknesses of "Dems". I just don't buy the ones YOU assign to liberals in general. They are talking points.

If you think I'm a "my side is just so wonderful, those guys are just so terrible"kind of liberal....you grossly overestimate your powers of observation.

Hop off that fence sometime.
Hop off that fence sometime.

Off the top of my pointy little head, I can't think of an issue on which I'm "on the fence."

I care about some issues far more than others. I put significant effort into avoiding the standard silly-ass partisan games of diversion, denial, hyperbole, distortion and outright lies that so pollute our current political rhetoric.

I can say the same thing to you as I've said to SniperFire: A partisan's biggest enemy is not another partisan, they are an easy target, it's a snap identifying their bullshit. It's someone who chooses to think for themselves. That's why partisans hate independents so much.

Interestingly, I have no doubt there are far more of me than of you. Partisans just make more noise.

With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.

Ill take it one further.

If Walker wins, he will be heralded as a hero at the Republican convention and we will see his name on the ticket in 2016 ( if Obama wins reelection ) or 2020 ( if Romney wins )

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