poll: Do you believe the Walker recall will have national implications?

Will the Walker recall have national implications?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.

Since what you believe and reality have little in common let me suggest the only thing this recall will determine is how effective was the effort by five members of the USSC to fulfill former Speaker Delay's goal of creating a continuing Republican majority. Much like Communism but without the humanistic element we will become A Republic in name only and a government by and for the plutocrats.
If nothing else, it will serve as a gauge to how voters are thinking. Before, the left made it appear that all of Wisconsin was against Walker in the same way they try to make people believe the majority of the country is behind Obama.

Walker has done right by Wisconsin. The state has a surplus instead of a deficit. More teachers were hired, which is good for students. Feeding the unions has never done a thing for students except ensure that they have substandard teachers because of the collective bargaining. That is just a tool to keep the bad ones secure by tossing them in the pool with the good ones and making sure that raises and benefits aren't decided on an individual merit basis.
All I can say is if Walker wins.......the private unions better suck up, because the public ones will be toast....and why do we need public unions? I thought unions were to take on rich businessmen not politicians

Unfortunately, thanks in large part to Citizen's United, there are virtually no degrees of seperation between the two any more.
and to add to that list, I missed one,,,,Liberals will claim that if Romney wins, Republicans will not only take away SS & Food Stamps, they will also outlaw toilet paper and pizza. (two things no human can live without)

His Republican cousin THeodore, however, thought they were a brilliant innovation!

Theodore wasn't a Conservative by any stretch either. Newt Gingrich had a buttload of an explination to anwser why he thought Teddy was one of his favourites during the debates.

ding ding ding....Taft was the conservative...Teddy was a good President though. I have no problems with some of his stuff. I like national parks and rules against monopolies, but if he supported unions, then he wouldnt now. But I'm still waiting for the link from this liberal tool.
It already has national attention. I can't believe the voters there are even considering putting him back into office. He won't be able to move his agenda at all after everything he's said and done. He'll be a figurehead.

Actually, if he wins, I think he will have more ability to advance his agenda. The voters will have said that they agree with what he is doing.

That's exactly what I said somewhere <points> out there. If he remains, then the fine folks of Wisconsin deserve exactly what they signed up for.
As long as he doesn't claim to be a fake Indian, he should win this. Common sense thinking Wisconsin Voters know this is a ridiculous witch hunt. I think they'll have his back.
It already has national attention. I can't believe the voters there are even considering putting him back into office. He won't be able to move his agenda at all after everything he's said and done. He'll be a figurehead.

Actually, if he wins, I think he will have more ability to advance his agenda. The voters will have said that they agree with what he is doing.

That's exactly what I said somewhere <points> out there. If he remains, then the fine folks of Wisconsin deserve exactly what they signed up for.

why boop, you almost sound like what you think Walker is doing is bad. I'm curious to know what about it you don't like.
Defeating an Incumbent is always difficult - the Democrats gained a million signatures and put Walkers job on the line - they already have victories that have carried them to the present.

and it is not just Walker and earlier the Democrats picked up two Senate seats already - there are the other elections, the same holds the incumbent has the advantage and Walkers coat tails but a single loss returning their Senate back to the Democrats would be all the consolation the opposition would need.
Defeating an Incumbent is always difficult - the Democrats gained a million signatures and put Walkers job on the line - they already have victories that have carried them to the present.

and it is not just Walker and earlier the Democrats picked up two Senate seats already - there are the other elections, the same holds the incumbent has the advantage and Walkers coat tails but a single loss returning their Senate back to the Democrats would be all the consolation the opposition would need.

you got to wonder about the 950,000 signatures.how many were registered voters?how many were high school and middle school students? how many are duplicates,how many were related to adolf hilter and mickey mouse. and how many are just people created in thin air?
Wisconsin is simply an example of the power of money when it wants power. Wisconsin republicans, and much of the populace in America, now believes the BS taught them by the propaganda machinery of corporate interests. Excellent piece below for the few rational Americans left in this nation of blind corporate followers, aka moonies of the right.

'How Did Wisconsin Become the Most Politically Divisive Place in America?' By Dan Kaufman


"Besides education, ALEC maintains seven other wide-ranging task forces, like &#8220;Tax and Fiscal Policy&#8221; and &#8220;Energy, Environment and Agriculture,&#8221; which promotes, among other things, legislation opposing climate-change initiatives. The group has recently come under scrutiny, largely because of the work of the Center for Media and Democracy. There was widespread outrage over ALEC&#8217;s role in exporting the &#8220;Stand Your Ground&#8221; law, at the center of the controversy over the death of Trayvon Martin, to other states &#8212; including a related bill that recently passed in Wisconsin. Since the Martin shooting, several large corporations, Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart among them, have ended their affiliation with ALEC. I asked Pocan if the increased exposure has stopped any ALEC-originated bills in the State Assembly. &#8220;Not really,&#8221; he said. &#8220;They get really good strategic advice. The head of Shell Oil flew out to New Orleans to meet with legislators.&#8221;

After signing Act 10, Governor Walker told a reporter for The Associated Press that the bill was &#8220;innovative&#8221; and &#8220;progressive&#8221; &#8212; words chosen perhaps because they resonate with the enduring pride many Wisconsin citizens still feel about their state&#8217;s pioneering political history. The current Wisconsin Blue Book contains a 68-page essay extolling the achievements of the 1911 Legislature, which included the establishment of the first workmen&#8217;s-compensation program, laws limiting labor for women and children and the passage of a forest-conservation act. President Theodore Roosevelt described Wisconsin as a &#8220;laboratory for wise, experimental legislation to secure the social and political betterment of the people as a whole.&#8221; Native icons like the populist senator and governor Robert (Fighting Bob) La Follette and the conservationist Aldo Leopold still loom in the state&#8217;s collective consciousness and legislative record. More recently, Senator Russ Feingold cast the lone vote against the U.S.A. Patriot Act in 2001."

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