Poll: Do You Have a Problem with NFL Players Locking Arms During National Anthem?

Do you have a problem with NFL players locking arms during National Anthem? Why?

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I agree with Sassy, it doesn't matter to me what they do from now on. They had their chance, they are done.
I do not look forward to seeing NFL games any more.

I will leave the door open to going back some day as long as they stop the kneeling bullshit.

But as for now, nah, havent seen a game all year and that is not likely to change.
Poll: Do You Have a Problem with NFL Players Locking Arms During National Anthem?

I have a big problem if after locking arms they don't do the Can-can...
They have the right , but I also have the right to think they are flaming douchebags. Free speech is great but you must also be prepared for the inevitable difference of opinion.
I stopped watching football this week and holy shit... I have a lot more free time to do other activities. Life has been good the past 5 days.
The "black communities" have had problems forever? Now they want to protest about it Where were they during Obama's 8 years? Or is this just a Anti Trump anti police anti-military pro-hillary Pro socialism pro-commie Anti America anti-republican anti right Anti John Boehner What is really wrong with these people?The hag lost get over it brought to you by Google talk typing and most cases With massive hand editing and correction required on a tablet with no keyboard same old story pain in the butt
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I'm genuinely surprised that conservatives are still objecting to this symbolism of locking arms.

It has little context, so one can interpret it as almost anything, for example meaning symbolic unity for all Americans.

But you guys have every right to feel how you do and disagree with me and be completely wrong :)
I find it irritating because it amounts to the players trying to shove their nonsensical political views on the audience. They're drama queens. Oppressed? What a fucking laugh.
I'm genuinely surprised that conservatives are still objecting to this symbolism of locking arms.

It has little context, so one can interpret it as almost anything, for example meaning symbolic unity for all Americans.

But you guys have every right to feel how you do and disagree with me and be completely wrong :)
Hand on heart and sing.
Doesn't matter to me, they knelt...I'm done with them.
See you next week.....
I stopped watching the NFL turd parade years ago.
I think it is a decent compromise. It does not disrespect the flag but it points to the concerns the players have about the situation in the black community, which is a different topic.

Packers joined by fans in linking arms during national anthem

What do you think?

They aren't concerned about the black community.....they are dumb people reacting to left wing lies without thinking. The real problem in the Black community isn't cops.....it is democrat policies, out of wedlock birth rates, and young black males murdering other young black males.......do you think those are the problems they are linking arms to address?
The truth...that liberals won't accept.
Doesn't bother me. Shows unity.
I'm genuinely surprised that conservatives are still objecting to this symbolism of locking arms.

It has little context, so one can interpret it as almost anything, for example meaning symbolic unity for all Americans.

But you guys have every right to feel how you do and disagree with me and be completely wrong :)

Yeah! If you allow yourself to do so, you can pretend that the protest has nothing to do with those dirty thugs whining about being mistreated! In fact, you can interpret the actions to symbolize how grateful the negroes are for the white people letting them play pro sports! Easy-peasy! You can enjoy the games again!
I think it is a decent compromise. It does not disrespect the flag but it points to the concerns the players have about the situation in the black community, which is a different topic.

Packers joined by fans in linking arms during national anthem

What do you think?
. I do not like it. They tried to get the fans to lock arms in the stands at the Green Bay's game. The fans sent a collective fuck you to the players as they stood with the hand over heart. Some were saluting.

Standing isn't enough. Players MUST place hand over heart and I want to see lips moving too.
I think it is a decent compromise. It does not disrespect the flag but it points to the concerns the players have about the situation in the black community, which is a different topic.

Packers joined by fans in linking arms during national anthem

What do you think?
. I do not like it. They tried to get the fans to lock arms in the stands at the Green Bay's game. The fans sent a collective fuck you to the players as they stood with the hand over heart. Some were saluting.

Standing isn't enough. Players MUST place hand over heart and I want to see lips moving too.

Thankfully, you ain't in charge.
Doesn't matter to me, they knelt...I'm done with them.
. Locking arms is still an insult to cops, america and our anthem.w. In short,they wanted the fans to lock arms in support of the players who are locking arms in support of the players who were kneeling during the anthem.

That won't cut it!
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