POLL: Do you look at our politics as WAR?

Is Left vs. Right a "War" to you?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.
As an independent I voted no.

There is a war going on, but it is on the American mind, regardless of partisanship.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

Of course it is. The One Percent has been making war on the working class for 40 years now. Where have you been?

But just like the dumb redneck who fought for the Confederacy 150 years ago even though he got no benefit from slavery, the dumb white working class votes for the GOP because they are upset about abortion or gays getting married or trannies in the bathroom or some other issue that has no effect on their paycheck.

And WHEN the next recession comes, they will be scratching their heads wondering why they are working harder for less money.
Like it or not, this is a serious conflict. I does not require violence, although the left seems inclined to commit violence everytime someone they're programmed to hate shows up. At this point we can still beat them electorally, intellectually and culturally.

The consequences are a matter of live vs. death though.

Do we want to flush the country down the regressive toilet like venezuela, cuba, Rhodesia, cambodia, laos, vietnam et al? Do we want to struggle through decades of collectivism, mass arrests and and executions, forced famines, wars of conquest and declining population only to figure out the entire concept marx and engles shat upon the planet is a complete fairy tale?

Do we have to wait until these sniveling pieces of shit acquire power and start killing people before we realize that we don't want leftists rounding people up to waste them in labor camps?

I personally would prefer the way Chile dealt with the problem.

Throw a few thousand moonbat apparatchiks out of helicopters and expatriate a few thousand more. Purge them from every level of government, out of the education institutions, out of the banking industry and if at all possible out of the country.

I don't like the idea that we'd have to kill some of them, but they won't just fuck off, go to venezuela and leave us the fuck alone. If they do achieve their objectives it puts many millions of people at far greater risk than a simple helicopter ride a few miles into the desert.
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Imagine if it had not been Trump but instead a RINO or GOP hack that would ensure the continuation of the status quo - everything would be soft and sunny in the world right now. So it's not a war in the sense of two clashing ideologies, it's a laboratory control of the media using the left's lab rat mentality to perpetuate TDS. The whole point of getting Trump in was to shake things up and on that he's doing a great job. If the witch had gotten the nod we'd already be circling the drain.
Imagine if it had not been Trump but instead a RINO or GOP hack that would ensure the continuation of the status quo - everything would be soft and sunny in the world right now. So it's not a war in the sense of two clashing ideologies, it's a laboratory control of the media using the left's lab rat mentality to perpetuate TDS. The whole point of getting Trump in was to shake things up and on that he's doing a great job. If the witch had gotten the nod we'd already be circling the drain.

Actually, if you got a GOP hack, you'd still get the same dumb, anti-working class policies.. without the daily chaos.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.
It's clear that the left is conducting a war.
It's really up to moderates and Republicans to decide to sit there and take it, or counter-attack.
It is a war, those with opposing ideas are the enemy.
No Compromise, Never give-up, never surrender.
I fat-fingerred the poll, and accidentally voted “Democrat -YES” when my answer is unequivocally “Democrat - NO.” Amd I cannot seem to find a way to change it.

I prefer cooperation and compromise. Those are adult qualities.
The OP seems to think that everyone is either red or blue; most people are shades of purple. Look at the discourse about McCain….Most of the people badmouthing the late Senator actually voted for him.

It is a simplistic and not surprisingly dumb rendering of the electorate.

Most people are purple. Look at republicans.

McCain: Interventionalist, anti-torture, did everything he could in his adult life to serve the nation as a soldier then a senator.

Trump: Isolationist, pro-torture, did everything he could in his entire life to avoid anything that didn’t personally enrich or empower himself.

Nearly every republican/conservative/rightie here voted for both of them. Meaning that they are not full red; they have shades of it. I won’t even bring up Romney.

Politics and their associated rivalries are not warfare; not even close. If you get beyond the campaign bromides and the wedge issues; you’d find a lot of agreement actually on any number of topics.

If you listen to right wing losers; they’ll say Obama was soft on defense… Here is what he proposed in his defense budgets…

Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at 9.21.31 AM.png

Over $500B every year. Now, full disclosure. A lot of budget submissions are done based on what they thought they could get passed so he may want to have budgeted less. However, the record shows that he was well over the half a trillion mark every year of his presidency. Would any Republican house/senator disagree with spending such a large amount? No. They likely would want to spend more but the President was in the ballpark every year; consistently. This is the agreement that people like the OP never highlight. If you look deep enough, you will find agreement such as this all through the budget and even in the rhetoric when they are not on the stump in some cases.

The devil is in the details as it always is and always will be; $500B or $600B for Defense? What is the cap on SS contributions? etc… That is the normal course of things and it’s healthy.

Presenting the argument as “either or” is as disingenuous as it is dumb.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

Mango ~ Politics is how the government/establishment wages war on the People.
It's clear that the left is conducting a war.
It's really up to moderates and Republicans to decide to sit there and take it, or counter-attack.

It's being done, that's what I mean by defeating them culturally. Expose them for the sniveling bed wetters they are.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.
I think many people on both sides act like it is war. I think those people are childish and need to grow up.

We are all one nation that needs to work together and pocess the maturity to challenge ideas in a respectful and productive way.

Our campaign system and the money it takes to get elected is a major factor in what is messing everything up if you ask me.

Good OP
As an Independent, I vote "No".

Even though there are enough retards in both the Republican and Democratic camps to make to make it seem that way, sometimes.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

Of course it is. The One Percent has been making war on the working class for 40 years now. Where have you been?

But just like the dumb redneck who fought for the Confederacy 150 years ago even though he got no benefit from slavery, the dumb white working class votes for the GOP because they are upset about abortion or gays getting married or trannies in the bathroom or some other issue that has no effect on their paycheck.

And WHEN the next recession comes, they will be scratching their heads wondering why they are working harder for less money.
I see your point and partly agree but there are basic principles that draw many people to the Republican Party.. small government, lower taxes and less regulations.

The party hasn’t always lived up to these principles but with only two options to vote for in most cases many people choose the one that represent policies closest to those principles. They also don’t trust the government with more tax money and regulatory power to efficiently handle our economic and social problems
Mango ~ Politics is how the government/establishment wages war on the People.

This is more about ideas, there are plenty of regressives in the republicrat party as well. They need to be marginalized and shunned. Political philosophies that historically lead to despotic regimes that wipe out millions of people are something to be bitterly opposed to if you enjoy being alive. If you think other people around you like being alive, you should be even less inclined to support the likelihood of living in a society where you notice other people seem to disappear sometimes and no one ever asks where they've gone.

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