POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

  • Total voters
I would love to see this country come back together, but it really depends on both sides being willing to compromise on issues that neither seems willing to. At this point, the only thing I think would accomplish that is another 9/11 type of event, where we all focus our anger on a common enemy.
Nah, what will help to accomplish it is when Trump is out of the picture & he's no longer holding rallies spreading his venom & hate.

Trump is the most evil craven individual to ever hold high office in the history of this Country. And the gutless cowards in Washington who support & enable him are no better.
Huh... I don't think I've seen you speaking up about how to heal our divisions. Seems like you get off on them.
I don’t care what you think you’ve seen.

You’re a hack.

And no. I don’t get off on our divide.

But I am very happy to expose the sophistry and illogicality of the views of people (like you) who spout mindless nonsense.
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Fuck off, you retarded shitbird. You're not stupid because you're racist and black, you're stupid because you're dangerous stupid.


Why should I leave when it's so amusing to sit here and watch you struggle to make a rational argument. :dunno:
Good to know. You seem to care a lot. But you seem like a real dim bulb, so, whatever.
Again, what anything “seems” like to a scumsucking moron such as you is of no significance.

Your next original thought would be your first. So, gfy.

Now, since it seems to bother you, I’m delighted to return to the topic.

Putting aside idiots such as you, it would be wonderful to have an honest and logical discussion with open-minded people on the “other” side of the political divide.

Persuade me if you have the chops for such things on why your views are more correct. But be honest enough to be persuaded yourself if my views are more factually and logically supported and “right.”

Obviously, this cannot work with a blindly devoted but ignorant hack, like you.
.... Oh boy. The usual BackAgain pissing match. 🥱 - I'll pass. You are the king pisser!
You just did what you’re pretending you wouldn’t do.

Go away. You're a loser and transparently hypocritical. But, don’t let that stop you. Nothing you post matters anyway. 👍
Some people say our divisions are not that big a deal, that we've seen them before. Personally I don't think that's true. One thing that concerns me the most is the amount of people who don't seem to WANT our divisions healed. It seems they'd rather have some kind of final, winner-take-all war, thinking the other side can somehow be eliminated.

Do you want to see our divisions healed? It would certainly require communication with people who disagree with you, and you would have to bend somewhat, regardless of where you stand politically.

So you're going to join us in voting for president Trump and heal the divide?
Right. I suspect about half of those who answered the poll in the affirmative share your perspective. You want to heal the divide by eliminating opposition. That's a fantasy.
the American two-party system isn't a product of democracy, but a meticulously crafted illusion designed by a shadowy cabal.

This cabal, an alliance of the world's wealthiest and most powerful figures, manipulates both parties to maintain control over the populace.

Both Republicans and Democrats appear to be in constant opposition, but in reality, they're two sides of the same coin, orchestrated by the same hidden puppeteers.

These elites fund both parties, ensuring that no matter who wins an election, their interests are safeguarded. Major policies, from economic decisions to foreign affairs, are pre-determined in secret meetings, long before they're introduced to the public under the guise of democratic choice.

Voters, convinced they have a voice, are unwittingly endorsing a rigged system. Every vote cast for a Republican or Democrat perpetuates the illusion of democracy while reinforcing the power of the hidden elite. This grand deception keeps the public divided and distracted, arguing over surface-level issues while the true power brokers remain unseen and unchallenged.

The media, too, plays a crucial role, presenting debates and controversies that seem significant but are ultimately inconsequential to the real agenda. The coverage of elections is a carefully choreographed spectacle, designed to keep the masses engaged and believing in the system's legitimacy.

Those who dare to question or expose this grand conspiracy are quickly discredited, labeled as fringe theorists, or silenced altogether. The true power lies not with the elected officials, but with the unseen hands that guide them.
In this scenario, the real question isn't about choosing between two parties, but about recognizing and challenging the forces that manipulate the entire system.

True change can only come when the public sees through the charade and demands a system that genuinely represents their interests, free from the control of the hidden elite.
the American two-party system isn't a product of democracy, but a meticulously crafted illusion designed by a shadowy cabal.

This cabal, an alliance of the world's wealthiest and most powerful figures, manipulates both parties to maintain control over the populace.

Both Republicans and Democrats appear to be in constant opposition, but in reality, they're two sides of the same coin, orchestrated by the same hidden puppeteers.

These elites fund both parties, ensuring that no matter who wins an election, their interests are safeguarded. Major policies, from economic decisions to foreign affairs, are pre-determined in secret meetings, long before they're introduced to the public under the guise of democratic choice.

Voters, convinced they have a voice, are unwittingly endorsing a rigged system. Every vote cast for a Republican or Democrat perpetuates the illusion of democracy while reinforcing the power of the hidden elite. This grand deception keeps the public divided and distracted, arguing over surface-level issues while the true power brokers remain unseen and unchallenged.

The media, too, plays a crucial role, presenting debates and controversies that seem significant but are ultimately inconsequential to the real agenda. The coverage of elections is a carefully choreographed spectacle, designed to keep the masses engaged and believing in the system's legitimacy.

Those who dare to question or expose this grand conspiracy are quickly discredited, labeled as fringe theorists, or silenced altogether. The true power lies not with the elected officials, but with the unseen hands that guide them.
In this scenario, the real question isn't about choosing between two parties, but about recognizing and challenging the forces that manipulate the entire system.

True change can only come when the public sees through the charade and demands a system that genuinely represents their interests, free from the control of the hidden elite.
Nah, what will help to accomplish it is when Trump is out of the picture & he's no longer holding rallies spreading his venom & hate.
I’ve watched a number of Trump rallies and you’re so off base that it verges on comedy. He neither spreads venom nor hate. It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re so disconnected from reality, tbh.

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