Poll: do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?

Do you think Rubio still has a shot at the nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 40.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 54.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters
Hard to believe that people like you continue to underestimate Trump.


Hard to believe people like you think he can function as president....if he can't get a bill through Congress is he going to scream: "YOU'RE FIRED!"? :lol: He's a lib in wolf's clothing.
A lot of Republican voters don't seem to care about that, hence them lining up behind Trump

True, but remember that Trump is only one "tweet" away from total implosion.....then what?

They talked about Reagan the same exact way when I was in college.

Trump gets the same type of mistreatment from the press and the far-left imbeciles.

Republican establishment assholes hated Reagan.

He straightened them out eventually.
Reagan played the political game by, you know, behaving like a mature adult. Trump is an 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body. There's a reason he has the highest unfavorability rating in this race.
A lot of Republican voters don't seem to care about that, hence them lining up behind Trump

True, but remember that Trump is only one "tweet" away from total implosion.....then what?

Hard to believe that people like you continue to underestimate Trump.

Lol hes definitely not if he thinks Trump can't win the WH.

If Trump he wins the nomination, he will be the next POTUS. The Democrats are running a crackpot and criminal- neither have any chance of winning the general election.

Look at the voter turnout for Republicans in New Hampshire- it was record breaking! Then look at the Dems- well below average. Bottom line nobody is excited about hiLIARy and nobody with a brain is excited about crackpot Sanders....

Your party is a train wreck.
If Trump he wins the nomination, he will be the next POTUS. The Democrats are running a crackpot and criminal- neither have any chance of winning the general election.

General election polling shows both Clinton and Sanders spanking Trump in the general election.
A lot of Republican voters don't seem to care about that, hence them lining up behind Trump

True, but remember that Trump is only one "tweet" away from total implosion.....then what?

Hard to believe that people like you continue to underestimate Trump.

Lol hes definitely not if he thinks Trump can't win the WH.

If Trump he wins the nomination, he will be the next POTUS. The Democrats are running a crackpot and criminal- neither have any chance of winning the general election.

Look at the voter turnout for Republicans in New Hampshire- it was record breaking! Then look at the Dems- well below average. Bottom line nobody is excited about hiLIARy and nobody with a brain is excited about crackpot Sanders....

Your party is a train wreck.
Are you kidding me? The record turn out was on both sides. Trump is an 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body. He has the highest unfavorability rating in this race. Both Hillary AND Bernie are currently beating him in a hypothetical match up. Bernie by 10 points.
Not only do I think he has a shot at the nomination, I think the smart money is on him.
Besides funding, why do you think he has a shot?

He's young, handsome, charismatic, and moderate enough to get crossover support.
Yeah he would have a shot in the general election but his chances of getting the nomination are in jeopardy.

It's a little early to say that his campaign is "in jeopardy".

Only 51 of 2,472 delegates have been determined, and Cruz is only 7 delegates behind the leader (Trump).
To win in November, the GOP needs a candidate who can hold serve in the south and southwest and have a chance with minorities and disenfranchised blue-collars in the east and midwest. Rubio struck GOLD when he said he wants to expand vocational training instead of more computer programmers....the trades that pay well and offer a long career. Nobody else left speaks to those who can be swayed by common sense. And he speaks espanol.....I can tell you the latins I've mentioned him to all SMILE when I say his name and they've voted Rat their whole lives.
Rubio is polling in the top three in the upcoming primaries. As long as he stays up there he has a shot. The race can turn in an instant by something unforeseen as evidence by Rubio's debate gaffe and his subsequent disappointing showing in New Hampshire. Something similar can happen to Trump or Cruz.
Yes exactly two states have held votes so far if he has a good debate Saturday and does well in South Carolina he's right back in it.
He has a good chance. NH is a liberal state. Even their conservatives are liberal when compared to the rest of the country. NH voted for Sanders and Kasich. Enough said. Rubio will do much better in southern and western states.

I believe that Cruz has a better shot, but Rubio still has a shot.
Imo he can appeal better in the South compared to Jeb or Kasich, and Jeb may be out if he loses in Fla on 3-15 and Kasich may be out unless he finishes in the top three consistently on Super Tues. The establishment will fund one of the three to finish out.

There are only 3 candidates that actually have a shot:
I'm hoping for the Donald v. Hillary because their daughters shop for maternity clothes together.
he definitely has a shot at the nomination and I don't think its all that different than what it was before the debate and NH. The media exaggerates everything to have a story. So his strength was exaggerated as was his NH performance but it did it did have its effect. I think a he will do well the next debate because he is very good at it and that will pretty much put that in the past. BUT he does have to do well at the next debate. No doubt about that. Its a shame Christie wont be there because if I were advising Rubio id have him ready to cut Chrisites nuts off and it wouldn't be too hard to do given the guys record.

Trump is in the drivers seat and I don't think anything that happened at that debate affected that. But Rubio still has a legit chance unlike Kasich and probably even Bush
There are only 3 candidates that actually have a shot:

Yep, Fatso and Carly folded tent today and Jeb! can't keep spending $30M a state to finish 4th. When the field is 3, Rubio will have the benefit of the most cross-overs.

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