POLL: Does the left want to end capitalism?

Does the left want to end capitalism?

  • I'm left wing - No, I want to emulate Nordic capitalism.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • I'm left wing - Yes, I want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism.

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • I'm left wing - I want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • I'm right wing - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries and I disagree with that.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • I'm right wing - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • I'm right wing - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • I'm something else - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters
The Right is doing a fine job killing capitalism. See the $4 billion repubs gave to Foxconn. Not good capitalism. What we have is crony capitalism.
Lol, another apologist for capitalism.
The ruling class in the United States has been using public money to promote private capital interests in foreign lands since at least 1801 and it's just now that you start noticing?
A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.

Yes, the top 1% are paying almost 50% of all taxes now. It's out of control. But the left still lies

What % of the nation's wealth do the 1%ers control?
I think it is something like 80%.

Try about 50%, but it just goes to show the far left will just post anything.

And how many of them are far left or even left leaning?

Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt.

Those people have incomes of over $27 million, or roughly 540 times the national average income. Altogether, the top 1 percent control 43 percent of the wealth in the nation; the next 4 percent control an additional 29 percent.

So the top 5% control 72% of the wealth.
A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.

Yes, the top 1% are paying almost 50% of all taxes now. It's out of control. But the left still lies

What % of the nation's wealth do the 1%ers control?
I think it is something like 80%.

Try about 50%, but it just goes to show the far left will just post anything.

And how many of them are far left or even left leaning?

Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt.

Those people have incomes of over $27 million, or roughly 540 times the national average income. Altogether, the top 1 percent control 43 percent of the wealth in the nation; the next 4 percent control an additional 29 percent.

So the top 5% control 72% of the wealth.

"The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks."

The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks

This is where I meant to go with my comment.

Kosh is just looking for a pissing contest. Good riddance.
You must be. It's not like you could lie on the Internet about how much money you have and get away with it.

BTW, last time you were talking about how you just want to pay more taxes. So why don't you?
I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
If they (the poor) don’t care enough to show up for the social programs they benefit from, why should I contunue to worry or care about them?

Same way I don’t care about union members who vote republican. They’ll get what they deserve.

There’s a lot of us who agree with liberalism but we aren’t hurt by capitalism. Not as much as you. I won’t be relying on social security you will idiot

Yes, you're on the Internet claiming you're rich. No one ever thought of doing that before.

And yes, you mentioned I'm poor and uneducated, that's why I oppose government handouts.

You're not very smart, guy. So you inherited all that Internet money that you have?
You must be. It's not like you could lie on the Internet about how much money you have and get away with it.

BTW, last time you were talking about how you just want to pay more taxes. So why don't you?
I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
Here’s why I’ve given up on hope my social security and Medicare will be there when I retire. You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs. Or, some of you won’t show up to vote at all but you’ll all need it.

So how can I care about a population this stupid?

Even if we take the house and or senate back the American people will give them back by not showing up in the 2022 midterms like they didn’t in 2010.

So I know we the people have lost. Now it’s every man for himself.

Unless you guys wake up

Talk about stupid. You're so stupid that you aren't smart enough to adapt your DNC talking points to people's actual views, so anyone not a Democrat is a Republican. You don't play stupid on the Internet, you're the real thing.

Tell me how rich you are again. I mean no stupid there, it takes real brains to claim to be rich as shit on the Internet. It's pretty much impossible to fake that
I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
Here’s why I’ve given up on hope my social security and Medicare will be there when I retire. You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs. Or, some of you won’t show up to vote at all but you’ll all need it.

So how can I care about a population this stupid?

Even if we take the house and or senate back the American people will give them back by not showing up in the 2022 midterms like they didn’t in 2010.

So I know we the people have lost. Now it’s every man for himself.

Unless you guys wake up
/----/ "You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs." What a load of Hillary. That assaine BS worked up through the 1990s but no longer. It would be political suicide to do so, but hey, scare the old people is all you got to run on.
View attachment 210187

BooBoo's a classic. We're stupid because we don't vote for welfare and we're stupid because we don't want welfare.

BooBoo: I'm trying to buy you, how stupid are you that you won't take the money!!!!

That while he's advocating he pay more taxes, he doesn't ...
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
Here’s why I’ve given up on hope my social security and Medicare will be there when I retire. You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs. Or, some of you won’t show up to vote at all but you’ll all need it.

So how can I care about a population this stupid?

Even if we take the house and or senate back the American people will give them back by not showing up in the 2022 midterms like they didn’t in 2010.

So I know we the people have lost. Now it’s every man for himself.

Unless you guys wake up
/----/ "You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs." What a load of Hillary. That assaine BS worked up through the 1990s but no longer. It would be political suicide to do so, but hey, scare the old people is all you got to run on.
View attachment 210187
That’s what some of you say. The naive ones. Slowly they’re chipping away.

Remember most republicans argue these programs are unconstitutional.

If you lock in seniors and cut my benefits 25% and end it for kids, you’ll get away with it. Do it during the next coming crash. You’ll bend over

Welfare at the Federal level is Unconstitutional. There's no question. It's a direct violation of the 10th amendment
You must be. It's not like you could lie on the Internet about how much money you have and get away with it.

BTW, last time you were talking about how you just want to pay more taxes. So why don't you?
I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college
/----/ I have a BS in Business from a private, competitive college on Long Island. I graduated with a 3.76 GPA while working full time for a Fortune 50 company.
Is it regionally accredited?

It's hilarious your fixation that education = belief in dependency
You must be. It's not like you could lie on the Internet about how much money you have and get away with it.

BTW, last time you were talking about how you just want to pay more taxes. So why don't you?
I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college
/----/ I have a BS in Business from a private, competitive college on Long Island. I graduated with a 3.76 GPA while working full time for a Fortune 50 company.
Riddle me this. Unemployment is near zero still wages remain stagnant for the middle class. What happened to supply and demand? It’s not working the way it’s supposed to

The more government interferes in the economy, the worse it gets, and the more stupid elitist leftist snobs like you call for government. You want to feed a drunk vodka. Yeah, you're rich because you're so smart, LOL
Yes, the top 1% are paying almost 50% of all taxes now. It's out of control. But the left still lies

What % of the nation's wealth do the 1%ers control?
I think it is something like 80%.

Try about 50%, but it just goes to show the far left will just post anything.

And how many of them are far left or even left leaning?

Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt.

Those people have incomes of over $27 million, or roughly 540 times the national average income. Altogether, the top 1 percent control 43 percent of the wealth in the nation; the next 4 percent control an additional 29 percent.

So the top 5% control 72% of the wealth.
Yes, the top 1% are paying almost 50% of all taxes now. It's out of control. But the left still lies

What % of the nation's wealth do the 1%ers control?
I think it is something like 80%.

Try about 50%, but it just goes to show the far left will just post anything.

And how many of them are far left or even left leaning?

Currently, the richest 1% hold about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73% of all debt.

Those people have incomes of over $27 million, or roughly 540 times the national average income. Altogether, the top 1 percent control 43 percent of the wealth in the nation; the next 4 percent control an additional 29 percent.

So the top 5% control 72% of the wealth.

"The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks."

The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks

This is where I meant to go with my comment.

Kosh is just looking for a pissing contest. Good riddance.

Right, for most Americans, their home is their primary asset. And they are offered savings at work and don't do it. Your point?
The Right is doing a fine job killing capitalism. See the $4 billion repubs gave to Foxconn. Not good capitalism. What we have is crony capitalism.
Lol, another apologist for capitalism.
The ruling class in the United States has been using public money to promote private capital interests in foreign lands since at least 1801 and it's just now that you start noticing?
It is getting worse. See the $4 billion spent in Foxconn. I’ve been talking about it for years.
I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college
/----/ I have a BS in Business from a private, competitive college on Long Island. I graduated with a 3.76 GPA while working full time for a Fortune 50 company.
Riddle me this. Unemployment is near zero still wages remain stagnant for the middle class. What happened to supply and demand? It’s not working the way it’s supposed to

The more government interferes in the economy, the worse it gets, and the more stupid elitist leftist snobs like you call for government. You want to feed a drunk vodka. Yeah, you're rich because you're so smart, LOL

And a republican deal to give Foxconn $4 billion is a lot of government interference.
Your source is Breitbart? You consider that a respectable and credible source? That explains your work product.
/——/ did you watch the video Einstein?

NOPE, I do not watch any link to Breitbart or other sites which post extreme propaganda.
/——/,No one believes you didn’t watch it. your denial is laughable. democRATs new outcry is no to borders no to walls and no to USA.

You have no idea what Democrats think, since the Democratic Party is diverse and each individual Democrat holds opinions on a wide range of issues.

We Democrats are not single issue voters, as are those who have chosen to vote on the wedge issues, which are exploited by the Republican Party and Trump.

/——/ There is no longer any diversity in the democRAT party. You march in lockstep and moderates and middle class whites are sent packing. Your motto is now is No to borders No to walls and No to USA.

You're ridiculous, and typical of a member of the Ostrich Party, to wit:

I pay what they tell me to pay. I vote to pay more and get more
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
If they (the poor) don’t care enough to show up for the social programs they benefit from, why should I contunue to worry or care about them?

Same way I don’t care about union members who vote republican. They’ll get what they deserve.

There’s a lot of us who agree with liberalism but we aren’t hurt by capitalism. Not as much as you. I won’t be relying on social security you will idiot

Yes, you're on the Internet claiming you're rich. No one ever thought of doing that before.

And yes, you mentioned I'm poor and uneducated, that's why I oppose government handouts.

You're not very smart, guy. So you inherited all that Internet money that you have?
I'm not rich just probably richer than you.
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
If they (the poor) don’t care enough to show up for the social programs they benefit from, why should I contunue to worry or care about them?

Same way I don’t care about union members who vote republican. They’ll get what they deserve.

There’s a lot of us who agree with liberalism but we aren’t hurt by capitalism. Not as much as you. I won’t be relying on social security you will idiot

Yes, you're on the Internet claiming you're rich. No one ever thought of doing that before.

And yes, you mentioned I'm poor and uneducated, that's why I oppose government handouts.

You're not very smart, guy. So you inherited all that Internet money that you have?
I'm not rich just probably richer than you.

Kaz lives with his head in the sand. He's another member of the Ostrich Party, i.e. out of touch with reality.
You never went to college

Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
Here’s why I’ve given up on hope my social security and Medicare will be there when I retire. You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs. Or, some of you won’t show up to vote at all but you’ll all need it.

So how can I care about a population this stupid?

Even if we take the house and or senate back the American people will give them back by not showing up in the 2022 midterms like they didn’t in 2010.

So I know we the people have lost. Now it’s every man for himself.

Unless you guys wake up
/----/ "You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs." What a load of Hillary. That assaine BS worked up through the 1990s but no longer. It would be political suicide to do so, but hey, scare the old people is all you got to run on.
View attachment 210187
That’s what some of you say. The naive ones. Slowly they’re chipping away.

Remember most republicans argue these programs are unconstitutional.

If you lock in seniors and cut my benefits 25% and end it for kids, you’ll get away with it. Do it during the next coming crash. You’ll bend over

Welfare at the Federal level is Unconstitutional. There's no question. It's a direct violation of the 10th amendment
Only right wing trolls, say that. Providing for the general welfare is expressed in our federal Constitution.
/——/ What more did you get when you paid higher taxes? What are you missing out on with lower taxes?
You never went to college
/----/ I have a BS in Business from a private, competitive college on Long Island. I graduated with a 3.76 GPA while working full time for a Fortune 50 company.
Riddle me this. Unemployment is near zero still wages remain stagnant for the middle class. What happened to supply and demand? It’s not working the way it’s supposed to

The more government interferes in the economy, the worse it gets, and the more stupid elitist leftist snobs like you call for government. You want to feed a drunk vodka. Yeah, you're rich because you're so smart, LOL

And a republican deal to give Foxconn $4 billion is a lot of government interference.
under Capitalism, Fundamental matter:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax Cut Economics are Worthless if they don't cover Spending.
You never went to college
/----/ I have a BS in Business from a private, competitive college on Long Island. I graduated with a 3.76 GPA while working full time for a Fortune 50 company.
Riddle me this. Unemployment is near zero still wages remain stagnant for the middle class. What happened to supply and demand? It’s not working the way it’s supposed to

The more government interferes in the economy, the worse it gets, and the more stupid elitist leftist snobs like you call for government. You want to feed a drunk vodka. Yeah, you're rich because you're so smart, LOL

And a republican deal to give Foxconn $4 billion is a lot of government interference.
under Capitalism, Fundamental matter:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax Cut Economics are Worthless if they don't cover Spending.
/——/ True. Time to cut spending.
Another lie bites the dust that you're the one who cares about the common man. You're an elitist snob
Here’s why I’ve given up on hope my social security and Medicare will be there when I retire. You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs. Or, some of you won’t show up to vote at all but you’ll all need it.

So how can I care about a population this stupid?

Even if we take the house and or senate back the American people will give them back by not showing up in the 2022 midterms like they didn’t in 2010.

So I know we the people have lost. Now it’s every man for himself.

Unless you guys wake up
/----/ "You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs." What a load of Hillary. That assaine BS worked up through the 1990s but no longer. It would be political suicide to do so, but hey, scare the old people is all you got to run on.
View attachment 210187
That’s what some of you say. The naive ones. Slowly they’re chipping away.

Remember most republicans argue these programs are unconstitutional.

If you lock in seniors and cut my benefits 25% and end it for kids, you’ll get away with it. Do it during the next coming crash. You’ll bend over

Welfare at the Federal level is Unconstitutional. There's no question. It's a direct violation of the 10th amendment
Only right wing trolls, say that. Providing for the general welfare is expressed in our federal Constitution.
/——/ Gaye marriage is covered under the Good and Fruity Clause.
/----/ I have a BS in Business from a private, competitive college on Long Island. I graduated with a 3.76 GPA while working full time for a Fortune 50 company.
Riddle me this. Unemployment is near zero still wages remain stagnant for the middle class. What happened to supply and demand? It’s not working the way it’s supposed to

The more government interferes in the economy, the worse it gets, and the more stupid elitist leftist snobs like you call for government. You want to feed a drunk vodka. Yeah, you're rich because you're so smart, LOL

And a republican deal to give Foxconn $4 billion is a lot of government interference.
under Capitalism, Fundamental matter:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Tax Cut Economics are Worthless if they don't cover Spending.
/——/ True. Time to cut spending.
let's start with our useless drug war.
Here’s why I’ve given up on hope my social security and Medicare will be there when I retire. You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs. Or, some of you won’t show up to vote at all but you’ll all need it.

So how can I care about a population this stupid?

Even if we take the house and or senate back the American people will give them back by not showing up in the 2022 midterms like they didn’t in 2010.

So I know we the people have lost. Now it’s every man for himself.

Unless you guys wake up
/----/ "You stupid republicans will vote in favor of ending those programs." What a load of Hillary. That assaine BS worked up through the 1990s but no longer. It would be political suicide to do so, but hey, scare the old people is all you got to run on.
View attachment 210187
That’s what some of you say. The naive ones. Slowly they’re chipping away.

Remember most republicans argue these programs are unconstitutional.

If you lock in seniors and cut my benefits 25% and end it for kids, you’ll get away with it. Do it during the next coming crash. You’ll bend over

Welfare at the Federal level is Unconstitutional. There's no question. It's a direct violation of the 10th amendment
Only right wing trolls, say that. Providing for the general welfare is expressed in our federal Constitution.
/——/ Gaye marriage is covered under the Good and Fruity Clause.

With color tv and the right to sing the blues.

Idiot. Equivocation fallacy

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