Poll: Grade Biden's Performance As Commander in Chief (First Seven Months)

Poll: Grade Biden's Performance As Commander in Chief (First Seven Months)

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You're missing the warnings that the embassy staff sent to Xiden in mid-July.
I'm not missing anything. There were many warnings of many threats over many months concerning Afghanistan. There still are.

The President has to go by consensus views, not the warnings of dissenting memos from Kabul.

There was no warning from the Director of National Intelligence that the Afghan army would fold in hours without firing a shot. All the chaos is a result of that unpredictable fact.

There is a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on. It has become a national pastime to be critical of our President because the enemy didn't do what we expected him to do.
Given the reality that the agenda has clearly been to overthrow our Republic, I'd give him an A- in his role as assigned frontman.

Marxists and central bankers are on a roll.
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I'm not missing anything. There were many warnings of many threats over many months concerning Afghanistan. There still are.

The President has to go by consensus views, not the warnings of dissenting memos from Kabul.

There was no warning from the Director of National Intelligence that the Afghan army would fold in hours without firing a shot. All the chaos is a result of that unpredictable fact.

There is a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on. It has become a national pastime to be critical of our President because the enemy didn't do what we expected him to do.
Who is president? Who picked his security team? Who disregarded the military's recommendations?
Who are those "consensus views" from, bureaucrats in DC?
What were those consensus views? That the AFG army is well armed, well trained, and competent?
Bottom line: Joe is an empty suit, who was always wrong, is stupid and senile, and is totally incompetent to fill the office of president. He should resign in disgrace.
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Answer this prickless,

1) Did trump negotiate with the Taliban?
2) Are the Taliban terrorists?

I expect a total deflect, I CHALLENGE you to just answer the 2 questions with a Yes or No answer.
Hey idiot. Trump had conditions they did not meet. Like taking over the country.

You caused more disaster you GDMF. Then you blame Trump.lololol...What a GD low life POMFS you are
Calling Trump a retard. You are such a fucking hateful asshole. All your poor life choices makes you the mother fucking moron you are
The whole world was against him. Both major US political parties, most world leaders, celebrities everywhere, academia, the US intelligence agencies, and the main stream media who tried to convince us all that he was racist, misogynist, homophobic, etc. with their false stories.

But his message was about putting our country first, putting all Americans first, regardless of anything but if they were American. It resonated with hard-working Americans who were worried about their children's future and the globalists taking over our country further. And he won.

When I voted for him the first time, I didn't really expect he would be as effective as he has been. His support from me is even stronger today.

And dimwits among us have the nerve to call him dumb. I would like to hear what life accomplishments they are most proud of.

The whole world was against him. Both major US political parties, most world leaders, celebrities everywhere, academia, the US intelligence agencies, and the main stream media who tried to convince us all that he was racist, misogynist, homophobic, etc. with their false stories.

But his message was about putting our country first, putting all Americans first, regardless of anything but if they were American. It resonated with hard-working Americans who were worried about their children's future and the globalists taking over our country further. And he won.

When I voted for him the first time, I didn't really expect he would be as effective as he has been. His support from me is even stronger today.

And dimwits among us have the nerve to call him dumb. I would like to hear what life accomplishments they are most proud of.

Of all the candidates to cheat their way to the WH, they picked this absolute fool
Bottom line: Joe is an empty suit, who was always wrong, is stupid and senile, and is totally incompetent to fill the office of president. He should resign in disgrace.
When all else fails, I knew you would get around to character assassination.
Bottom line: Joe is an empty suit, who was always wrong, is stupid and senile, and is totally incompetent to fill the office of president. He should resign in disgrace.
The U.S. military has met its goal of reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan to about 2,500 by Friday, a drawdown that may have violated a last-minute congressional prohibition.

The reduction could complicate matters for the incoming Biden administration, which must determine how to handle a Trump administration commitment to the Taliban to remove all U.S. military, intelligence and contractor personnel from Afghanistan by May as a move to spur peace negotiations. Those talks are in an early stage.

Pentagon says US has dropped to 2,500 troops in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military has met its goal of reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan to about 2,500 by Friday, a drawdown that may have violated a last-minute congressional prohibition.



The article is dated Jan. 15, 2021. Trump is still President.

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