Poll: Grade Biden's Performance As Commander in Chief (First Seven Months)

Poll: Grade Biden's Performance As Commander in Chief (First Seven Months)

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  • Poll closed .
So Trump dealing with them is negotiating with terrorists. Bidumb doing it is smart diplomacy and should be viewed as success.

When you look in a mirror can you see both of your faces at once? Or do you have to turn one way or the other?
I, along with millions of Americans plus the world , realize that trump is a traitor, a dotard and a worthless fuck.

Yes, trump negotiated with TERRORISTS.
Who does that? Well…….trump does $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I, along with millions of Americans plus the world , realize that trump is a traitor, a dotard and a worthless fuck.

Yes, trump negotiated with TERRORISTS.
Who does that? Well…….trump does $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Apparently so does Bidumb. I mean, not to burst your bubble but his entire evacuation plan is now dependent upon the taliban and their willingness to cooperate.

Which I still can’t understand why you find it acceptable while spitting venom at Trump.
I, along with millions of Americans plus the world , realize that trump is a traitor, a dotard and a worthless fuck.

Yes, trump negotiated with TERRORISTS.
Who does that? Well…….trump does $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Even your own kind don't believe you, nor do you.
Considering how Biden has done as leader of the free world, what grade do you give him?

Things you may wish to consider include:

  • The safety and security of American citizens
  • Immigration and border security
  • Human rights, individual liberties. racial justice, gender equality and LGBT issues
  • His handling of Afghanistan
  • US economy / employment / wages / inflation / deficit
  • US energy policy / supply / security / pipelines / Climate Change
  • His handling of COVID, masks, vaccines, lockdowns, mandates, rent relief
  • Crime & law enforcement
  • Welfare benefits, food stamps, stimulus checks, other free stuff
  • How mean his tweets are, skin color, size of his hands, hairdo, how likable his children are, other important stuff.
Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.
To give him a grade you would have to believe he is for the United States, it's people, and support for our allies. That is not the case. Even a complete idiot gets one right every once in a while. Again that is not the case. He is a mindless fool and is not running anything but his mouth. The election was a fraud with more evidence coming out every day. It's not about Joe, it's about the ones that tell Joe what to do and allow the destruction of America at warp speed while 95% of the people see nothing, hear nothing, and do nothing. I plan to be the 5% that with my family make it through this. To the rest of you pull your head out of your ass and don't depend on any one or any thing but what you control.
I posted 3 FAIR questions.

No RWI dares to answer them.
WHY? It will implicate POS trump and his lying ways.

Can you answer the 3 questions.

1) Did trump negotiate with the Taliban?
2) Are the Taliban terrorists?
3). Did trump release Baradar?
> 1) Did trump negotiate with the Taliban?
Yes. He signed an agreement with them. I am sure it was in the best interests of Americans. He did not hand over our advanced weapons to them like Biden did, nor did he count on them to keep their word. As he mentioned in the Hannity interview, he threatened them if they did not comply, using the only language they understand.

Obama/Biden admin released the top guy in charge of the Taliban, and CNN said at the time it was a great thing to do since he posed no threat to the US. They did this in exchange for an American deserter.

> 2) Are the Taliban terrorists?


> 3). Did trump release Baradar?

Yes, allegedly, but it's probably true since he signed the 2020 agreement.
And you had to have a poll on a forum saturated with die hard brain dead republicans filled with hate to find they all still hate Biden.

Well done. It shows what a deep thinker you are.
I think it has resulted in some interesting discussion. Why don't you go to a thread that is more on your level if you don't like my poll? I am particularly interested in hearing form people who do not rat Biden at the extremes.

I honestly think Biden has earned an F so far, I never expected him to screw up so many things so quickly.

I guess Obama was right about at least one thing. Never underestimate Joe's ability to !@#$ things up.

>It shows what a deep thinker you are.

In my book, uncalled-for personal attacks are a sign of lower intellect. Carry on.
I earned my Masters Degree in 1990.
Since you keep mentioning it, what was the subject, and what was your GPA, if you care to share.

Ignore the personal attacks. If you are smart, it will come through with the content of your posts. I know a lot of PhDs that don't have much common sense but are otherwise quite brilliant in Scientific matters.

PS: It takes guts to jump in and defend Biden considering the circumstances. Seems like an incredibly difficult thing to argue. I give you credit for that.

To give him a C, there must be some positive things you think he has done as well. I can't think of any myself.

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I think it has resulted in some interesting discussion. Why don't you go to a thread that is more on your level if you don't like my poll? I am particularly interested in hearing form people who do not rat Biden at the extremes.

I honestly think Biden has earned an F so far, I never expected him to screw up so many things so quickly.

I guess Obama was right about at least one thing. Never underestimate Joe's ability to !@#$ things up.

>It shows what a deep thinker you are.

In my book, uncalled-for personal attacks are a sign of lower intellect. Carry on.

Basically, your poll is to confirm your hatred of the Democrat party and everything about it.
I picked that at the beginning and caught you oyt.
Its not a poll. Its to get support from other ratbag republicans to vindicate your thoughts. And sure enough they rushed to support your hatreds.
You're not fooling me.
Considering how Biden has done as leader of the free world, what grade do you give him?

Things you may wish to consider include:

  • The safety and security of American citizens
  • Immigration and border security
  • Human rights, individual liberties. racial justice, gender equality and LGBT issues
  • His handling of Afghanistan
  • US economy / employment / wages / inflation / deficit
  • US energy policy / supply / security / pipelines / Climate Change
  • His handling of COVID, masks, vaccines, lockdowns, mandates, rent relief
  • Crime & law enforcement
  • Welfare benefits, food stamps, stimulus checks, other free stuff
  • How mean his tweets are, skin color, size of his hands, hairdo, how likable his children are, other important stuff.
Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.
It's not really elderly senile Joe
It's Obamas 3rd term
Basically, your poll is to confirm your hatred of the Democrat party and everything about it.
I picked that at the beginning and caught you oyt.
Its not a poll. Its to get support from other ratbag republicans to vindicate your thoughts. And sure enough they rushed to support your hatreds.
You're not fooling me.
Democratic Party? You seem fooled
Latest results:

3 gave Xiden an A because they’re leftist trolls & don’t give a fuck.

2 gave Xiden a B because they’re snowflakes and can’t handle the truth, so they’re intellectually dishonest.

1 gave Xiden a C because while he’s a Democrat he’s almost realistic, a rarity.

2 gave Xiden a D. One leans conservative but always offers the benefit of doubt, the other an independent and more/less the same.

41 gave Xiden an F because they call em as they see em.
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- rising gas prices
- wide open borders
- inflation
- handing Afghanistan back to terrorists
- no direction for COVID as were all being told to mask again
- rising crime in our cities

Joe Biden is an EPIC FAILURE.
Basically, your poll is to confirm your hatred of the Democrat party and everything about it.
I picked that at the beginning and caught you oyt.
Its not a poll. Its to get support from other ratbag republicans to vindicate your thoughts. And sure enough they rushed to support your hatreds.
You're not fooling me.
I also thought when I posted this poll that it might be interesting to do another one at the end of his first year and compare the results.

That was wishful thinking on my part though, as Biden is unlikely to remain at the helm another five months.

PS: I noticed you didn't even vote. No Cahones? For the record, I would give Trump an "A' as he made me lots of promises I never really expected him to keep, but he sure did keep them, far exceeding my expectations for the former reality show host billionaire. :)
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Some have accused Biden of not listening to his intelligence and military advisors.

This is who Biden did listen to.

Even with the current chaos in Kabul and the Kabul airport which has been seen every day on every network ever since plus the barrage of finger pointing at our President, a recent survey conducted by Morning Consult and Politico between Aug. 13 and Aug. 16, the day after the Taliban completed its takeover of Kabul, found that 49 percent of American voters still support President Biden’s decision to pull troops from the country.

Significantly and prior to the current chaos, 69 percent expressed support for the exit in an April survey by the same firms.

As a Presidential candidate, Biden campaigned on a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Obviously, voters agreed with him.

Getting back to the August poll, The Hill reports. "Thirty-seven percent of voters [one assumes Republicans] polled in August said they opposed the president’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, which was more than double the 16 percent opposition recorded in April.

"Sixty-nine percent of Democrats approved the president’s decision to pull troops from Afghanistan in the new poll, down from 84 percent in April."

"Over the past 20 years, Americans’ support for the war in Afghanistan has consistently waned. So much so that despite the Taliban taking over the country in a matter of days this past week — after the United States spent a trillion dollars and thousands of lives to prevent such a thing — very few people are second-guessing the need to withdraw, though many debate how the withdrawal has been executed by the Biden administration," the Washington Post.

The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul on the weekend and within hours the Afghan security forces folded without firing a shot, hence the chaos we are seeing now

There is no possible way Biden and his military advisors could anticipate that.

To say otherwise assumes the President and/or the Joint Chiefs decided to create a trap for American troops and civilians in Afghanistan, knowing the debacle that would follow.

To say otherwise makes absolutely no sense.
I also thought when I posted this poll that it might be interesting to do another one at the end of his first year and compare the results.

That was wishful thinking on my part though, as Biden is unlikely to remain at the helm another five months.

There is nothing to indicate he won't be there in 5 months. That's more wishful thinking on your part. Don't try to be clever with childish remarks.

PS: I noticed you didn't even vote. No Cahones? For the record, I would give Trump an "A' as he made me lots of promises I never really expected him to keep, but he sure did keep them, far exceeding my expectations for the former reality show host billionaire. :)

You could not know info voted or not. You don't know my name.

As for trumps promises.
How's that wall going? Mexicans still paying for it?
Are the Chinese paying the tariffs on imported goods? That was a failure.
The farmers were so pleased with the 32 billion he gave them to stop foreclosures after his silly tariffs.

Has the coal and manufacturing industries recovered from it yet?
You don't know? Because you know nothing but hate.

Your silly poll was to multiply your hatred of Biden. I can t you out in the first go and now your making pathetic excuses to justify it. You won't get away with it while I'm here. You're not smart enough.
Some have accused Biden of not listening to his intelligence and military advisors.

This is who Biden did listen to.

Even with the current chaos in Kabul and the Kabul airport which has been seen every day on every network ever since plus the barrage of finger pointing at our President, a recent survey conducted by Morning Consult and Politico between Aug. 13 and Aug. 16, the day after the Taliban completed its takeover of Kabul, found that 49 percent of American voters still support President Biden’s decision to pull troops from the country.

Significantly and prior to the current chaos, 69 percent expressed support for the exit in an April survey by the same firms.

As a Presidential candidate, Biden campaigned on a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Obviously, voters agreed with him.

Getting back to the August poll, The Hill reports. "Thirty-seven percent of voters [one assumes Republicans] polled in August said they opposed the president’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, which was more than double the 16 percent opposition recorded in April.

"Sixty-nine percent of Democrats approved the president’s decision to pull troops from Afghanistan in the new poll, down from 84 percent in April."

"Over the past 20 years, Americans’ support for the war in Afghanistan has consistently waned. So much so that despite the Taliban taking over the country in a matter of days this past week — after the United States spent a trillion dollars and thousands of lives to prevent such a thing — very few people are second-guessing the need to withdraw, though many debate how the withdrawal has been executed by the Biden administration," the Washington Post.

The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul on the weekend and within hours the Afghan security forces folded without firing a shot, hence the chaos we are seeing now

There is no possible way Biden and his military advisors could anticipate that.

To say otherwise assumes the President and/or the Joint Chiefs decided to create a trap for American troops and civilians in Afghanistan, knowing the debacle that would follow.

To say otherwise makes absolutely no sense.
You're missing the warnings that the embassy staff sent to Xiden in mid-July.
They warned that the Taliban could take the country in days, opposite view that the AFG army was competent.
So the Xiden WH had both views to evaluate, and chose poorly.
The wise move would be to assume the worst and hope for the best.
Xiden is a dope.
You could not know info voted or not. You don't know my name.
Hahahahahaha! You did not vote in THIS POLL, you knucklehead. I guess you didn't vote in the election either; you just admitted it, because you have low comprehension skills. That's hillarious.

As for trumps promises.
How's that wall going? Mexicans still paying for it?
He replaced NAFTA with USMCIA.

Wall was expected to cost about $20B. USMCA trade deal increased the US GDP about $68B per year.

Thus, Mexico pays for the wall.

I will note that the wall pays for itself, as the costs of illegal immigration are enormous.
[snip random Colin Orange Man Bad thoughts]

Your silly poll was to multiply your hatred of Biden. I can t you out in the first go and now your making pathetic excuses to justify it. You won't get away with it while I'm here. You're not smart enough.
Hahahahahaha. Have a great day, and thanks for the laughs.
Hahahahahaha! You did not vote in THIS POLL, you knucklehead. I guess you didn't vote in the election either; you just admitted it, because you have low comprehension skills. That's hillarious.

He replaced NAFTA with USMCIA.

Wall was expected to cost about $20B. USMCA trade deal increased the US GDP about $68B per year.

Thus, Mexico pays for the wall.

I will note that the wall pays for itself, as the costs of illegal immigration are enormous.

Hahahahahaha. Have a great day, and thanks for the laughs.
Ha ha etc. Is that your pathetic excuse. You're not laughing dickhead.
The fact is I pinged you for your silly poll and you don't like it. You republicans are veneer thin when it comes intelligence..
Have another silly poll and see if it changes the president.
Why don't you have another poll and make it exclusive to repigs and ask them questions involving less hate. That'll get a response from the idiots.

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