POLL: "He was sent to us by God"

MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

I can tell you are so outraged.
MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

IF you believe the bible is the word of God, and thus truthful then you have to accept that both were put in power by God.
MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

I can tell you are so outraged.
Wow, pretty impressive, being able to sense such a thing on the internet!
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MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

1. I don't know

2. I don't know

3. I don't know

I thought you were a Christian.
MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

IF you believe the bible is the word of God, and thus truthful then you have to accept that both were put in power by God.
This is where I don't understand a lot of this stuff.

Not claiming to know what the hell I'm talking about here, wasn't it freewill -- voting -- that got them into office?

Or are you saying that God nudged things along that got them into the election in the first place?
MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

IF you believe the bible is the word of God, and thus truthful then you have to accept that both were put in power by God.
This is where I don't understand a lot of this stuff.

Not claiming to know what the hell I'm talking about here, wasn't it freewill -- voting -- that got them into office?

Or are you saying that God nudged things along that got them into the election in the first place?

Just telling you what the bible says...Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

How that plays out is one of the main reason there are so many denominations, everyone has their own ideas.
MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".
Maybe? I will have to wait to hear it from god himself or herself. I hope to not find out for a very, very long time.

Stay home and wash your hands like you just cut jalapenos and have to take your contacts out!
MODS, this is a thread about political behaviors and political motivations, so I hope it will remain in the Politics section.

Simple questions, please respond and expand.

1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?

2. Was Barack Obama sent to us by God?

3. Was neither sent to us by God?

I'd vote "neither".

No, your thread is an infantile "orange man bad,and anyone who likes him is a religious nut job so whatever they say is stupid" thread.
No, your thread is an infantile "orange man bad,and anyone who likes him is a religious nut job so whatever they say is stupid" thread.
Your standard mix of anger and paranoia is simultaneously amusing and disturbing.

In Normal World, the thread was actually motivated by a conversation I was having with a lefty on the topic. They believed that God did have a hand in both cases.

But whatever works for you. MAGA and fake news and deep state and red hat 'n stuff.
No, your thread is an infantile "orange man bad,and anyone who likes him is a religious nut job so whatever they say is stupid" thread.
Your standard mix of anger and paranoia is simultaneously amusing and disturbing.

In Normal World, the thread was actually motivated by a conversation I was having with a lefty on the topic. They believed that God did have a hand in both cases.

But whatever works for you. MAGA and fake news and deep state and red hat 'n stuff.

I'm not paranoid, just a good judge of character, and yours is very low.

Nor am I angry. Most of you simpletons posts do nothing but make me laugh.

But your imbecilic appeal to the MODS is what generated my response to your thread.
No, your thread is an infantile "orange man bad,and anyone who likes him is a religious nut job so whatever they say is stupid" thread.
Your standard mix of anger and paranoia is simultaneously amusing and disturbing.

In Normal World, the thread was actually motivated by a conversation I was having with a lefty on the topic. They believed that God did have a hand in both cases.

But whatever works for you. MAGA and fake news and deep state and red hat 'n stuff.

I'm not paranoid, just a good judge of character, and yours is very low.

Nor am I angry. Most of you simpletons posts do nothing but make me laugh.

But your imbecilic appeal to the MODS is what generated my response to your thread.
Fortunately, many others here have enough faith in their opinions and their honesty to provide sincere, thoughtful answers.

Your whining is noted, though.
No to all three questions. But I have found it amusing that so many have given answers to these questions over time that varied according to who was currently in the Oval Office.
No to all three questions. But I have found it amusing that so many have given answers to these questions over time that varied according to who was currently in the Oval Office.
Yep, I've noticed that too.
Mac, you are such a dumbass :lol:
Perhaps you could just answer the question. Don't you want to?
Here goes the condescending tone stemming from something stupid made up in his empty head.
Most people know wingers are insatiably dependent on their cult leaders. But how many actually think they are sent from god? Maybe 10 on this whole site?
Then your dumbass is going to use .2 percent of the board to attack half the population.
There are better ways to point out cultish behaviors besides ridiculous polls like this.
Puts a whole new meaning to pseudo science lol

i have more of a problem when the secretary of energy rick perry, the secretary of state mike pompeo, & the former UN ambassador/joneser nikki haley (who wants the VP gig if pence gets booted out) saying it.
Mac, you are such a dumbass :lol:
Perhaps you could just answer the question. Don't you want to?
Here goes the condescending tone stemming from something stupid made up in his empty head.
Most people know wingers are insatiably dependent on their cult leaders. But how many actually think they are sent from god? Maybe 10 on this whole site?
Then your dumbass is going to use .2 percent of the board to attack half the population.
There are better ways to point out cultish behaviors besides ridiculous polls like this.
Puts a whole new meaning to pseudo science lol

i have more of a problem when the secretary of energy rick perry, the secretary of state mike pompeo, & the former UN ambassador/joneser nikki haley (who wants the VP gig if pence gets booted out) saying it.

And look at the fiddlers three, chiming in with exactly what I predicted, and macee going all Godwin on his own thread.

How predictable.

Exactly what I said would happen and delivered as promised.

Which makes you not very smart
1. Was Donald Trump sent to us by God?
Odin does not send people anywhere. But, we send other warriors to Valhalla (Odin's hall).

Of course, I actually fall into the "nobody knows" category when it comes to deity. Because of that, I believe that all religion (like most uses of government) is a scam to control people, and therefore, all religion must fucking die.

the bible says...Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
No doubt, that was included in the canons, by the Catholic Church, at the behest of the Roman Senate or Caesar.

Religion = Control


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