POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sadly, i have to admit i've observed a whole lotta vicious white racism on this thread. I'm actually surprised at how much. And it does appear it is coming from self-avowed Republicans.

It really does reinforce the feeling that the Republican Party is a racist Party. It's one of the reasons i'm no longer a Republican. It's gone in a direction that i'm no longer comfortable with. It saddens me.

Can you quote an example of this so-called "racism?" I haven't noticed any.

You reinforce the feeling that left wingers are all douche bags and dumbasses.

So much hate. Very sad.
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.
Sadly, i have to admit i've observed a whole lotta vicious white racism on this thread. I'm actually surprised at how much. And it does appear it is coming from self-avowed Republicans.

It really does reinforce the feeling that the Republican Party is a racist Party. It's one of the reasons i'm no longer a Republican. It's gone in a direction that i'm no longer comfortable with. It saddens me.

Can you quote an example of this so-called "racism?" I haven't noticed any.

You reinforce the feeling that left wingers are all douche bags and dumbasses.

So much hate. Very sad.
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.

I only hate dumbasses like you who imagine I have done something to apologize for. When you can demonstrate I do, perhaps I might pay attention to what you have to say. Until that day, fuck off.
Sadly, i have to admit i've observed a whole lotta vicious white racism on this thread. I'm actually surprised at how much. And it does appear it is coming from self-avowed Republicans.

It really does reinforce the feeling that the Republican Party is a racist Party. It's one of the reasons i'm no longer a Republican. It's gone in a direction that i'm no longer comfortable with. It saddens me.

Can you quote an example of this so-called "racism?" I haven't noticed any.

You reinforce the feeling that left wingers are all douche bags and dumbasses.

So much hate. Very sad.
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.

I only hate dumbasses like you who imagine I have done something to apologize for. When you can demonstrate I do, perhaps I might pay attention to what you have to say. Until that day, fuck off.

Never claimed you did anything personally. But you do seem to have a problem with African Americans. It's a big reason why we can't reach some sort of reconciliation. Everyone has to let go of their hate & bigotry. There needs to be compromise. It's the only way we can heal this open festering wound.
Can you quote an example of this so-called "racism?" I haven't noticed any.

You reinforce the feeling that left wingers are all douche bags and dumbasses.

So much hate. Very sad.
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.

I only hate dumbasses like you who imagine I have done something to apologize for. When you can demonstrate I do, perhaps I might pay attention to what you have to say. Until that day, fuck off.

Never claimed you did anything personally.

Then why should I apologize, dumbass?

But you do seem to have a problem with African Americans. It's a big reason why we can't reach some sort of reconciliation. Everyone has to let go of their hate & bigotry. There needs to be compromise. It's the only way we can heal this open festering wound.

I don't have a problem with African Americans unless they blame whitey for their problems. Whenever anyone tells me I'm responsible, I tell them to fuck off.
So much hate. Very sad.
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.

I only hate dumbasses like you who imagine I have done something to apologize for. When you can demonstrate I do, perhaps I might pay attention to what you have to say. Until that day, fuck off.

Never claimed you did anything personally.

Then why should I apologize, dumbass?

But you do seem to have a problem with African Americans. It's a big reason why we can't reach some sort of reconciliation. Everyone has to let go of their hate & bigotry. There needs to be compromise. It's the only way we can heal this open festering wound.

I don't have a problem with African Americans unless they blame whitey for their problems. Whenever anyone tells me I'm responsible, I tell them to fuck off.

It's not about you personally being responsible. It's about a collective nation's responsibility. As a nation, we should extend a kind gesture of acknowledgement to both African Americans and Native Americans. I think they would appreciate it, and it could lead to some peace.
Yep, NAFTA sold us down the river. Clinton screwed the American worker.
By going along with the GOP WAYYYYYY too much...

Clinton campaigned on it, he backed it, he wanted and called it a historic event. He loved NAFTA, you are putting out BS, why the hell do you think Hillary is trying to distance herself from Bill on this issue?
You lie so much, you are like your beloved Hillary.
BS ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ George H. W. Booosh and the GOP wrote it and then refused to follow thru on training Clinton wanted. Much like W and Ted and no child left behind. Scumbag GOP every time. Dupe.

Nope, Clinton wanted it, the GOP helped pass it, however, Clinton signed a bill if he vetoed would have been dead. Sorry, I know honesty and responsibility are not your strong suits. But you bastards are as guilty as the GOP, you really need to take some responsibility.
Next you fascist democrats will be forcing the training.....
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.

I only hate dumbasses like you who imagine I have done something to apologize for. When you can demonstrate I do, perhaps I might pay attention to what you have to say. Until that day, fuck off.

Never claimed you did anything personally.

Then why should I apologize, dumbass?

But you do seem to have a problem with African Americans. It's a big reason why we can't reach some sort of reconciliation. Everyone has to let go of their hate & bigotry. There needs to be compromise. It's the only way we can heal this open festering wound.

I don't have a problem with African Americans unless they blame whitey for their problems. Whenever anyone tells me I'm responsible, I tell them to fuck off.

It's not about you personally being responsible. It's about a collective nation's responsibility. As a nation, we should extend a kind gesture of acknowledgement to both African Americans and Native Americans. I think they would appreciate it, and it could lead to some peace.
What about me and my ancestors who died in the civil war freeing slaves from democrats? What do I get?
It's not about you personally being responsible. It's about a collective nation's responsibility. As a nation, we should extend a kind gesture of acknowledgement to both African Americans and Native Americans. I think they would appreciate it, and it could lead to some peace.

I think they wouldn't even hear about it yet alone give a F. It's just like the site I posted earlier about Congress apologizing for slavery in an effort to buy votes. Go ask the next ten black people you run into if they know anything about it.

Our country didn't enslave blacks, people did. Our country didn't discriminate against blacks, people did, and those people are long gone now. There is no reason for people today that had nothing to do with awful things to somehow try to make things up.

I suppose YOU think that if we did something like that, it would end the violence, end the poverty, end the lack of education, end the racial disparities.

I'd bet you a months paycheck vs a week of yours that Black Dopes Matter would still be out there the next day protesting and causing problems. It wouldn't change one thing.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
Sadly, i have to admit i've observed a whole lotta vicious white racism on this thread. I'm actually surprised at how much. And it does appear it is coming from self-avowed Republicans.

It really does reinforce the feeling that the Republican Party is a racist Party. It's one of the reasons i'm no longer a Republican. It's gone in a direction that i'm no longer comfortable with. It saddens me.

Yeah, and we really miss you too. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

If there is no reconciliation, the wound will remain open. The problem won't go away.

Funny. I can think of all kinds of "reconciliation" that we've done in the past and it hasn't done much good. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results each time.
Not talkin about a personal apology. I'm talkin about a collective nation acknowledgement and atonement gesture.

That's the same as forcing a personal apology from every American.

Go fuck yourself. I've done nothing to apologize for.

It's not. It's a collective acknowledgement of the awful suffering African Americans have endured for centuries. It would do our nation's conscience some good. Maybe then we could move on.

Horseshit. Why would I apologize for something I haven't done? "Collective acknowledgements" are horseshit propaganda. They mean nothing, and only provide a justification for demanding concessions, like reparations.

If there is no reconciliation, the wound will remain open. The problem won't go away.
By definition. Hang it up. And vote dem to help ALL the victims of the New BS GOP. see sig.

NO ONE IS FOR REPARATIONS, people. 99% GOP strwman.

There it is, folks. Liberals look at anyone they can as a victim. They make victims where none exist in order to push an agenda.

Your sig line, much like you, is a worthless piece of shit.
Their own tribal chiefs sold them into slavery.

The problem with you wanting me as a white person to apologize for slavery is that not one member of my family ever owned slaves. I have nothing to apologize for nor is such an apology warranted. If you want an apology get all those that actually owned slaves to apologize to those that were slaves.

Not talkin about a personal apology. I'm talkin about a collective nation acknowledgement and atonement gesture.

That's the same as forcing a personal apology from every American.

Go fuck yourself. I've done nothing to apologize for.

It's not. It's a collective acknowledgement of the awful suffering African Americans have endured for centuries. It would do our nation's conscience some good. Maybe then we could move on.

Horseshit. Why would I apologize for something I haven't done? "Collective acknowledgements" are horseshit propaganda. They mean nothing, and only provide a justification for demanding concessions, like reparations.

If there is no reconciliation, the wound will remain open. The problem won't go away.

I have nothing to reconcile on this matter.
How about not profiling and targeting blacks by the police and justice system ? How about we start there .

I'd be much more appreciated .
I bet the cops would appreciate if the 13% of the population that is black stopped committing 50% of all murders too
Can you quote an example of this so-called "racism?" I haven't noticed any.

You reinforce the feeling that left wingers are all douche bags and dumbasses.

So much hate. Very sad.
DId you think I wouldn't notice you didn't quote any examples of racism?

You have a lot of hate and hostility in regards to African Americans. That's very clear. But you're not the only one. So many fellow Republicans on this thread have expressed that same hate and hostility. I'm pretty surprised and saddened. I'm glad i don't consider myself a Republican anymore.

I only hate dumbasses like you who imagine I have done something to apologize for. When you can demonstrate I do, perhaps I might pay attention to what you have to say. Until that day, fuck off.

Never claimed you did anything personally. But you do seem to have a problem with African Americans. It's a big reason why we can't reach some sort of reconciliation. Everyone has to let go of their hate & bigotry. There needs to be compromise. It's the only way we can heal this open festering wound.

Compromise? Your idea of compromise seems to be having people who didn't do what you what the apology for to apologize for something they didn't do.

I didn't do anything personally which means I have nothing for which to offer an apology. I don't and won't apologize in order to make a certain group feel better. There's your compromise.
I thought Affirmative Action was atonement for slavery

I thought giving 1 in every 3 1/2 of black food stamps was atonement for slavery.

A majority of black households receive some form of means tested social welfare (54.6%).

When those households have children, it goes up to 81.5%. Not surprising with the fact that over 70% of black babies born today are bastards based on the traditional definition.
I thought Affirmative Action was atonement for slavery

I thought giving 1 in every 3 1/2 of black food stamps was atonement for slavery.
I thought it was a few are for staying on the democrat plantation....

That's why they stay "slaves" to the Democrats. Democrats support them living off the dole. If they think someone owes them something, it's not shocking they support the party that supports that belief.

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