Poll: Is Anyone having second thoughts about global warming/climate change ?

Are you having second thoughts about the validity of climate change/global warming.

  • i am

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • no, i am still convinced it's real and looming.

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters
I have always known it was a hoax.

We are conducting a science experiment with the entire world.

Never, ever has so much oil and coal been burnt and put back into the atmosphere.

When something has never been done before, that's an experiment.

So far the results of doing this do not appear to be favorable to the earth.

Thats not a hoax. It's a fact.
Dissenters will be killed.
don't laugh, i think the left wants to make an example out of a few heretics. that why i think trying to end discussion is a harbinger more alarming than the "climate change" itself. like nancy pelosi with jailtime for not buying obamacare, even changing the language. the politics is all pointed at more power for an elite few. metropolis, the elite will still have their club of the sons, with libraries and lecture halls.
I have always known it was a hoax.

We are conducting a science experiment with the entire world.

Never, ever has so much oil and coal been burnt and put back into the atmosphere.

When something has never been done before, that's an experiment.

So far the results of doing this do not appear to be favorable to the earth.

Thats not a hoax. It's a fact.
how do forest fires and meteors fit the scenario ? will they be the next "experiment" that costs taxpayers hard work and earnings ? that's the political side.
People are going to look back at this period and say why didn't we listen to the actual experts...

There are guys here who are saying it is a conspiracy theory... How do you keep a secret this big... The US is the only country in the world that has a major party that doesn't accept Climate Change.

They have no consistent answer... Some are saying 'Wasn't cold outside last night...'

The ignorance from that side is breath taking..
I have always known it was a hoax.

We are conducting a science experiment with the entire world.

Never, ever has so much oil and coal been burnt and put back into the atmosphere.

When something has never been done before, that's an experiment.

So far the results of doing this do not appear to be favorable to the earth.

Thats not a hoax. It's a fact.
That oil and coal is needed to be build the largest new sector of heavy industry, the manufacture of 1000 ton wind turbines and millions upon millions of solar panels.

You can not destroy the existing and replace it with trillions of dollars of wind turbines and solar panels without burning record amounts of coal and oil.

Yes, building Green Energy Power Plants forever, is certainly an experiment.
just checking the pulse of the politics usmb'ers.

i keep hearing consensus, and the discussion/debate is over. that certainly raises my interest.

no reason to discuss, imagine that.

i am personally disqualified because i always considered it a hoax cause my Dad did, but i'm voting anyway.

are you voting for a global warming candidate ??

It is real, it is happening, it IS NOT LOOMING. And there are a great deal many more issues to use in choosing a candidate.

Indeed, climate change is happening. It always has.

What else is happening is that the Left and its globalist cohorts are using the natural course of events to blame anthropogenic activity for said natural event in order to cause a worldwide panic and gain control of the bulk of global economies in order to control populations and redistribute wealth.

(Question: How did you manage 9,478 ratings from 222 messages?)
Seen this one? Australian politician sets river on fire to protest fracking
People are going to look back at this period and say why didn't we listen to the actual experts...

There are guys here who are saying it is a conspiracy theory... How do you keep a secret this big... The US is the only country in the world that has a major party that doesn't accept Climate Change.

They have no consistent answer... Some are saying 'Wasn't cold outside last night...'

The ignorance from that side is breath taking..

it's not ignorance.
look, here is just one small thing: bernie starts his campaign with 2015 is by far the hottest year on record.

Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.

Satellite temperature readings going back to 1979 show 1998 was by far the warmest year in the satellite era, followed by 2010. 2015 comes in third. And these results are only for the period since 1979.

2015 should have been warmer. This past year saw what is likely the most powerful El Nino during the satellite temperature record. With a record El Nino, we should have experienced record high temperatures. Yet we didn’t.

A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be. Indeed, if a record strong El Nino cannot bring global temperatures back to the warmth of 1998, what can – and when will that be? 18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.

i don't think the warmalists are spending enough time studying the subject.

the sun is the problem and the solution. the computer models are political and wrong.
People are going to look back at this period and say why didn't we listen to the actual experts...

There are guys here who are saying it is a conspiracy theory... How do you keep a secret this big... The US is the only country in the world that has a major party that doesn't accept Climate Change.

They have no consistent answer... Some are saying 'Wasn't cold outside last night...'

The ignorance from that side is breath taking..

it's not ignorance.
look, here is just one small thing: bernie starts his campaign with 2015 is by far the hottest year on record.

Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.

Satellite temperature readings going back to 1979 show 1998 was by far the warmest year in the satellite era, followed by 2010. 2015 comes in third. And these results are only for the period since 1979.

2015 should have been warmer. This past year saw what is likely the most powerful El Nino during the satellite temperature record. With a record El Nino, we should have experienced record high temperatures. Yet we didn’t.

A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be. Indeed, if a record strong El Nino cannot bring global temperatures back to the warmth of 1998, what can – and when will that be? 18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.

i don't think the warmalists are spending enough time studying the subject.

the sun is the problem and the solution. the computer models are political and wrong.

I have relatives in Flint, Michigan. Lets ask them about denial of a problem.
Listen up nutbags. Nobody wants this shit to be a hoax more than me. I hate being inconvenienced and I have no time for fucked up natural disasters. I especially don't want to drop extra coin.

But...you need to put on your big boy pants and face the matter head on. Acting like dopey toddlers isn't going to make it all go away.
Why no option for, "I suspected it was a scam from the start and after 2 decades of altered data, failed predictions and outright fraud have convinced me it's an EnviroMarxist Scam"
People are going to look back at this period and say why didn't we listen to the actual experts...

There are guys here who are saying it is a conspiracy theory... How do you keep a secret this big... The US is the only country in the world that has a major party that doesn't accept Climate Change.

They have no consistent answer... Some are saying 'Wasn't cold outside last night...'

The ignorance from that side is breath taking..

it's not ignorance.
look, here is just one small thing: bernie starts his campaign with 2015 is by far the hottest year on record.

Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.

Satellite temperature readings going back to 1979 show 1998 was by far the warmest year in the satellite era, followed by 2010. 2015 comes in third. And these results are only for the period since 1979.

2015 should have been warmer. This past year saw what is likely the most powerful El Nino during the satellite temperature record. With a record El Nino, we should have experienced record high temperatures. Yet we didn’t.

A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be. Indeed, if a record strong El Nino cannot bring global temperatures back to the warmth of 1998, what can – and when will that be? 18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.

i don't think the warmalists are spending enough time studying the subject.

the sun is the problem and the solution. the computer models are political and wrong.

I have relatives in Flint, Michigan. Lets ask them about denial of a problem.

it would be hard to tie that to climate change, but i get your point. i don't view them as similar events.
People are going to look back at this period and say why didn't we listen to the actual experts...

There are guys here who are saying it is a conspiracy theory... How do you keep a secret this big... The US is the only country in the world that has a major party that doesn't accept Climate Change.

They have no consistent answer... Some are saying 'Wasn't cold outside last night...'

The ignorance from that side is breath taking..

it's not ignorance.
look, here is just one small thing: bernie starts his campaign with 2015 is by far the hottest year on record.

Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe – 2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.

Satellite temperature readings going back to 1979 show 1998 was by far the warmest year in the satellite era, followed by 2010. 2015 comes in third. And these results are only for the period since 1979.

2015 should have been warmer. This past year saw what is likely the most powerful El Nino during the satellite temperature record. With a record El Nino, we should have experienced record high temperatures. Yet we didn’t.

A record El Nino resulting in less-than-record temperatures is another sign that global warming is not all that activists crack it up to be. Indeed, if a record strong El Nino cannot bring global temperatures back to the warmth of 1998, what can – and when will that be? 18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.

i don't think the warmalists are spending enough time studying the subject.

the sun is the problem and the solution. the computer models are political and wrong.

I have relatives in Flint, Michigan. Lets ask them about denial of a problem.

it would be hard to tie that to climate change, but i get your point. i don't view them as similar events, scientifically or politically.
Listen up nutbags. Nobody wants this shit to be a hoax more than me. I hate being inconvenienced and I have no time for fucked up natural disasters. I especially don't want to drop extra coin.

But...you need to put on your big boy pants and face the matter head on. Acting like dopey toddlers isn't going to make it all go away.
it's too large a topic. i want to account for tax money being spent, unnecessary legislation and political bullying. people can and should believe whatever they want. i happen not to.
Why no option for, "I suspected it was a scam from the start and after 2 decades of altered data, failed predictions and outright fraud have convinced me it's an EnviroMarxist Scam"
the first red flag would be the trajectory of al gore's wealth.
Geological cycles have been documented. There is nothing magical about them. Its pure science.

And those documented geological cycles should be causing a slow _cooling_ now. They had been causing slow cooling for the past 5000+ years, until humans suddenly shifted that to fast warming.

Can you show us the documented evidence of what natural factor is supposedly causing the current fast warming?


In that case, bringing up "natural cycles" is just invoking mystery magic, and that kind of voodoo isn't science.
Geological cycles have been documented. There is nothing magical about them. Its pure science.

And those documented geological cycles should be causing a slow _cooling_ now. They had been causing slow cooling for the past 5000+ years, until humans suddenly shifted that to fast warming.

Can you show us the documented evidence of what natural factor is supposedly causing the current fast warming?


In that case, bringing up "natural cycles" is just invoking mystery magic, and that kind of voodoo isn't science.


Stop shaking that chicken leg. You look silly.

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