POLL: Is President Barack Obama A Traitor To The United States?

POLL: Is President Barack Obama A Traitor To The United States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters
POLL: Is President Barack Obama A Traitor To The United States?

President Obama has nearly destroyed our nation with his globalist and divisive social policies. This man, who is praised by the left, is responsible for the scandals in which Americans lost their lives. The most famous scandal being Benghazi.

He has accomplished exactly what he set out to do – DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Turning citizen against citizens. Disparaging all who are in law enforcement and our armed forces. Embraced our ENEMIES – Disparaged our only true ally in the Middle East Israel and even tried to upset the elections there for his own benefit and agendas and he has the audacity to accuse Russia (where the proof?) from doing exactly what he and his minions have done. Encouraged “illegals” to vote the presidential election. And so much, much more. All of that will be his legacy and most certainly will not be the “legacy” he believe he deserves but it most certainly will be the TRUE legacy.

President Obama is as much of a traitor as former President George W. Bush and let me write this clearly neither are traitors except in the slanted eyes of partisan whores that see an enemy of the state with their closed slanted eye partisan whore view!
The US should never ever forgive or ignore his obvious collusion with Russia to elect a fascist dictator and undermine/sabotage democracy and the future of the US. He can't open his mouth without lying, has been caught in numerous "pay for play" and other flim-flam scandals, is obviously interested ONLY in lining his own pockets and has stated that he wants to gut the US Constitution. His family are sleazy con artists in their own right, his wife is a pathological liar who took off her clothes and screwed men for money before working in the US illegally. After her husband's coronation, she will be teaching pole dancing and selling her own line of Winning Through Whoring.

Thank god we have trump. I fully expect him to break all previous records for job creation, lead the world in destroying terrorists, work for economic recovery, fight for equal rights of all people, cut the deficit by 3/4s, stop the financial collapse of the world. And as we all know, trump's wife earned a first class education and built a successful career before becoming FLOTUS where she has fought the right's constant votes against jobs and housing for our vets and their families. The right has also fought against decent nutrition and exercise to save our kids from obesity and diabetes. Sadly, his presidency has been severely hampered by the endless litany of lies from the traitors on the other side.
As a traitor, he pales in comparison to Angela Merkel, so if he IS a traitor, he's not a particularly good one.

I would have to vote no, though, because I do not see him as one. I just think many of his policies have been horribly misguided. I think the same of Dubya as well.
Are all ODSers/Trump-cucks open traitors to the USA?

I think everyone agrees that's obviously the case. Look at 'em all now, all frenetically kissing the ass of Putin's lackey.

The funniest thing? How angry the Trump-cucks get when you point out what bend-over-for-Russia traitors they are.

Go on, cucks, flap your little limp wrists at me. Threaten me with murder more. Oooh, scary.
He has accomplished exactly what he set out to do – DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Turning citizen against citizens. Disparaging all who are in law enforcement and our armed forces. Embraced our ENEMIES – Disparaged our only true ally in the Middle East Israel and even tried to upset the elections there for his own benefit and agendas and he has the audacity to accuse Russia (where the proof?) from doing exactly what he and his minions have done. Encouraged “illegals” to vote the presidential election. And so much, much more. All of that will be his legacy and most certainly will not be the “legacy” he believe he deserves but it most certainly will be the TRUE legacy.
Obama is not deliberately trying to destroy our nation.

He has accepted a system of ideas that, to behave in an ideal way and to implement this ideal culture and national behavior costs the USA its prosperity, its national security and its internal accord and harmony.

He thinks he is working toward improving each of these areas for the USA, but he places his priority on minority groups and appeasing Wall Street banks and multinational corporations that fund the Democratic party. So as things get worse and worse for each passing yer for white working class people, Obama is thinking that the benefits will eventually trickle down to us in the form of cheaper goods, less street violence and providing justice for one group of people at another groups expense for deeds done centuries ago.

It is tempting to think that a person cannot be such a colossal failure as Obama is without being too stupid to run for office, but that would be run. Instead of stupid all you have to be is a Marxist Democrat and that is as bad as rank stupidity.

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