Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

Sorry you don't understand the difference between state governments and the federal government. The federal government is supposed to provide what's outlined in the Constitution and no more. States can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't violate the US Constitution.

It's also too bad you don't understand the difference between RomneyCare and Commie Care; major differences. Here, in the event you ever want to educate yourself:

No need. ObamaCare was National RomneyCare.

And in 2008, Romney said that we should do it on a national level, and Republicans were fine with that.

Romney got more shit for being a Mormon in 2008 than he got for proposing universal health care.

Then the Black Guy got in and gave us universal health care and guess what happened.

Romney totally disowned his own plan, went back and rewrote his book calling for national RomneyCare.

And Evangelicals suddenly forgot that Romney was a Mormon or why the hate Mormons so much.

But fuck, Romney could have sacrificed virgins to C'Thulhu and the Evangelical stupids would have gotten behind him.

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Normal person: "He's released the Great Old Ones! The World is Doomed".

Ray: "Yeah, but at least we got that n****r out of the White House!"

You made that claim before yet never provided evidence that Romney said we should use his plan on the national level; and I don't mean some leftist hit piece. Show me the video. I can show you videos where he said it would not be a good idea for the nation.

You are such a puppet. The only reason the Democrats trained you to bring up Romney is because Commie Care was such a failure. It didn't provide half of what Ears promised, so now you and your ilk are trying to pass off the blame.

But even if Romney DID propose Romney Care on a national level, most all of the Republicans would have been against it. It wouldn't have even been in debate yet alone a slight reality of passing.

The Republicans never bothered Romney for his religion--the Democrats did. We were more concerned that he was a RINO and still is. That's what bothered us about the guy. However we still voted for him when he ran against a hard leftist Democrat.
You made that claim before yet never provided evidence that Romney said we should use his plan on the national level; and I don't mean some leftist hit piece. Show me the video. I can show you videos where he said it would not be a good idea for the nation.

I know you can. After the Black Guy became president and did it, Romney couldn't dare praise his own plan.

You made that claim before yet never provided evidence that Romney said we should use his plan on the national level; and I don't mean some leftist hit piece. Show me the video. I can show you videos where he said it would not be a good idea for the nation.

I know you can. After the Black Guy became president and did it, Romney couldn't dare praise his own plan.

Still with those comprehension problems I see. So in other words, you couldn't find anything about Romney saying we should institute his plan on a national level. I knew you couldn't because he never said that.

Romney was a governor of one of the most liberal states in our country. If they wanted government healthcare, that's what he was obligated to provide. He even gave welfare people government cars because in a liberal state, liberals want government to provide them with everything.
Still with those comprehension problems I see. So in other words, you couldn't find anything about Romney saying we should institute his plan on a national level. I knew you couldn't because he never said that.

Um, yeah, he did.. Lots of times.

But when you guys live in your own reality and call everything you don't like, "Fake News"...

'Romney care' touted as a model for national health care reform - CNN.com

You guys wanted Romneycare, until the black guy did it.

Our mistake was trying to meet you halfway.

Once we get rid of Trump, Medicare for everyone... and we'll all be better off for it.
Still with those comprehension problems I see. So in other words, you couldn't find anything about Romney saying we should institute his plan on a national level. I knew you couldn't because he never said that.

Um, yeah, he did.. Lots of times.

But when you guys live in your own reality and call everything you don't like, "Fake News"...

'Romney care' touted as a model for national health care reform - CNN.com

You guys wanted Romneycare, until the black guy did it.

Our mistake was trying to meet you halfway.

Once we get rid of Trump, Medicare for everyone... and we'll all be better off for it.

Must not be your weekend Joe. You're 0 for 2 now. Why don't you read the articles you post instead of wasting my time? Not one line in there that stated Romney wanted his plan on a national scale, nor any Republican for that matter.

If you try to post again, please quote the phrase where he said he wanted RomneyCare for the entire country.
Must not be your weekend Joe. You're 0 for 2 now. Why don't you read the articles you post instead of wasting my time? Not one line in there that stated Romney wanted his plan on a national scale, nor any Republican for that matter.

Okay, I realize you have basic reading comprehension problems...

Keep pretending Mitt didn't invent ObamaCare...

I know you really, really need to believe that.
Must not be your weekend Joe. You're 0 for 2 now. Why don't you read the articles you post instead of wasting my time? Not one line in there that stated Romney wanted his plan on a national scale, nor any Republican for that matter.

Okay, I realize you have basic reading comprehension problems...

Keep pretending Mitt didn't invent ObamaCare...

I know you really, really need to believe that.

No, you said that Romney proposed having RomneyCare across the country; that was his plan. It never was his plan. He did that for his very liberal state. But the country is not a liberal state. Who is running the country now is a prime example. After Commie Care passed, Ears lost the House, the Senate, and finally the White House for the Democrats.
No, you said that Romney proposed having RomneyCare across the country; that was his plan. It never was his plan. He did that for his very liberal state. But the country is not a liberal state. Who is running the country now is a prime example. After Commie Care passed, Ears lost the House, the Senate, and finally the White House for the Democrats.

Except that's exactly what he said.. IN fact, Time Magazine did a big write up on how wonderful it was in 2007 when he was starting his presidential run.

It was a wonderful idea... until the black guy did it. THEN IT BECAME EEEEEEVIL, I tell you.
No, you said that Romney proposed having RomneyCare across the country; that was his plan. It never was his plan. He did that for his very liberal state. But the country is not a liberal state. Who is running the country now is a prime example. After Commie Care passed, Ears lost the House, the Senate, and finally the White House for the Democrats.

Except that's exactly what he said.. IN fact, Time Magazine did a big write up on how wonderful it was in 2007 when he was starting his presidential run.

It was a wonderful idea... until the black guy did it. THEN IT BECAME EEEEEEVIL, I tell you.

Oh, that's exactly what he said, it's just that you can't find any proof of it. Yeah, I can believe that.

And so what you are also saying is that DumBama is a fraud. He didn't think of Commie Care himself, he stole the idea from somebody else, a Republican no less. Are you saying he stole it because he is black?
Oh, that's exactly what he said, it's just that you can't find any proof of it. Yeah, I can believe that.

i've done this dozens of time, Fifty First Dates... it just gets tiresome.

Romney invented ObamaCare, said he thought the whole country should do it.

Then the Black Guy did it.

What a bubble you live in. Do you see these things in your head or do you just like to out and out lie all the time?

You have posted zero evidence.........ZERO that Romney said he wanted to have his plan across the nation. And no, him talking about his RomneyCare is not the same thing as saying we should all have it.
What a bubble you live in. Do you see these things in your head or do you just like to out and out lie all the time?

You have posted zero evidence.........ZERO that Romney said he wanted to have his plan across the nation. And no, him talking about his RomneyCare is not the same thing as saying we should all have it

Guy, I've posted this bunches of times.

The Heritage Foundation came up with it.
Romney implemented it and ran on it in 2008.

you guys were perfectly fine with Operation let's give more money to big insurance, up until the point the black guy did it.
Jeez it seems some folk believe we have communism and socialism in america. The truth is they do not exist here yet some of you run around saying communism and socialism as museum like the drunk mccarthy. Relax. Capitalism is stronger than ever and there is NO socialism. When you throw around those terms you sound anti american.
simply need to push for deregulation, let ins co's compete across borders.
Ah, that one.

The GOP told us for EIGHT YEARS that they had a better plan. They laughed at those of us who questioned it. Then, when they had all the power, they couldn't do it.

They know that deregulation and competing across borders wouldn't come close to fixing this, and they ran scared.

You folks brought this on yourself. Here it comes, you'll be responsible for it.
we will be held responsible for supporting a capitalist free society?

"A capitalist-free society"? Interesting idea.
A famous Jew once said, "Love of money is the root of all evil".
A country that practices materialism over life is profoundly sick. It will take more than a medical plan to heal it.
What a bubble you live in. Do you see these things in your head or do you just like to out and out lie all the time?

You have posted zero evidence.........ZERO that Romney said he wanted to have his plan across the nation. And no, him talking about his RomneyCare is not the same thing as saying we should all have it

Guy, I've posted this bunches of times.

The Heritage Foundation came up with it.
Romney implemented it and ran on it in 2008.

you guys were perfectly fine with Operation let's give more money to big insurance, up until the point the black guy did it.

You remind me of an old George Carlin joke: if two people are in an elevator and one of them farts, they both know who did it.

Trying to tell me you posted something you didn’t is not going to convince me you did. I know you’re lying and you know you’re lying. So I have no idea what you’re trying to pull off.

Romney never, ever said he wanted Rpmneycare for the country. In fact he said it would be a bad idea. That’s what he ran on.

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Trying to tell me you posted something you didn’t is not going to convince me you did. I know you’re lying and you know you’re lying. So I have no idea what you’re trying to pull off.

Guy, the problem is, I explain things to you 20 times, and you never understand them...

Notice no one is coming to your defense here, not even the ObamaCare haters. They know Romney invented ObamaCare
Trying to tell me you posted something you didn’t is not going to convince me you did. I know you’re lying and you know you’re lying. So I have no idea what you’re trying to pull off.

Guy, the problem is, I explain things to you 20 times, and you never understand them...

Notice no one is coming to your defense here, not even the ObamaCare haters. They know Romney invented ObamaCare

That's not what we were discussing. Once again, you are deflecting.

So Rino Romney was the first to have government healthcare in his state, so what? What does that prove? As long as it's the states money, they can spend it however they like. They can have free healthcare, free college, free cars, free homes.......whatever they like.

It has nothing to do with Commie Care because every single Republican voted against it.
So Rino Romney was the first to have government healthcare in his state, so what? What does that prove? As long as it's the states money, they can spend it however they like. They can have free healthcare, free college, free cars, free homes.......whatever they like.

It has nothing to do with Commie Care because every single Republican voted against it.

Every single Republican voted against it because it was Obama's idea.

Kind of why they won't repeal it now... they know the alternative is single payer, the last thing their masters in Big Insurance want.
So Rino Romney was the first to have government healthcare in his state, so what? What does that prove? As long as it's the states money, they can spend it however they like. They can have free healthcare, free college, free cars, free homes.......whatever they like.

It has nothing to do with Commie Care because every single Republican voted against it.

Every single Republican voted against it because it was Obama's idea.

Kind of why they won't repeal it now... they know the alternative is single payer, the last thing their masters in Big Insurance want.

Short memory. They tried to repeal it but the Democrats and McCain stopped it. Republicans voted down Commie Care because it's unconstitutional, not because it was DumBama's. But even if it was because of DumBama, so what? That's quite normal for the opposing party to be against the majority on just about anything.

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