POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Will Mueller Have An 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Before Midterms?

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Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?
Such a blatant attempt at voter influence could well backfire, like so much that the moonbats have tried the last number of years.....People are watching for this nonsense now.

Hope you're right. I still have faith in the American People.
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?
I'm sure the MSM will exercise due diligence and restraint in vetting all information prior to their objective reporting on it, lol...
The odds of this happening are the same as Mueller charging Rodham. Both have zero chance of happening.
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?
Such a blatant attempt at voter influence could well backfire, like so much that the moonbats have tried the last number of years.....People are watching for this nonsense now.

Hope you're right. I still have faith in the American People.
Voter influence?? You f'ers talk about voter influence when your AH's are trying to suppress the vote in many states?
I doubt he will indict Trump but you don’t spend millions of dollars, multiple agents, and two years on an investigation with nothing to chew on
Desperate, butt-hurt, seditious Democrats do ... Did...
Which democrats?
the desperate, butt-hurt, seditious ones. :)

Yeah, i'm surprised so many think Mueller won't do it. The current Poll results are unexpected.
I think most sane minded people don’t see Mueller as a political actor despite how hard our good ol Prez is trying to paint it.
No he won't, there is a "rule" that does not allow him to bring charges against the Trump Campaign during the election period.... but against other Americans involved with the Russians or additional Russians, perhaps.

Though knowing Mueller, who is a rule follower, and mum is always the word out of his staff, I'd say it is highly highly highly UNLIKELY.

He will not break the rules, or interfere like Director Comey did with Hillary Clinton..... no way Jose! He has worked very hard in keeping this Russian Influence Investigation by the book, he ain't gonna change his stripes now...and give people reasons to scream bloody murder and delegitimize or undermine his entire investigation.

I believe you are right, I’d be very surprised if we hear anything until after the midterms.
Considering the Mueller indictments so far have been about white collar crimes not releated to the 2016 election and making misleading statements to the FBI I doubt there will be anything earth shattering coming from him. Whatever you think about Mueller he has not shown himself to be the camera hungery publicity whore Comey was so I don't see him releasing anything before the midterms even if he has something.
I doubt he will indict Trump but you don’t spend millions of dollars, multiple agents, and two years on an investigation with nothing to chew on
Desperate, butt-hurt, seditious Democrats do ... Did...
Which democrats?
the desperate, butt-hurt, seditious ones. :)

Yeah, i'm surprised so many think Mueller won't do it. The current Poll results are unexpected.
I think most sane minded people don’t see Mueller as a political actor despite how hard our good ol Prez is trying to paint it.
How many of these jerks do you think are sane?
This is a Republican led investigation ......

As a lifelong Republican, Mueller will play by the book

Mueller is as much a Republican as John McStain was.
Anyone who isnt lockstep with Trump loses his Republican cred these days.

McCain sold out in 2002 with his Campaign Finance Reform, he long ago turned traitor, I went third party when he ran against Obama, he was either incredibly stupid or incredibly evil.
Democrats are smoking dope. Too much dope

I don't know, Mueller is clearly trying to take Trump out. It wouldn't surprise me if he does release a massive Indictment Dump right before the Midterms.

Listen, just because Mueller goes after Trump's cabinet and his lawyers and his whores and his milk man In no way suggests that Trump is the target.

It's merely a coincidence.

After all, Carter Page was the target with the FISA warrant.

This is a Republican led investigation ......

As a lifelong Republican, Mueller will play by the book

Mueller is as much a Republican as John McStain was.
Anyone who isnt lockstep with Trump loses his Republican cred these days.

McCain sold out in 2002 with his Campaign Finance Reform, he long ago turned traitor, I went third party when he ran against Obama, he was either incredibly stupid or incredibly evil.
I thought campaign finance reform was actually a good thing? And the Supreme Court Citizen's United decision, undermining campaign finance reform, was a bad thing...?
This is a Republican led investigation ......

As a lifelong Republican, Mueller will play by the book

Mueller is as much a Republican as John McStain was.
Anyone who isnt lockstep with Trump loses his Republican cred these days.

McCain sold out in 2002 with his Campaign Finance Reform, he long ago turned traitor, I went third party when he ran against Obama, he was either incredibly stupid or incredibly evil.
I thought campaign finance reform was actually a good thing? And the Supreme Court Citizen's United decision, undermining campaign finance reform, was a bad thing...?
If it hadn’t been for Campaign Finance Reform, there would have been no Citizen United ruling, it was a direct result of a poorly written bill and I predicted that it would eventually lead to a free speech issue.
This is a Republican led investigation ......

As a lifelong Republican, Mueller will play by the book

Mueller is as much a Republican as John McStain was.
Anyone who isnt lockstep with Trump loses his Republican cred these days.

McCain sold out in 2002 with his Campaign Finance Reform, he long ago turned traitor, I went third party when he ran against Obama, he was either incredibly stupid or incredibly evil.
I thought campaign finance reform was actually a good thing? And the Supreme Court Citizen's United decision, undermining campaign finance reform, was a bad thing...?
If it hadn’t been for Campaign Finance Reform, there would have been no Citizen United ruling, it was a direct result of a poorly written bill and I predicted that it would eventually lead to a free speech issue.
Then those with money, have greater free speech, than those without imo...

And it was a poor decision on the SC's account, supporting the BIG GUYS, like Koch and Soros.... again, imo.
I doubt he will indict Trump but you don’t spend millions of dollars, multiple agents, and two years on an investigation with nothing to chew on
Desperate, butt-hurt, seditious Democrats do ... Did...
Which democrats?
the desperate, butt-hurt, seditious ones. :)

Yeah, i'm surprised so many think Mueller won't do it. The current Poll results are unexpected.
I think most sane minded people don’t see Mueller as a political actor despite how hard our good ol Prez is trying to paint it.

Nah, i would say the opposite is true. Most sane minded people know he's a political actor.
I would use the term 'Co-Conspirator' rather than 'Actor' based on the only real existing evidence of illegal activity.

Colluded with / paid foreign spies - who were working for the FBI - and Russians for their help in the election. Passed the Russian-authored fake report to the FBI (with a 2nd report the FBI rejected because they said it was SO unbelievable.

Foreign spy working for Fusion GPS whose clients included the Russians and Russian Intel Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC Server. Worked with Russians. Worked for FBI until his 'cover was blown', despite being 'fired' continued to advise the FBI through the DOJ's Oher.

DOJ Oher - his wife worked for Fusion GPS, the FBI used him as a go-between between Steele and the FBI; briefed Congress that he and Steele had been working / communicating with Mueller about all of this prior to Mueller being officially appointed as Special Council

CIA - Brennan / NIA - Clapper / FBI - Strzok
Brennan, Clapper, & Strzok collaborated together using the Dossier to author the ICA and ICR, controlling the narrative to come up with a false assessment used to illegally obtain warrants against Trump's team and used to brief / deceive Congress to get them to open an investigation led by Mueller, who was waiting for this to happen

Mueller / Rosenstein
Both have committed Obstruction of Justice, refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas, and the US IG lit up the FBI, the DOJ, and Mueller's team for non-compliance with SOPs, rules, regs, altering testimony after the fact, etc.....

Yeah, 'CO-CONSPIRAOTR' fits a lot more than 'ACTOR'...

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