POLL: Mueller 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Right Before Midterms?

Will Mueller Have An 'October Surprise?' Indictment Dump Before Midterms?

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Herr Mueller? You mean the Republican prosector appointed by a Republican administration who is running an investigation overseen by a Republican FBI and DOJ??

Ok buddy... haha

Wow, on your planet there is a "Republican FBI" AND a Republican "DOJ""

In what galaxy?
Herr Mueller? You mean the Republican prosector appointed by a Republican administration who is running an investigation overseen by a Republican FBI and DOJ??

Ok buddy... haha

Wow, on your planet there is a "Republican FBI" AND a Republican "DOJ""

In what galaxy?
The directors of both the FBI and DOJ are republicans who were appointed by Trump. Why did I need to explain that, did you really not get it?
I don't agree. I don't think Mueller has anything on Trump, at least nothing serious. If he had anything real, he would be looking to act on it, and wouldn't refer to them as "keynotes."
I don't think he has anything on him either, where did you get that?
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I heard last night that Mueller is planning on releasing his initial findings two weeks after the election
That's because he doesn't have anything. The only hope of Mueller impacting the election is if he DOESN'T release the report. The only hope he has of impacting the election is to NOT release the report and let the propaganda arm of the Dem party (msm) make you THINK he has something. I guarantee he has NOTHING.
Well, we're never gonna hear about those "facts" if we wait for the msm because they don't wanna talk about Ellison. BTW, don't think I'm letting you off the hook. I'm still waiting for you to back up your BS statement about saying "plenty of positive things about Trump". Post something or admit you're a damn liar.
I don’t agree with many things that Trump does and think he acts like a dishonest spoiled bully so I’m not out singing praises for him very often. I have complimented him when I think it’s warranted, for example like when he was working on deregulating the way we approach infrastructure projects. I actually think he could do productive things in widdling down the size of our government and cutting out some of the over bloated bureaucracy.

I lean left on social issues but am a business owner who would like to see smaller government and a more conservative fiscal policy. I believe in honesty and integrity from our leaders so I call Trump on the massive amount of bullshit he pours down our throats. I am also critical of many on the Left as I think they are doing a piss poor job as an opposition party and setting up an even worse snowball effect for the republicans to lean on when the Dems take power. That’s more than I can say for you who I’ve never seen say a critical word about “your side” who is on this thread spreading lies about things I’ve said because you can’t win on the facts and who is promoting political partisan gameplay over fact finding.

Below are a couple threads I’ve started that defend Trump and critique the Left. You got any of these?

Again I see you doing the ol redirect trying to pivot away from the point. Nice try, but here are your links.

Kudos to Alabama and Kudos to Trump


Stop with the hyperbole

Dems be classy
Thanks for the links. To be honest, most of those links were you giving advice to the left on how to be more palatable, and your kudos for Trump were a bit backhanded and came with qualifiers. I do give you credit for them nonetheless (there's hope for you). lol

"Below are a couple threads I’ve started that defend Trump and critique the Left. You got any of these?"

The only Dem I think I've had anything positive to say about that I can think of was Manchin for voting to confirm Kavanaugh. I have criticized Republicans (the ones who act like liberals). Plenty of threads of me bashing McCain and of course all those "Republicans" (wink) on the Mueller team and in the FBI. Pointless to dig them up because I don't pretend to be non partisan. I see the left as a destructive force that needs to be defeated, not worked with. Liberal Republicans need to be defeated too. They are contributing to the destruction of our country as much as any Democrat. A leftist is a leftist whether they come with a D or an R.
I’ll give you props for giving me credit as I know that wasn’t easy for you considering how hard we battle. I personally think Trump is an embarrassment as president so it is tough to wholeheartedly support him, even when he does good things. So I’m not going to go out of my way to support him but I will call what I think honestly and he has done some good things for our country. I think many people struggle with supporting him simply because of his ego and demeanor.

I also disagree with your partisan political outlook. Conservatism needs a liberal balance and Vice Vera. Fighting an all or nothing game only leads to the ugliness we see our political system devolving into.

If we can’t work through our disagreements then we won’t move forward. If a business operated this way it wouldn’t last a year. We need to start having honest and smart conversations about issues without the spin and hyperbole that keeps the discussion at surface level petty bickering.
I don't have a problem giving credit where it's due, hence my kudos to Manchin.
I understand your dislike for Trump's personality. I wouldn't want to hang out with him either but having a President who puts his country first and is fighting as hard as he is to make us prosperous is refreshing. He's a package deal. You don't get a polished well-read politician but you do get a patriot who loves his country and is working tirelessly to make it better so I support him, warts and all.
I get what you're saying about a liberal balance but what we're seeing in the Democratic Party is not liberalism. The party has been hijacked and is now being led by extremists and thugs. Mob rule is their preferred method of dealing with their political opponents. There is no "working through disagreements" with them. If you can't see that by now you have blinders on. These people have NO business being in a position of power. They've expressed their intentions and those intentions are worse than extreme, they're insane, and if they get power they will destroy the country. Better wake up.
I actually agree with that statement for the most part. I think Trump is out for himself and not necessarily his country but that is subjective and doesn’t really matter. I do agree that the Dems are broken. I also think the Republicans are broken and guilty of the same overpoloticized antics as the Dems. I think there is virtue in all ideologies and a healthy mix to make them all work together is what we need. This team sport game that demonizes the other side is so damaging towards progress. Both sides do it this both sides are inflaming the problem. The only way to turn this around is by strong and unifying leadership, but unfortunately mudpit politics seems to be winning the day.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I don’t agree with many things that Trump does and think he acts like a dishonest spoiled bully so I’m not out singing praises for him very often. I have complimented him when I think it’s warranted, for example like when he was working on deregulating the way we approach infrastructure projects. I actually think he could do productive things in widdling down the size of our government and cutting out some of the over bloated bureaucracy.

I lean left on social issues but am a business owner who would like to see smaller government and a more conservative fiscal policy. I believe in honesty and integrity from our leaders so I call Trump on the massive amount of bullshit he pours down our throats. I am also critical of many on the Left as I think they are doing a piss poor job as an opposition party and setting up an even worse snowball effect for the republicans to lean on when the Dems take power. That’s more than I can say for you who I’ve never seen say a critical word about “your side” who is on this thread spreading lies about things I’ve said because you can’t win on the facts and who is promoting political partisan gameplay over fact finding.

Below are a couple threads I’ve started that defend Trump and critique the Left. You got any of these?

Again I see you doing the ol redirect trying to pivot away from the point. Nice try, but here are your links.

Kudos to Alabama and Kudos to Trump


Stop with the hyperbole

Dems be classy
Thanks for the links. To be honest, most of those links were you giving advice to the left on how to be more palatable, and your kudos for Trump were a bit backhanded and came with qualifiers. I do give you credit for them nonetheless (there's hope for you). lol

"Below are a couple threads I’ve started that defend Trump and critique the Left. You got any of these?"

The only Dem I think I've had anything positive to say about that I can think of was Manchin for voting to confirm Kavanaugh. I have criticized Republicans (the ones who act like liberals). Plenty of threads of me bashing McCain and of course all those "Republicans" (wink) on the Mueller team and in the FBI. Pointless to dig them up because I don't pretend to be non partisan. I see the left as a destructive force that needs to be defeated, not worked with. Liberal Republicans need to be defeated too. They are contributing to the destruction of our country as much as any Democrat. A leftist is a leftist whether they come with a D or an R.
I’ll give you props for giving me credit as I know that wasn’t easy for you considering how hard we battle. I personally think Trump is an embarrassment as president so it is tough to wholeheartedly support him, even when he does good things. So I’m not going to go out of my way to support him but I will call what I think honestly and he has done some good things for our country. I think many people struggle with supporting him simply because of his ego and demeanor.

I also disagree with your partisan political outlook. Conservatism needs a liberal balance and Vice Vera. Fighting an all or nothing game only leads to the ugliness we see our political system devolving into.

If we can’t work through our disagreements then we won’t move forward. If a business operated this way it wouldn’t last a year. We need to start having honest and smart conversations about issues without the spin and hyperbole that keeps the discussion at surface level petty bickering.
I don't have a problem giving credit where it's due, hence my kudos to Manchin.
I understand your dislike for Trump's personality. I wouldn't want to hang out with him either but having a President who puts his country first and is fighting as hard as he is to make us prosperous is refreshing. He's a package deal. You don't get a polished well-read politician but you do get a patriot who loves his country and is working tirelessly to make it better so I support him, warts and all.
I get what you're saying about a liberal balance but what we're seeing in the Democratic Party is not liberalism. The party has been hijacked and is now being led by extremists and thugs. Mob rule is their preferred method of dealing with their political opponents. There is no "working through disagreements" with them. If you can't see that by now you have blinders on. These people have NO business being in a position of power. They've expressed their intentions and those intentions are worse than extreme, they're insane, and if they get power they will destroy the country. Better wake up.
I actually agree with that statement for the most part. I think Trump is out for himself and not necessarily his country but that is subjective and doesn’t really matter. I do agree that the Dems are broken. I also think the Republicans are broken and guilty of the same overpoloticized antics as the Dems. I think there is virtue in all ideologies and a healthy mix to make them all work together is what we need. This team sport game that demonizes the other side is so damaging towards progress. Both sides do it this both sides are inflaming the problem. The only way to turn this around is by strong and unifying leadership, but unfortunately mudpit politics seems to be winning the day.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Thanks for the links. To be honest, most of those links were you giving advice to the left on how to be more palatable, and your kudos for Trump were a bit backhanded and came with qualifiers. I do give you credit for them nonetheless (there's hope for you). lol

"Below are a couple threads I’ve started that defend Trump and critique the Left. You got any of these?"

The only Dem I think I've had anything positive to say about that I can think of was Manchin for voting to confirm Kavanaugh. I have criticized Republicans (the ones who act like liberals). Plenty of threads of me bashing McCain and of course all those "Republicans" (wink) on the Mueller team and in the FBI. Pointless to dig them up because I don't pretend to be non partisan. I see the left as a destructive force that needs to be defeated, not worked with. Liberal Republicans need to be defeated too. They are contributing to the destruction of our country as much as any Democrat. A leftist is a leftist whether they come with a D or an R.
I’ll give you props for giving me credit as I know that wasn’t easy for you considering how hard we battle. I personally think Trump is an embarrassment as president so it is tough to wholeheartedly support him, even when he does good things. So I’m not going to go out of my way to support him but I will call what I think honestly and he has done some good things for our country. I think many people struggle with supporting him simply because of his ego and demeanor.

I also disagree with your partisan political outlook. Conservatism needs a liberal balance and Vice Vera. Fighting an all or nothing game only leads to the ugliness we see our political system devolving into.

If we can’t work through our disagreements then we won’t move forward. If a business operated this way it wouldn’t last a year. We need to start having honest and smart conversations about issues without the spin and hyperbole that keeps the discussion at surface level petty bickering.
I don't have a problem giving credit where it's due, hence my kudos to Manchin.
I understand your dislike for Trump's personality. I wouldn't want to hang out with him either but having a President who puts his country first and is fighting as hard as he is to make us prosperous is refreshing. He's a package deal. You don't get a polished well-read politician but you do get a patriot who loves his country and is working tirelessly to make it better so I support him, warts and all.
I get what you're saying about a liberal balance but what we're seeing in the Democratic Party is not liberalism. The party has been hijacked and is now being led by extremists and thugs. Mob rule is their preferred method of dealing with their political opponents. There is no "working through disagreements" with them. If you can't see that by now you have blinders on. These people have NO business being in a position of power. They've expressed their intentions and those intentions are worse than extreme, they're insane, and if they get power they will destroy the country. Better wake up.
I actually agree with that statement for the most part. I think Trump is out for himself and not necessarily his country but that is subjective and doesn’t really matter. I do agree that the Dems are broken. I also think the Republicans are broken and guilty of the same overpoloticized antics as the Dems. I think there is virtue in all ideologies and a healthy mix to make them all work together is what we need. This team sport game that demonizes the other side is so damaging towards progress. Both sides do it this both sides are inflaming the problem. The only way to turn this around is by strong and unifying leadership, but unfortunately mudpit politics seems to be winning the day.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

I’ll give you props for giving me credit as I know that wasn’t easy for you considering how hard we battle. I personally think Trump is an embarrassment as president so it is tough to wholeheartedly support him, even when he does good things. So I’m not going to go out of my way to support him but I will call what I think honestly and he has done some good things for our country. I think many people struggle with supporting him simply because of his ego and demeanor.

I also disagree with your partisan political outlook. Conservatism needs a liberal balance and Vice Vera. Fighting an all or nothing game only leads to the ugliness we see our political system devolving into.

If we can’t work through our disagreements then we won’t move forward. If a business operated this way it wouldn’t last a year. We need to start having honest and smart conversations about issues without the spin and hyperbole that keeps the discussion at surface level petty bickering.
I don't have a problem giving credit where it's due, hence my kudos to Manchin.
I understand your dislike for Trump's personality. I wouldn't want to hang out with him either but having a President who puts his country first and is fighting as hard as he is to make us prosperous is refreshing. He's a package deal. You don't get a polished well-read politician but you do get a patriot who loves his country and is working tirelessly to make it better so I support him, warts and all.
I get what you're saying about a liberal balance but what we're seeing in the Democratic Party is not liberalism. The party has been hijacked and is now being led by extremists and thugs. Mob rule is their preferred method of dealing with their political opponents. There is no "working through disagreements" with them. If you can't see that by now you have blinders on. These people have NO business being in a position of power. They've expressed their intentions and those intentions are worse than extreme, they're insane, and if they get power they will destroy the country. Better wake up.
I actually agree with that statement for the most part. I think Trump is out for himself and not necessarily his country but that is subjective and doesn’t really matter. I do agree that the Dems are broken. I also think the Republicans are broken and guilty of the same overpoloticized antics as the Dems. I think there is virtue in all ideologies and a healthy mix to make them all work together is what we need. This team sport game that demonizes the other side is so damaging towards progress. Both sides do it this both sides are inflaming the problem. The only way to turn this around is by strong and unifying leadership, but unfortunately mudpit politics seems to be winning the day.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.
I don't have a problem giving credit where it's due, hence my kudos to Manchin.
I understand your dislike for Trump's personality. I wouldn't want to hang out with him either but having a President who puts his country first and is fighting as hard as he is to make us prosperous is refreshing. He's a package deal. You don't get a polished well-read politician but you do get a patriot who loves his country and is working tirelessly to make it better so I support him, warts and all.
I get what you're saying about a liberal balance but what we're seeing in the Democratic Party is not liberalism. The party has been hijacked and is now being led by extremists and thugs. Mob rule is their preferred method of dealing with their political opponents. There is no "working through disagreements" with them. If you can't see that by now you have blinders on. These people have NO business being in a position of power. They've expressed their intentions and those intentions are worse than extreme, they're insane, and if they get power they will destroy the country. Better wake up.
I actually agree with that statement for the most part. I think Trump is out for himself and not necessarily his country but that is subjective and doesn’t really matter. I do agree that the Dems are broken. I also think the Republicans are broken and guilty of the same overpoloticized antics as the Dems. I think there is virtue in all ideologies and a healthy mix to make them all work together is what we need. This team sport game that demonizes the other side is so damaging towards progress. Both sides do it this both sides are inflaming the problem. The only way to turn this around is by strong and unifying leadership, but unfortunately mudpit politics seems to be winning the day.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.

It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

I actually agree with that statement for the most part. I think Trump is out for himself and not necessarily his country but that is subjective and doesn’t really matter. I do agree that the Dems are broken. I also think the Republicans are broken and guilty of the same overpoloticized antics as the Dems. I think there is virtue in all ideologies and a healthy mix to make them all work together is what we need. This team sport game that demonizes the other side is so damaging towards progress. Both sides do it this both sides are inflaming the problem. The only way to turn this around is by strong and unifying leadership, but unfortunately mudpit politics seems to be winning the day.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.

It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

Yup, I’m not a fan of what any of these clowns are pulling. Reps have McConnel and the freedom cock us pulling the same shit on the other side.
Slade, you don't understand. It's not about politics, it's not liberals vs conservatives. There are no liberals in the Democratic leadership, there are only leftists, and they are radicals who have no interest in working together. The left has thrown down the gauntlet and declared war. You can't say "Can't we all just get along"?. They don't want to get along, they're on the verge of all out violence and anarchy. Their LEADERS in Congress are calling for it and don't shy away from saying it. What has to happen to open your eyes?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.

It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

Yup, I’m not a fan of what any of these clowns are pulling. Reps have McConnel and the freedom cock us pulling the same shit on the other side.

Republicans are threatening people?
I agree with you in part except I don’t think it’s everybody, it’s a few loud voices on the fringe. You also can’t just point blame at the Dems. McConnel declared war on Obama’s agenda right after he started his term. They blocked a scotus nominee from getting a hearing for a year! There is plenty of blame to throw around but the tit for tat game is only gong to make things worse until an influential leader can stop it and focus on unification. We have the opposite of that now. If I’m looking at the bright side I can hope that Trump brings all the rott to the surface, including himself, so we can clean it out and elect a new wave of reprentatives who reflect stronger values. Unfortunately it appears that gutter politics is becoming the norm
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.

It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

Yup, I’m not a fan of what any of these clowns are pulling. Reps have McConnel and the freedom cock us pulling the same shit on the other side.

Republicans are threatening people?

I don’t think either is threatening people unless you’re spinning their comments out of context. Should I pull up some Trump quotes from his rallies?
Again, I don't see a willingness on the left to be civil. Hillary has stated they won't be civil until they're in power. What does that tell you? And there's this: Notice how the host doesn't challenge her, just lets her spew out the violent rhetoric?

Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.

It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

Yup, I’m not a fan of what any of these clowns are pulling. Reps have McConnel and the freedom cock us pulling the same shit on the other side.

Republicans are threatening people?

I don’t think either is threatening people unless you’re spinning their comments out of context. Should I pull up some Trump quotes from his rallies?

Do you see any mobs following Democrats around harassing them? Do you see any Democrats being shot at, stabbed, or their cars torched for having a Clinton bumper sticker on them? Are you trying to say Maxine Waters' comments are being spun out of context? Hillary's? Schumer's? Booker's? Kind of hard to make that claim when they say "Get in Congressmen's faces", or "They've got six ways from Sunday to get even with you".
Did you see any Hillary supporters treated like this, or hear any Democrats condemn it?

And you think theses people can be reasoned with?
Yeah I stopped listening to Maxine Waters after the first time I heard her speak. She is a mouthpiece and an example of what is wrong in Washington. I just wish more would ignore her and not give her the attention she wants. That goes for those on the Right that try to define all Dems by Maxine’s words. That is giving her far too much credit.
It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

Yup, I’m not a fan of what any of these clowns are pulling. Reps have McConnel and the freedom cock us pulling the same shit on the other side.

Republicans are threatening people?

I don’t think either is threatening people unless you’re spinning their comments out of context. Should I pull up some Trump quotes from his rallies?

Do you see any mobs following Democrats around harassing them? Do you see any Democrats being shot at, stabbed, or their cars torched for having a Clinton bumper sticker on them? Are you trying to say Maxine Waters' comments are being spun out of context? Hillary's? Schumer's? Booker's? Kind of hard to make that claim when they say "Get in Congressmen's faces", or "They've got six ways from Sunday to get even with you".
Did you see any Hillary supporters treated like this, or hear any Democrats condemn it?

And you think theses people can be reasoned with?

I don’t know, I’ve never spoken to them. But I have spoken to many who support both sides and most people I look in the eye and have a conversation with Can absolutely be reasoned with. Actually the only stuff I’ve noticed that trips up most conversations is all the partisan political spin stuff... the drama. When it comes to actual issues I think people are much closer than you think
It's not just Maxine, it's the entire leadership of the Dem party.

A veiled threat from Dem leader:

And this one encouraging aggression is running for President in 2020:

Yup, I’m not a fan of what any of these clowns are pulling. Reps have McConnel and the freedom cock us pulling the same shit on the other side.

Republicans are threatening people?

I don’t think either is threatening people unless you’re spinning their comments out of context. Should I pull up some Trump quotes from his rallies?

Do you see any mobs following Democrats around harassing them? Do you see any Democrats being shot at, stabbed, or their cars torched for having a Clinton bumper sticker on them? Are you trying to say Maxine Waters' comments are being spun out of context? Hillary's? Schumer's? Booker's? Kind of hard to make that claim when they say "Get in Congressmen's faces", or "They've got six ways from Sunday to get even with you".
Did you see any Hillary supporters treated like this, or hear any Democrats condemn it?

And you think theses people can be reasoned with?

I don’t know, I’ve never spoken to them. But I have spoken to many who support both sides and most people I look in the eye and have a conversation with Can absolutely be reasoned with. Actually the only stuff I’ve noticed that trips up most conversations is all the partisan political spin stuff... the drama. When it comes to actual issues I think people are much closer than you think

Tell ya what, pull up to one of their protests in a car with a Trump sticker on it and see what happens to you. See if you can reason with them.
Tell ya what, pull up to one of their protests in a car with a Trump sticker on it and see what happens to you. See if you can reason with them.

If they do resort to violence, Trump will pay their legal fees. Or so I have read.
Tell ya what, pull up to one of their protests in a car with a Trump sticker on it and see what happens to you. See if you can reason with them.

If they do resort to violence, Trump will pay their legal fees. Or so I have read.
I guess you didn't read about the leftists who DO resort to violence, huh?
Will this coordinated Deep State sabotage of Trump continue? Will Mueller try to influence the Midterm Election by way of Pre-Election Indictment Dump? What do you think?
Such a blatant attempt at voter influence could well backfire, like so much that the moonbats have tried the last number of years.....People are watching for this nonsense now.
Trump's immediate response when asked about a Russian national being charged with conspiracy to influence an American election: “It had nothing to do with my campaign. The hackers, a lot of them probably like Hillary Clinton better than me.”

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